September 2010

GoldToken's Monthly News

Mecir was extra busy throughout August, with a number of site wide improvements:
  • To make GoldToken a better place for the players who are interested in a more competitive style of play, you will now find a new option in your General Preferences - Block loss-of-turn invitations. If enabled, you will still see invitations to loss-of-turn games as usual, but you will not be able to accept them. This should prevent situations where people would accidentally accept games with this type of penalty, despite not wanting to play in this way. This only works for friendly game invitations - ladder and tournament games are always played with the loss-of-game penalty.
  • Blog writers will find that they can now mark each blog entry as private or semi-private. Private entries will only be readable by the blog owner, while semi-private entries will be readable by the blog owners and his or her chums.
  • The addition of Rummikub! Rummikub is a game similar to the Rummy card games, but it is played with numbered tiles and has some other differences as well. In addition to the main game, a variant called American Rummikub is also available, with a slightly different (and more dynamic set of rules). Be sure to send big Thank you to marcmandy for his excellent graphic artwork for this game!
  • Two great new games - Chinese Chess (Xiangqi) and Korean Chess (Janggi). These games aren't very well known in the U.S. and Europe, but they are amongst the most popular games in Asia. My first lame attempt at graphics lol. Not perfect, but they will do. Laughing
  • Fives and Threes Domino players will find that they now have a scoring board for the showing their score! The board is very similar to the one used in Cribbage games and owes it's thanks to both firefly and marcmandy.
Don't forget to sent Mecir your Thanks for all his hard work! Without him, we would not have these lovely site imporvements! V

Thanks written on a blackboard to teawoman for her apt suggestion, we have added a quick and easy discussion board to post when you are going to be away for a bit, the Time Away? DB is open for everyone, including guests, but is strictly limited to posting when you will be away.

GoldToken's "Best summertime recipe" winner is Trumpet player rightDrumming Drumming Peanut Butter Pie Submitted by kjmom Trumpet player left Dancing The recipe contest was such a huge success, that we have decided to run one each month. Read below for detailed information. High five

It's time to get ready for GoldToken's 2010 Olympics! The Olympiads Club is now open for sign up to all interested players. Hurry, as time is limited! Players in The Olympiads Club will be assigned to their prospective Olympic teams by October 10th. GoldToken's 2010 Olympic games will begin December 6th. Sorry, you must have a silver membership to do so. If that is a problem for you, please contact me personally, and we will work something out. Grinning

As a webmaster, I am always working to better GoldToken, but it is not entirely up to me. Rather, a great part is up to players to make themselves a part of things, to join in the warm personality of GoldToken. The best thing we can do as a whole to keep GoldToken special, is create the gaming environment our GoldToken family wants. lol....I don't know why more sites haven't figured that out....if you only do what makes you happy, then you are going to be mighty lonely. We have an incredible group of players here. Which means GoldToken is only limited by the time it takes to code and the ability of that code to make things work. Hugging It's not just me, but all of us. GoldToken was made a better place the day you joined! Doesn't it make you feel good to know, that you are a wonderful part of that family? hahahaha...that sounds so smarmy, but it is so true!

Your smarmy gaming webmaster,


In this month's newsletter, we have:
  • Birthdays & Special Announcements
  • Player Appreciation
  • Special Message From Catcher211
  • Game Of The Month
  • Best Recipe Contest
  • Testimonial Of The Month
  • Tournament News

Birthday cakeBirthdays & Special AnnouncementsOffering gift

Birthday Wishes:

-- Happy Birthday to Little Angel on September 1st! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to kiwiyeti on September 2nd! - From The Friendship Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to nanners on September 3rd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Sushi Warrior on September 3rd! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Megababe on September 3rd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to BlueEyedGoddess OTWP on September 3rd! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to ken on September 7th! - From your wife nadia maria Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Deb - From { Club } on September 7th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Hamsarnie on September 8th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Rosesncards on September 8th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Nargada on September 10th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to cdc11 on September 11th! - From { Club }, The Backgammon Tournament Club and { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to dustmuffin on September 12th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Brendans Grandmom on September 13th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to China_Blue on September 13th! From The MasterClass Club Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to VBeginner on September 13th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Bluejay on September 14th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Donald on September 15th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Philliesfan 915 on September 15th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to NEUROTIKA on September 16th! - From { Club } and { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to babken on September 18th! From The Backgammon Tournament Club and The MasterClass Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to BILLYBILL on September 18th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Carol91859 on September 18th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Grover on September 20th! - From { Club }, { Club }, { Club } and The Friendship Club Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Blue Warrior on September 21st! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to jgbrunelle on September 22nd! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to lorrilee on September 22nd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to marybryant90 on September 24th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Moms Danny Boy on September 24th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Nicodemus on September 25th! - From The MasterClass Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to rockdude on September 25th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to nisqually on September 26th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to bomoan on September 26th! - From { Club } and { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Ana on September 26th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to jaro70 on September 26th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Oh No Mr Bill on September 27th! - From { Club } and The Backgammon Tournament Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Vern on September 28th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Freddie on September 28th! - From { Club } Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to nadia maria on September 29th! - From The Friendship Club, { Club }, The Renegades Gaming Club and Lorraine of the Renegades Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Silkwood on September 29th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to JTOhio on September 30th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to sweetblue on September 30th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to hoot on September 30th! From { Club } Offering flower

Anniversary & Other Wishes:

-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom goes out to sallyp and her husband on September 1st!

-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom goes out to Gail_M and her husband on September 2nd!

-- Happy 36th Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom goes out to nightingale and her husband on September 6th!

-- Happy 46th Wedding Anniversary goes out to GeorgiasGrandad and his wife, Margaret on September 29th!

-- Happy 2Oth Wedding Anniversary goes out to ken and his wife nadia maria on September 29th!

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken Support a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, can not be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)

**Player* Appreciation*

This month GOLDTOKEN would like to send out a Thanks written on a blackboard to Player:


The very first time I played online games was through an interactive game, "Trivial Pursuit" offered through Sony. When my children were living at home I would also "coax" them into playing cards and board games with me. But then they started to become adults and leave home. So my oldest daughter hooked me up with Trivial Pursuit Online. I LOVED this game. You could choose your own avatar and talk to your opponents while playing. I was hooked on this game! Then they canceled it and I was lost without my games. I started here at GT eight years ago, referred by a friend I played with at IYT. I have met some wonderful people from here - made some great and lasting friendships. Smiling Other great GT friends are far away, but I hope to meet them some day too.

I work full time in the education field and am also working on my MFA in writing. ( I enjoy writing fiction. ) I am a very proud mother of four children, ages 24 to 30, and my two grandchildren ( ages 2 and 3 ) with my third on the way, due in January. Pushing baby stroller I also have two very large black labs who lay at my feet whenever I'm playing here at GT. Smiling My favorite games are the word games and card games.

Special Message From CATCHER211

•*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*• •*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*• •*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*•

Since we had such a huge success back in May, we decided to run another icon special for the month of SEPTEMBER.

Players who have a Silver Offer silver token or Wood Offer wood token membership are welcome to try a free 3O day name icon adoption. Looking cool

We have some new icons to check out on Name Icons. When you find one you like, post your request on Icon Mania. Grinning

Once an Icon is chosen, you will be able to keep it for 3O days. We will not be able to change a request once it has been made, but you will be allowed to keep your icon for the full 3O days even if you request it on September 25th! Thumbs up

Have fun and if you have any questions please contact GoldToken Support

•*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*• •*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*• •*´¯`*•.¸ .. ¥ .. ¸.•*´¯`*•

Game Of The Month

Septembers game of the month is Pente. Pente is a fun board game that is easy to learn. A strategy board game created in 1977 by Gary Gabrel, Pente is an Americanized version of the Japanese game ninuki-renju, a variant of renju and gomoku which is played on a Go board of 19 x 19 intersections with white and black stones. Best of all, anyone can figure it out and play a game in five minutes on GoldToken's HTH system. Join Badger by signing up today for The September 2010 Game of the Month - Pente Tournament Have fun

GoldToken's Game of the Month is intended to reintroduce and remind players of some of the special games we have on GoldToken. In doing so, we are running a Game of the Month - Double Elimination Tournament open for everyone with a 5 Golderos prize to the winner.

Best Recipe Contest

Augusts winner is:

Peanut Butter Pie

Submitted by kjmom Dancing
1 egg or 2 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
1\4 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
1\2 cup peanut butter
1 1\2 tablespoons flour
1\2 teaspoon vanilla
1 9'inch pie shell

Mix in a sauce pan egg, sugar, salt, milk, flour
peanut butter, and vanilla. Cook till bubbly and
pour in pie shell. Let cool and serve.
( once cooled it will thinkin. )

Try putting these in or on the pie
Cool Whip, Chocolate chips, Peanuts
finely chopped up, peanut butter chips

GoldToken's Best Summertime Recipe Winner will recieve a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big Congratulations to kjmom! Dancing

September's recipe contest is: "Surf and Turf" (including vegetarian versions). The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
  • Entries must be posted by the recipe guardian/creator on the Cutting Board DB.
  • Recipe must be original and have never been posted on the Cutting Board DB before.
  • Deadline for all entries is midnight PST September 30th, 2010.
Good luck Winner will be chosen via a poll on the Cutting Board DB, and announced in the October 2010 newsletter.

Testimonial Of The Month
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players

I became a member of GoldToken over 6 years ago. I played as a guest for a good part of that time. I have enjoyed playing on the site, the games and the other members I have played against ( some are friends from afar ). A couple of years ago I was given a free Silver membership which I really enjoyed. I renewed the Silver membership to play the increased games I obtained with that membership.

I was asked to join a club after entering the Olympics which I did, The Olympiads Club. I found that joining a club gave me the chance to do some of the things I like doing, which is setting up tournaments. Smiling I increased my membership to Gold and found the club I had joined needed some new ideas for Tourneys. I was soon made an officer of the club and since being promoted, my enjoyment of playing and helping my club on GoldToken is always increasing.

Thank you for this great site!


Tournament News
Brought to you by: The Tournament Team

GoldToken would like to send a big *CONGRATULATIONS out to all our recent tournament winners!!!*


  • Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken Support your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you! Smiling
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **

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