Poetry Corner - Original works by GoldToken members. Hosted by HeatherN
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Winning Poems - Competition no 33: Write a poem using rhymes with a given word?

Remember Me by Spades Master

I hope someone remembers me when I die
Fighting with honor, sheer pride in my eyes
I joined the Corps, to be all I can be
I lay down my life, so that others live free

I’m a simple man, just a regular guy
For love of country, didn’t have to ask why
I followed my calling, to protect and serve
A peaceful nation, is what we deserve

Just pin my medals, across my chest
Please tell my mama, I did my best
Don’t worry ‘bout me, there’s no need to cry
I’m now one with God, there’s no goodbye


Large Arrow Right Current poetry writing competition Competition no 35 - Write a poem from the viewpoint of an animal High five
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(#5558929) That wonderful day
Posted by junelee on 6 Dec 2023 at 8:14AM
It's that time of year
Someone done turn off the heat
Rain turn solid
Turning the world white
The kids are marching off to school
The house stays clean till they return
Halloween and Thanksgiving have come and gone
It is time to rush out shopping
Put up some lights
Put up a tree
Trim it up
So it looks like nothing in nature
But more like a fairly tale
Now wrap the gifts
Oh so neat
Under the tree they go
Everyone wondering what they will get
Listening to songs of Christmas
Trying to forget the horrors out there
But soon the cooking starts
The house will be filled with family
They come far away
The kids act so nice
For they believe the fat man knows
Once a normal house
Is turn into a show place
The lights
The smells
Up early
But not off to work
For this is the day we waited for
Family and friends are here
Oh how we waited all year
For this day
We are all kids
Eating treats
Eating great food
All getting our fill
Opening gifts
The once wonderland of the house
Is turn into a dump
I shall clean tomorrow
But this only comes around once
And I am thankful
We met at someone's else house next year

June Lee A.2023
div>Replies to this message:
SubjectPosted ByDate & Time
5561444Re: That wonderful day HeatherN13 Dec 2023 6:43PM
5558929That wonderful day junelee6 Dec 2023 8:14AM

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