Paraprosdokian Sentences - A Contest to Complete the sentence in the form of a Paraprosdokian sentence - Hosted by LittleTree
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Current Poll
The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with..
..detours and potholes. 23%
..Pot holes 19%
..A whole lotta dirt! 12%
..the smell of da-Feet! 8%
..Good intentions. 8%
..Yellow bricks. I'm off the see the wizard 8%
..mud 8%
..asphalt. Where do you think you're going? 4%
..Mine has bad advice 4%
..lost opportunities 4%
..Cow poop 4%
..Mis-steps and detours 0%
..Gold 0%
..just taking one day at a time 0%
26 votes ]   [ More Polls ]
A Paraprosdokian sentence is known as a figure of speech where the last part of the sentence or phrase has a surprising or unexpected ending. The last part of the sentence in this game should be as humorous ROFL! or dramatic Drama Queen as possible.

LittleTree will post the first part of a sentence and your entry will end it.

Please click REPLY for your entry instead of posting a new comment. It keeps the board in order and ensures not missing your post for the poll. One entry per contest.

If an entry should be repeated, the first entry will be used. IF, however, you decide you'd like to enter a different ending, go ahead and post it but let LittleTree know on the board with your reply and it will be used. High five

Winners, by vote, will receive 1 Goldero and a random Para token. A special bonus token will be offered as directed by the host.

(unknown photo)1(unknown photo)2(unknown photo)3(unknown photo)4(unknown photo)5(unknown photo)6 (unknown photo)7 (unknown photo)8(unknown photo)Bonus
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SubjectPosted ByDate & Time
5619637Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a Buddha26 Jul 2024 9:18AM
5619599Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a GinnyB25 Jul 2024 11:58PM
5619454Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a Heartsong25 Jul 2024 10:06AM
5619402Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a * Sassy_Angel *25 Jul 2024 4:46AM
5619204Re: Regarding The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with Poll marcmandy23 Jul 2024 9:19PM
5619193Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a PattyMac23 Jul 2024 7:21PM
5619190Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a Gameheart23 Jul 2024 6:52PM
5619166Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a fatdaddy23 Jul 2024 4:48PM
5619158Re: Regarding The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with Poll LittleTree23 Jul 2024 2:59PM
5619120Regarding The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with Poll marcmandy23 Jul 2024 2:01PM
5619111Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a z71cat23 Jul 2024 1:04PM
5619101Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a TowneKook-23 Jul 2024 12:38PM
5619090Re: Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a Trent-PA23 Jul 2024 11:56AM
5619085Without My Coffee in the Mornings I'm Like a LittleTree23 Jul 2024 10:55AM
5618907Re: Winner of If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder Trent-PA22 Jul 2024 11:53AM
5618894Winner of If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder LittleTree22 Jul 2024 11:01AM
5618182Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. dickfrank18 Jul 2024 4:47PM
5618164Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. jroyster18 Jul 2024 3:09PM
5618043Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. hoof hearted17 Jul 2024 9:27PM
5617889Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. jd9117 Jul 2024 5:51AM
5617816Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. TaUrUsRoSe16 Jul 2024 8:28PM
5617793Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. LittleTree16 Jul 2024 5:45PM
5617440Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. Buddha14 Jul 2024 9:25PM
5617394Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. fatdaddy14 Jul 2024 5:00PM
5617314Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. LittleTree14 Jul 2024 6:54AM
5616735Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. z71cat11 Jul 2024 2:44PM
5616729Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. PattyMac11 Jul 2024 2:38PM
5616723Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. Meeshamouse11 Jul 2024 2:26PM
5616641Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. * Sassy_Angel *11 Jul 2024 10:26AM
5616593Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. Trent-PA11 Jul 2024 5:32AM
5616520Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. TowneKook-10 Jul 2024 6:42PM
5616511Re: The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. PRIMETIME10 Jul 2024 5:26PM
5616502The Road to Success is Paved with Good Intentions. Mine is Paved with.. LittleTree10 Jul 2024 4:59PM
5616361Re: Winner of If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. z71cat10 Jul 2024 7:45AM
5616280Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. Jools10 Jul 2024 2:30AM
5616239Winner of If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. LittleTree9 Jul 2024 6:38PM
5616090Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. GinnyB8 Jul 2024 11:53PM
5615785Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. jroyster7 Jul 2024 1:18PM
5615754Re: Paraprosdokian Sentences LittleTree7 Jul 2024 10:08AM
5615745Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. Trent-PA7 Jul 2024 9:09AM
5615739Re: Paraprosdokian Sentences z71cat7 Jul 2024 8:33AM
5615736Paraprosdokian Sentences RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack7 Jul 2024 8:25AM
5615735Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. LittleTree7 Jul 2024 8:22AM
5615542Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. Buddha6 Jul 2024 7:20AM
5615142Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. jroyster4 Jul 2024 3:09PM
5615077Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. fatdaddy4 Jul 2024 10:37AM
5615050Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. z71cat4 Jul 2024 6:54AM
5614947Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. PRIMETIME3 Jul 2024 8:26PM
5614697Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. Trent-PA3 Jul 2024 3:45AM
5614647Re: If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. TowneKook-2 Jul 2024 9:29PM
5614628If Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.. LittleTree2 Jul 2024 6:52PM
5614569Re: Winner of Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To Trent-PA2 Jul 2024 2:28PM
5614435Winner of Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To LittleTree2 Jul 2024 6:15AM
5614362Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. hoof hearted1 Jul 2024 8:58PM
5614132Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. fatdaddy1 Jul 2024 2:17AM
5614104Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. hoof hearted30 Jun 2024 8:37PM
5613860Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. Meeshamouse29 Jun 2024 3:37PM
5613666Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. LittleTree28 Jun 2024 5:59PM
5613606Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. Lil Red28 Jun 2024 12:00PM
5613035Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. * Sassy_Angel *25 Jun 2024 1:55PM
5613010Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. Gameheart25 Jun 2024 11:20AM
5612956Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. Buddha25 Jun 2024 6:27AM
5612886Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. fatdaddy24 Jun 2024 11:58PM
5612789Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. Jools24 Jun 2024 12:36PM
5612749Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. izzy24 Jun 2024 8:04AM
5612723Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. joenrondi24 Jun 2024 4:45AM
5612666Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. Nukkle Dragger23 Jun 2024 9:07PM
5612610Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. TowneKook-23 Jun 2024 6:28PM
5612428Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. Trent-PA23 Jun 2024 1:59PM
5612391Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. z71cat23 Jun 2024 1:22PM
5612383Re: If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. PattyMac23 Jun 2024 12:58PM
5612374If You're Gonna Act a Fool, at Least.. LittleTree23 Jun 2024 12:12PM
5611644Winner of It's All Fun and Games Until LittleTree20 Jun 2024 8:51AM
5611562Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... fatdaddy19 Jun 2024 8:43PM
5611550Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... Heartsong19 Jun 2024 6:53PM
5611546Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... ladyvic19 Jun 2024 5:48PM
5611452Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... Gameheart19 Jun 2024 11:59AM
5611328Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... LittleTree18 Jun 2024 7:53PM
5610612Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... Buddha16 Jun 2024 7:00AM
5610534Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... GinnyB15 Jun 2024 11:29PM
5610501Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... LittleTree15 Jun 2024 4:50PM
5609644Re: Winner of Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless hoof hearted12 Jun 2024 10:12AM
5609634Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... PattyMac12 Jun 2024 8:32AM
5609631Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... TowneKook-12 Jun 2024 8:20AM
5609597Re: Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... Trent-PA12 Jun 2024 3:14AM
5609396Re: Winner of Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless jroyster11 Jun 2024 2:28PM
5609393Put My Pets in Another Room? Do I Ask You To... LittleTree11 Jun 2024 2:17PM
5609390Winner of Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless LittleTree11 Jun 2024 2:02PM
5609383Re: It's All Fun and Games Until PRIMETIME11 Jun 2024 1:33PM
5608141Re: It's All Fun and Games Until GinnyB5 Jun 2024 10:24PM
5608084Re: It's All Fun and Games Until LittleTree5 Jun 2024 5:29PM
5607815Re: It's All Fun and Games Until hoof hearted4 Jun 2024 4:18PM
5607514Re: It's All Fun and Games Until Lil Red3 Jun 2024 1:04PM
5607498Re: It's All Fun and Games Until Meeshamouse3 Jun 2024 11:04AM
5607462Re: It's All Fun and Games Until Buddha3 Jun 2024 7:23AM
5607437Re: It's All Fun and Games Until joenrondi3 Jun 2024 4:42AM
5607405Re: It's All Fun and Games Until Gameheart2 Jun 2024 9:34PM
5607273Re: It's All Fun and Games Until z71cat2 Jun 2024 7:35AM
5607265Re: It's All Fun and Games Until Trent-PA2 Jun 2024 7:00AM
5607249Re: It's All Fun and Games Until RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack2 Jun 2024 5:36AM
5607247Re: It's All Fun and Games Until Heartsong2 Jun 2024 5:27AM
5607234Re: It's All Fun and Games Until PattyMac2 Jun 2024 3:59AM
5607205Re: It's All Fun and Games Until fatdaddy1 Jun 2024 10:40PM
5607203Re: It's All Fun and Games Until TowneKook-1 Jun 2024 9:28PM
5607198It's All Fun and Games Until LittleTree1 Jun 2024 7:52PM
5606227Re: Winner of Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and marcmandy28 May 2024 8:50PM
5606221Re: Winner of Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and hoof hearted28 May 2024 8:42PM
5606180Winner of Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and LittleTree28 May 2024 6:16PM
5605118Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless joenrondi24 May 2024 5:43AM
5604986Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack23 May 2024 1:52PM
5604658Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless fatdaddy22 May 2024 6:12AM
5604464Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless * Sassy_Angel *21 May 2024 10:09AM
5604441Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless z71cat21 May 2024 7:28AM
5604408Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless Gameheart21 May 2024 6:00AM
5604407Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless jd9121 May 2024 5:59AM
5604384Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless Trent-PA21 May 2024 3:37AM
5604322Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless TowneKook-20 May 2024 7:10PM
5604321Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless jroyster20 May 2024 6:55PM
5604189Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless hoof hearted20 May 2024 12:02PM
5604173Re: Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless PattyMac20 May 2024 10:47AM
5604162Age is Something That Doesn't Matter, Unless LittleTree20 May 2024 9:41AM
5604087Re: Winner of Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying ladyvic20 May 2024 5:56AM
5603954Poll is Up LittleTree19 May 2024 6:46PM
5603944Winner of Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying LittleTree19 May 2024 6:25PM
5603612Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. fatdaddy18 May 2024 6:00PM
5603450Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. Heartsong18 May 2024 8:02AM
5603332Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. fatdaddy17 May 2024 10:04PM
5603306Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. TowneKook-17 May 2024 6:15PM
5603252Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. z71cat17 May 2024 12:41PM
5603229Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. Lil Red17 May 2024 11:19AM
5603223Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. Trent-PA17 May 2024 11:03AM
5603221Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. * Sassy_Angel *17 May 2024 11:01AM
5603182Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. LittleTree17 May 2024 8:49AM
5603175Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. Jools17 May 2024 7:14AM
5603054Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. fatdaddy16 May 2024 5:30PM
5603032Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. marcmandy16 May 2024 4:20PM
5603017Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. Gameheart16 May 2024 2:34PM
5602981Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and.. LittleTree16 May 2024 10:50AM
5602418Re: Winner of Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty Jools14 May 2024 12:17PM
5602105Winner of Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty LittleTree13 May 2024 10:57AM
5601692Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying Heartsong11 May 2024 6:49PM
5601632Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying jroyster11 May 2024 3:03PM
5601608Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying Meeshamouse11 May 2024 2:10PM
5601458Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying GinnyB10 May 2024 11:38PM
5601357Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying Buddha10 May 2024 12:50PM
5601356Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying Lil Red10 May 2024 12:44PM
5601353Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying ladyvic10 May 2024 12:04PM
5601293Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying Buddha10 May 2024 5:19AM
5601243Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying PRIMETIME9 May 2024 10:43PM
5601242Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying fatdaddy9 May 2024 10:25PM
5601198Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying * Sassy_Angel *9 May 2024 4:03PM
5601195Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying Trent-PA9 May 2024 3:39PM
5601148Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying Gameheart9 May 2024 2:18PM
5601135Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying Jools9 May 2024 1:30PM
5601133Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying z71cat9 May 2024 1:07PM
5601132Re: Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying TowneKook-9 May 2024 12:56PM
5601102Instead of 'Have a Nicei Day,' I think I'll Start Saying LittleTree9 May 2024 9:23AM
5601087Winner of If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning LittleTree9 May 2024 7:13AM
5600705Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... jd918 May 2024 1:58AM
5600659Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... fatdaddy7 May 2024 6:17PM
5600639Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... PattyMac7 May 2024 4:53PM
5600607Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... hoof hearted7 May 2024 3:47PM
5600032Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... Arystarq4 May 2024 10:21PM
5599975Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... Meeshamouse4 May 2024 2:58PM
5599773Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... TowneKook-3 May 2024 4:46PM
5599706Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... Lil Red3 May 2024 10:15AM
5599699Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... LittleTree3 May 2024 9:24AM
5599240Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... Gameheart1 May 2024 9:03AM
5599174Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... Trent-PA1 May 2024 3:45AM
5599064Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... Buddha30 Apr 2024 1:43PM
5599051Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... dickfrank30 Apr 2024 12:45PM
5599042Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... * Sassy_Angel *30 Apr 2024 11:36AM
5598942Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... GinnyB29 Apr 2024 11:40PM
5598903Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... fatdaddy29 Apr 2024 4:19PM
5598826Re: Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... Jools29 Apr 2024 10:41AM
5598703Cinderella Kissed a Feller, Sleeping Beauty... LittleTree28 Apr 2024 5:13PM
5598675Re: Winner of My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just hoof hearted28 Apr 2024 3:19PM
5598575Re: Winner of My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Lil Red28 Apr 2024 10:24AM
5598546Re: Winner of My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just z71cat28 Apr 2024 6:48AM
5598471Winner of My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just LittleTree27 Apr 2024 6:03PM
5598384Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. LittleTree27 Apr 2024 10:35AM
5598195Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. LittleTree26 Apr 2024 6:15PM
5597498Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. Gameheart23 Apr 2024 11:18AM
5597468Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. hoof hearted23 Apr 2024 8:59AM
5597394Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. GinnyB23 Apr 2024 1:45AM
5597384Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. thebodywall22 Apr 2024 11:25PM
5597270Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. Buddha22 Apr 2024 12:54PM
5597249Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. Jools22 Apr 2024 10:32AM
5597236Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. fatdaddy22 Apr 2024 8:40AM
5597073Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. PattyMac21 Apr 2024 5:00PM
5597065Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. PRIMETIME21 Apr 2024 4:12PM
5597056Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. TowneKook-21 Apr 2024 3:20PM
5597023Re: If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. Trent-PA21 Apr 2024 12:17PM
5597005If You're Gonna Do Something Tonight You'll Be Sorry For in the Morning.. LittleTree21 Apr 2024 11:07AM
5595873Re: Winner of If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't.. hoof hearted16 Apr 2024 12:03PM
5595811Winner of If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't.. LittleTree16 Apr 2024 9:44AM
5595097Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop * Sassy_Angel *13 Apr 2024 12:20PM
5594922Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop hoof hearted12 Apr 2024 9:55PM
5594747Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop Trent-PA12 Apr 2024 4:00AM
5594669Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop Jools11 Apr 2024 2:45PM
5594603Re: Winner of My Memory is So Bad hoof hearted11 Apr 2024 2:00PM
5594600Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop PattyMac11 Apr 2024 1:57PM
5594597Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop TowneKook-11 Apr 2024 1:38PM
5594580Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop Gameheart11 Apr 2024 12:10PM
5594573Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop jd9111 Apr 2024 11:28AM
5594572Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop z71cat11 Apr 2024 11:27AM
5594562Re: My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop Lil Red11 Apr 2024 9:51AM
5594533My Teacher Told Me I Had Potential if I Would Just Stop LittleTree11 Apr 2024 7:07AM
5594414Winner of My Memory is So Bad LittleTree10 Apr 2024 5:22PM
5594203Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... fatdaddy10 Apr 2024 1:13AM
5594196Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... GinnyB9 Apr 2024 11:36PM
5594051Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... LittleTree9 Apr 2024 8:54AM
5593635Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... marcmandy7 Apr 2024 2:28PM
5593305Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... LittleTree6 Apr 2024 7:39AM
5593266Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... Big Giant Head6 Apr 2024 4:01AM
5593157Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... izzy5 Apr 2024 4:10PM
5593155Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... LittleTree5 Apr 2024 4:08PM
5593149Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... dickfrank5 Apr 2024 2:51PM
5593122Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... * Sassy_Angel *5 Apr 2024 12:51PM
5593096Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... PattyMac5 Apr 2024 8:34AM
5592960Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... TowneKook-4 Apr 2024 4:50PM
5592937Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... Jools4 Apr 2024 2:07PM
5592917Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... Gameheart4 Apr 2024 12:42PM
5592914Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... hoof hearted4 Apr 2024 12:36PM
5592900Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... Trent-PA4 Apr 2024 11:58AM
5592892Re: If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... z71cat4 Apr 2024 11:38AM
5592874If You've Got It, Flaunt It. If You Don't... LittleTree4 Apr 2024 10:06AM
5592722Re: Winner of I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born: Day 1 Heartsong3 Apr 2024 7:32PM
5592368Re: Winner of I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born: Day 1 fatdaddy2 Apr 2024 1:44PM
5592178Winner of I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born: Day 1 LittleTree1 Apr 2024 6:34PM
5591086Re: My Memory is So Bad PRIMETIME29 Mar 2024 5:29AM
5590961Re: My Memory is So Bad LittleTree28 Mar 2024 6:27PM
5590157Re: My Memory is So Bad hoof hearted25 Mar 2024 5:20PM
5590155Re: My Memory is So Bad hoof hearted25 Mar 2024 5:09PM
5589988Re: My Memory is So Bad Trent-PA25 Mar 2024 3:57AM
5589929Re: My Memory is So Bad Gameheart24 Mar 2024 6:26PM
5589893Re: My Memory is So Bad TowneKook-24 Mar 2024 5:20PM
5589875Re: My Memory is So Bad Jools24 Mar 2024 3:19PM
5589838Re: My Memory is So Bad PattyMac24 Mar 2024 1:52PM
5589828Re: My Memory is So Bad fatdaddy24 Mar 2024 1:30PM
5589742My Memory is So Bad LittleTree24 Mar 2024 7:51AM
5588973Winner of Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and LittleTree21 Mar 2024 7:46AM
5588857Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... Buddha20 Mar 2024 11:08PM
5588786Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... **Lover of Darkness**20 Mar 2024 2:37PM
5588260Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... fatdaddy18 Mar 2024 11:07AM
5587924Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... LittleTree17 Mar 2024 12:30PM
5587919Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... jroyster17 Mar 2024 12:04PM
5587869Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... Heartsong17 Mar 2024 5:39AM
5587866Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... Clem361017 Mar 2024 5:14AM
5587865Re: Day 1 Gameheart17 Mar 2024 5:08AM
5587857Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... Trent-PA17 Mar 2024 4:16AM
5587494Day 1 Bullets9mm15 Mar 2024 10:42AM
5587491Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... Jools15 Mar 2024 10:18AM
5587482Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... * Sassy_Angel *15 Mar 2024 9:38AM
5587476Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... TowneKook-15 Mar 2024 9:28AM
5587473Re: I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... z71cat15 Mar 2024 9:09AM
5587467I Kept a Diary Right After Being Born. Day 1.... LittleTree15 Mar 2024 8:54AM
5587190Re: Winner of Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me Lil Red14 Mar 2024 10:19AM
5587057Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and * Sassy_Angel *13 Mar 2024 6:01PM
5587050Winner of Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me LittleTree13 Mar 2024 4:51PM
5587006Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and Buddha13 Mar 2024 11:26AM
5586804Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and marcmandy12 Mar 2024 3:04PM
5586613Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and GinnyB11 Mar 2024 11:37PM
5586611Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and fatdaddy11 Mar 2024 10:49PM
5586594Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and thebodywall11 Mar 2024 7:59PM
5586265Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and JanuarySnowAngel10 Mar 2024 12:03PM
5585842Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and GinnyB8 Mar 2024 11:23PM
5585761Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and jroyster8 Mar 2024 11:14AM
5585753Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and **Lover of Darkness**8 Mar 2024 10:44AM
5585639Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and Jools7 Mar 2024 10:27PM
5585606Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and TowneKook-7 Mar 2024 5:29PM
5585603Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and Sundrop kid7 Mar 2024 4:57PM
5585584Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and Heartsong7 Mar 2024 3:43PM
5585566Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and z71cat7 Mar 2024 2:47PM
5585557Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and Meeshamouse7 Mar 2024 2:39PM
5585513Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and Gameheart7 Mar 2024 10:48AM
5585502Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and PattyMac7 Mar 2024 9:14AM
5585501Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and Trent-PA7 Mar 2024 9:08AM
5585496Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and LittleTree7 Mar 2024 8:55AM
5585493Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and izzy7 Mar 2024 8:50AM
5585491Re: Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and TaUrUsRoSe7 Mar 2024 8:42AM
5585488Nothing is Certain But Death, Taxes and LittleTree7 Mar 2024 8:30AM
5585484Re: Winner of You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You Trent-PA7 Mar 2024 8:05AM
5585482Winner of You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You LittleTree7 Mar 2024 7:55AM
5585350Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me LittleTree6 Mar 2024 6:46PM
5584256Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me Gameheart2 Mar 2024 8:02AM
5584064Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me Heartsong1 Mar 2024 3:54PM
5583896Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me Trent-PA1 Mar 2024 3:23AM
5583817Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me PattyMac29 Feb 2024 5:47PM
5583816Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me TowneKook-29 Feb 2024 5:31PM
5583806Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me Clem361029 Feb 2024 4:13PM
5583803Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me **Lover of Darkness**29 Feb 2024 3:32PM
5583766Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me z71cat29 Feb 2024 1:10PM
5583765Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me * Sassy_Angel *29 Feb 2024 12:56PM
5583752Re: Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me Lil Red29 Feb 2024 11:03AM
5583746Young Man, You Have 10 Seconds to Tell Me LittleTree29 Feb 2024 10:05AM
5583295Re: Winner of Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just TaUrUsRoSe27 Feb 2024 2:27PM
5583292Re: Winner of Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just Lil Red27 Feb 2024 2:23PM
5583245Re: Winner of Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just TaUrUsRoSe27 Feb 2024 12:32PM
5583239Winner of Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just LittleTree27 Feb 2024 12:11PM
5583118Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You GinnyB26 Feb 2024 11:25PM
5582842Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You fatdaddy26 Feb 2024 1:35AM
5582510Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You **Lover of Darkness**24 Feb 2024 6:51PM
5582467Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You Gameheart24 Feb 2024 3:45PM
5581771Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You TowneKook-23 Feb 2024 5:53PM
5581759Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You jroyster23 Feb 2024 4:31PM
5581717Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You * Sassy_Angel *23 Feb 2024 1:41PM
5581644Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You Sundrop kid23 Feb 2024 9:05AM
5581636Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You PattyMac23 Feb 2024 7:49AM
5581598Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You Jools23 Feb 2024 3:22AM
5581597Re: You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You Trent-PA23 Feb 2024 3:15AM
5581417You Know You're in Trouble When Your Neighbor Calls and Tells You LittleTree22 Feb 2024 10:12AM
5581375Re: Winner of That Moment When You Realize TowneKook-22 Feb 2024 6:13AM
5581310Re: Winner of That Moment When You Realize * Sassy_Angel *22 Feb 2024 12:02AM
5581284Winner of That Moment When You Realize LittleTree21 Feb 2024 6:33PM
5580835Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just JanuarySnowAngel20 Feb 2024 6:50AM
5580667Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just Big Giant Head19 Feb 2024 1:34PM
5580664Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just Lil Red19 Feb 2024 1:01PM
5580655Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just Meeshamouse19 Feb 2024 12:48PM
5580652Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just z71cat19 Feb 2024 12:30PM
5580644Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just Trent-PA19 Feb 2024 12:03PM
5580479Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just fatdaddy18 Feb 2024 6:34PM
5580238Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just **Lover of Darkness**17 Feb 2024 8:12PM
5580208Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just TowneKook-17 Feb 2024 5:41PM
5580117Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just PattyMac17 Feb 2024 11:29AM
5580113Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just Gameheart17 Feb 2024 11:09AM
5580074Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just * Sassy_Angel *17 Feb 2024 8:18AM
5580013Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just Clem361017 Feb 2024 3:37AM
5579983Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just Jools17 Feb 2024 2:20AM
5579972Re: Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just TaUrUsRoSe16 Feb 2024 9:10PM
5579967Sometimes I Get Road Rage Just LittleTree16 Feb 2024 8:00PM
5579831Re: That Moment When You Realize jroyster16 Feb 2024 7:57AM
5579696Re: That Moment When You Realize hoof hearted15 Feb 2024 7:36PM
5579616Re: That Moment When You Realize Sundrop kid15 Feb 2024 2:29PM
5579563Winner of The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows LittleTree15 Feb 2024 11:17AM
5579398Re: That Moment When You Realize GinnyB15 Feb 2024 12:06AM
5579251Re: That Moment When You Realize izzy14 Feb 2024 1:50PM
5579248Re: That Moment When You Realize **Lover of Darkness**14 Feb 2024 1:26PM
5579062Re: That Moment When You Realize PattyMac13 Feb 2024 3:12PM
5578985Re: That Moment When You Realize Heartsong13 Feb 2024 7:05AM
5578892Re: That Moment When You Realize LittleTree12 Feb 2024 8:28PM
5578784Re: That Moment When You Realize hoof hearted12 Feb 2024 9:13AM
5578172Re: That Moment When You Realize PRIMETIME9 Feb 2024 9:16PM
5578153Re: That Moment When You Realize TowneKook-9 Feb 2024 6:40PM
5578086Re: That Moment When You Realize z71cat9 Feb 2024 1:12PM
5578084Re: That Moment When You Realize * Sassy_Angel *9 Feb 2024 12:58PM
5578047Re: That Moment When You Realize Clem36109 Feb 2024 8:11AM
5578035Re: That Moment When You Realize Gameheart9 Feb 2024 6:46AM
5578030Re: That Moment When You Realize Big Giant Head9 Feb 2024 6:03AM
5578022Re: That Moment When You Realize jd919 Feb 2024 5:33AM
5578005Re: That Moment When You Realize Trent-PA9 Feb 2024 4:11AM
5577965Re: That Moment When You Realize Jools9 Feb 2024 1:37AM
5577919Re: That Moment When You Realize TaUrUsRoSe8 Feb 2024 6:34PM
5577911That Moment When You Realize LittleTree8 Feb 2024 5:52PM
5577908Winner of I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than LittleTree8 Feb 2024 5:33PM
5577288Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus joenrondi6 Feb 2024 9:57AM
5577285Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus jd916 Feb 2024 9:34AM
5577284Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus Buddha6 Feb 2024 9:31AM
5577025Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus Meeshamouse5 Feb 2024 12:16PM
5576862Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus **Lover of Darkness**4 Feb 2024 5:38PM
5576861Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus TowneKook-4 Feb 2024 5:20PM
5576806Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus LittleTree4 Feb 2024 12:53PM
5576466Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus Trent-PA3 Feb 2024 5:24AM
5576394Re: Winner of I HAD All My Ducks in a Row TowneKook-2 Feb 2024 7:42PM
5576364Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus jroyster2 Feb 2024 4:07PM
5576344Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus Gameheart2 Feb 2024 3:09PM
5576299Re: The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus Jools2 Feb 2024 8:26AM
5576298The True Nature of a Human Being Clearly Shows - Second Place Winner to Receive Bonus LittleTree2 Feb 2024 8:04AM
5576296Winner of I HAD All My Ducks in a Row LittleTree2 Feb 2024 7:41AM
5576175Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than LittleTree1 Feb 2024 6:24PM
5575620Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than GinnyB30 Jan 2024 11:56PM
5575451Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than joenrondi30 Jan 2024 7:41AM
5575422Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than Trent-PA30 Jan 2024 3:48AM
5575358Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than **Lover of Darkness**29 Jan 2024 10:53PM
5575334Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than Buddha29 Jan 2024 8:37PM
5575177Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than Sundrop kid29 Jan 2024 6:24AM
5575170Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than Heartsong29 Jan 2024 5:41AM
5575083Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than Gameheart28 Jan 2024 4:47PM
5575014Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than TowneKook-28 Jan 2024 12:04PM
5575011Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than Sundrop kid28 Jan 2024 11:44AM
5575010Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than * Sassy_Angel *28 Jan 2024 11:36AM
5575003Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than ladyvic28 Jan 2024 11:25AM
5574997Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than ladyvic28 Jan 2024 11:17AM
5574995Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack28 Jan 2024 11:15AM
5574980Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than PattyMac28 Jan 2024 10:30AM
5574968Re: I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than TaUrUsRoSe28 Jan 2024 8:39AM
5574965I Get Kids Confused When I Tell Them I'm Older Than LittleTree28 Jan 2024 8:36AM

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