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Winning Poems - Competition no 33: Write a poem using rhymes with a given word?

Remember Me by Spades Master

I hope someone remembers me when I die
Fighting with honor, sheer pride in my eyes
I joined the Corps, to be all I can be
I lay down my life, so that others live free

I’m a simple man, just a regular guy
For love of country, didn’t have to ask why
I followed my calling, to protect and serve
A peaceful nation, is what we deserve

Just pin my medals, across my chest
Please tell my mama, I did my best
Don’t worry ‘bout me, there’s no need to cry
I’m now one with God, there’s no goodbye


Large Arrow Right Current poetry writing competition Competition no 35 - Write a poem from the viewpoint of an animal High five
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(#5561454) Competition no 35 - Write a poem from the viewpoint of an animal
Posted by HeatherN on 13 Dec 2023 at 7:40PM
This won the vote by 9 votes to 7.

To enter you need to write a poem as if it were written by an animal.

Any style of poem is acceptable, but must not exceed 40 lines.

Any of animal can be portrayed, and the animal can be talking or musing about anything you like.

You must write in the first person - i.e. use "I" and "Me" etc and not "he" "her" etc.

Here are some examples:

A Popular Personage at Home by Thomas Hardy

‘I live here: “Wessex” is my name:
I am a dog known rather well:
I guard the house; but how that came
To be my whim I cannot tell.

‘With a leap and a heart elate I go
At the end of an hour’s expectancy
To take a walk of a mile or so
With the folk I let live here with me.

‘Along the path, amid the grass
I sniff, and find out rarest smells
For rolling over as I pass
The open fields towards the dells.

‘No doubt I shall always cross this sill,
And turn the corner, and stand steady,
Gazing back for my mistress till
She reaches where I have run already,

‘And that this meadow with its brook,
And bulrush, even as it appears
As I plunge by with hasty look,
Will stay the same a thousand years.’

Thus ‘Wessex’. But a dubious ray
At times informs his steadfast eye,
Just for a trice, as though to say,
‘Yet, will this pass, and pass shall I?’


An Old Cat's Dying Soliloquy by Anna Seward

Years saw me still Acasto’s mansion grace,
The gentlest, fondest of the tabby race;
Before him frisking through the garden glade,
Or at his feet in quiet slumber laid;
Praised for my glossy back of zebra streak,
And wreaths of jet encircling round my neck;
Soft paws that ne’er extend the clawing nail,
The snowy whisker and the sinuous tail;
Now feeble age each glazing eyeball dims,
And pain has stiffened these once supple limbs;
Fate of eight lives the forfeit gasp obtains,
And e’en the ninth creeps languid through my veins.
Much sure of good the future has in store,
When on my master’s hearth I bask no more,
In those blest climes, where fishes oft forsake
The winding river and the glassy lake;
There, as our silent-footed race behold
The crimson spots and fins of lucid gold,
Venturing without the shielding waves to play,
They gasp on shelving banks, our easy prey:
While birds unwinged hop careless o’er the ground,
And the plump mouse incessant trots around,
Near wells of cream that mortals never skim,
Warm marum creeping round their shallow brim;
Where green valerian tufts, luxuriant spread,
Cleanse the sleek hide and form the fragrant bed.
Yet, stern dispenser of the final blow,
Before thou lay’st an aged grimalkin low,
Bend to her last request a gracious ear,
Some days, some few short days, to linger here;
So to the guardian of his tabby’s weal
Shall softest purrs these tender truths reveal:
‘Ne’er shall thy now expiring puss forget
To thy kind care her long-enduring debt,
Nor shall the joys that painless realms decree
Efface the comforts once bestowed by thee;
To countless mice thy chicken-bones preferred,
Thy toast to golden fish and wingless bird;
O’er marum borders and valerian bed
Thy Selima shall bend her moping head,
Sigh that no more she climbs, with grateful glee,
Thy downy sofa and thy cradling knee;
Nay, e’en at founts of cream shall sullen swear,
Since thou, her more loved master, art not there.’


Poem by my Cat By Michael Rosen

Michael is OK
but the trouble with Michael
is that when he stands up
he doesn’t have a lap.


Try to put yourself in your chosen animal's skin. Imagine what the animal thinks, feels and how it sees its world.
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5561454Competition no 35 - Write a poem from the viewpoint of an animal HeatherN13 Dec 2023 7:40PM

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