To E or not to E

This Nugget has been written by Red Panda on 28 Jan at 6:41PM

Category: Hangman

That is the question
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take R's against a C of troubles,

Enough Shakespeare,

Lets talk about Thematic Hangman

E is the most common letter and from the distribution you are likely to get a hit more often than any other word, so most players try to guess E early in the game

This is in fact a tactical error.

You have 11 wrong guesses, and generally even the best players need 4 or 5 guesses to get the words

Consider what happens if you guess E

if there is a 3 letter word and the third letter is guessed with your E, I would be assuming it was THE.. I would therefore assume any T or H guessed in future

if there was a 2 letter word and you gussed the 2nd letter... BE HE ME WE .. so depending where the 2 letter word was, I would guess that word

also, if you guessed the third last and last letters of the word, ---?-? i would assume that it was most likely e

similarly if you have a pair of letters in the middle of the word, -??- i would assume it was an e or an o .. and focus on trying to guess that

In short, E is common, but it also gives away a lot.... so don't be obvious and dont necessarily guess E as your first guess

by the third word, I will know the answer whether you are an E or not an E , so unless you vary your pattern you will be E-Silly my next victory
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Multiword Phrases list

Posted on 26 Aug at 2:30PM by Nina

Where can I find this list for hangman?