Nuggets in category: Hangman
There are 10 Nuggets in this category. You can read individual Nuggets by clicking on the desired title. You can sort the list by clicking on the desired header. You can also return to the category list, search for Nuggets, go to your gamesheet, or write a new Nugget.
Letter Frequency in the English languagemarcmandy24 Jun at 7:56PM512 ( +11, -1 )
A tip for immediate feedback on the correctness or incorrectness of your guess.marcmandy24 Jun at 7:48PM48 ( +7, -1 )
Look at your opponents movesRed Panda14 Aug at 11:44PM310 ( +9, -1 )
use the tools availablepegasiswolf21 Mar at 11:43AM314 ( +12, -2 )
Hanging DicemanRed Panda28 Nov at 12:08AM23 ( +2, -1 )
Locating Lists for the Thematic Hangman games.marcmandy26 Oct at 9:30AM210
Using the Notes Box to your advantage in Hangmanmarcmandy24 Jun at 7:52PM212 ( +11, -1 )
GREAT GAMEblujckfan23 Jun at 7:04AM112 ( +6, -6 )
Tips for Kickback Thematic Hangman - 5000 US Cities listPegasus6 Jul at 1:02PM11
To E or not to ERed Panda28 Jan at 6:41PM111 ( +8, -3 )