June 2016

(unknown photo)

  • Win a Custom Made Name Icon to Your Specifications

To coincide with GoldToken's annual Club of the Year award, we now have two new GoldToken holidays, The Club Day and Club Presidents Day! However, we are going to have a little fun by not telling you what day either one is, until that very day. Then the games will begin!
ps....there will be HTH games, and oodles of site contests on both days with cool prizes! 

In celebration of GoldToken's first annual Club Day, we are giving all players who correctly report the date of either of our new GoldToken holidays to GoldToken Support, entry to a play off fast tournament in which the winner gets a custom name icon made to their specifications (must be 50x50 and my limited artistic abilities lol).
  • Hint: It's this month and you will know!
  • Rules? Of course!
    • You can only write to notify GoldToken Support once.
    • If you miss the day or report it a day too early - then Shrug.
    • Sorry This prize cannot be given to another player

  • T-Shirt and Sweatshirt Photos

If you purchased a t-shirt or sweatshirt as part of the fund raiser for Mecir's vacation to the United States, be sure to upload a photo to your GoldToken Photo Album and send a PM to GoldToken Support with the photo number (found in the information below the photo, in your album) to have your photo included in a dedicated album. Camera

12 Our T-Shirt drive was a great success! Mecir will be flying into Las Vegas the first week of July, and staying with Jeff and I in southern California until mid July. If you can make it for lunch with us during this time, send me a PM! Consider this an open invitation!

  • King Of The Mountain

(unknown photo)

The player who remains standing at the top of the most [ King Of The Mountain ] ladder games of all five wiki game sets will be awarded a full year Platinum!
2 Playoff games will determine the winner if there's a tie.
2 You must be entered to win.
2 Check out [ King Of The Mountain ] for more info!

  • Testing...1,2

Gold and Platinum members are invited to visit the beta site - http://beta.goldtoken.com/ - to help test what will be an exciting addition to the site! Now is the time to help out and give input regarding wording of game rules, ease of playability, game operation, etc!

  • 2016 Summer Olympics Sign-ups Have Begun!

Never be in want of games! Join the The Olympiads Club and post on the club's discussion board to signal your intent to play. Dancing It's going to be fun!

  • Discussion Board List Improvement

Thanks written on a blackboard to Mecir, our discussion boards have been split into two categories, that you now see on the top of your game sheet. This will help you navigate the many discussion boards available on GoldToken.
  • Discussion Boards - for all the chatter/conversation boards
  • Game Discussions - for all the specific games played on GoldToken

  • Photo Uploading

When you upload images, you will now see:

Checkbox I have taken this picture myself
Checkbox This picture has been taken by someone else

This information is used to allow us to categorize the picture properly during approval.

Huge Congratulations to the two winning clubs of this years Club of the Year award! Scroll down to read more!

Have a wonderful month and play like you mean it!

--Badger Wink


In this month's newsletter, we have:
Bulletpl Birthdays & Special Announcements
Bulletpl 1st Stop Information
Bulletpl Photozone Competition
Bulletpl Photo Album of the Month
Bulletpl Game Of The Month
Bulletpl Best Recipe Contest
Bulletpl Up Front & Personal
Bulletpl Testimonial Of The Month
Bulletpl Contest of the Month
Bulletpl Caption Contest
Bulletpl Icon Mania!
Bulletpl Breaking Club News
Bulletpl Olympic News

-- Happy Birthday to wabasco on June 2nd! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to cindygal on June 4th! From The Pork Chop Club, The He's Alive Club & The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to G_net on June 9th! - From The Backgammon Tournament Club & The Friendship Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to katja on June 9th! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Friendship Club, The Classic TV & Music Club, The Prime Time TV Club,The He's Alive Club and The Pork Chop Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Chimera on June 10th! - From The Friendship Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to LyndiLoo on June 10th! - From The Daily Laugh Club , The He's Alive Club. The Classic TV & Music Club, The Prime Time TV Club and The Word O'Rama Club & The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to postal-guy on June 11th! - From The Daily Laugh Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to blackangus on June 11th! - From The Daily Laugh Club , The Prime Time TV Club, The Word O'Rama Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The Friendship Club , The He's Alive Club and The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to gypsyjan on June 11th! - From The Friendship Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Honeybear on June 14th! - From { Club }, { Club }, The Backgammon Tournament Club and { Club } - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to game_77 on June 15th! - From The Word O'Rama Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to hrhawk on June 15th! - From The Friendship Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to SomeBunny on June 15th! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Classic TV & Music Club & The Friendship Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to nightingale on June 17th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to wildgeese on June 20th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Turn-Key on June 23rd! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GameNut on June 23rd! - From The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club and { Club } - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Jacob1987 on June 24th! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The Word O'Rama Club & The Friendship Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to katkrazy70 on June 24th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Fade on June 25th! - From The Daily Laugh Club and The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Giggles on June 26th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club , The He's Alive Club & The Friendship Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to LittleTree on June 27th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to GailorJ54 on June 27th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Pamelak on June 27th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club & The Friendship Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to TexasRose on June 27th! - From The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club & The Word O'Rama Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Ken2 on June 28th! - From The Pork Chop Club and The Scoop's Castle Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to SandyPaws on June 30th! - From The Pork Chop Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to WolfGirl on June 30th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club , The Prime Time TV Club and The Daily Laugh Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to jd91 on June 30th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club and The Daily Laugh Club - Offering gift

Anniversary & Other Wishes:

-- Happy Anniversary to Badger for 12 great years of running GoldToken! -Offering heart

-- Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom goes out to seabird and her husband dick turpin on June 21st!

-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom goes out to Ana and her husband willy on June 24th!

-- Happy 48th Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom goes out to oldog and her olgoat, er...husband...on June 27th!

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, cannot be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)

1st Stop Information
Site tips and helpful tools

My game timed out and I lost! What happened?

This is a fairly common question, and there are several possible answers. The first place you should look is the Help box, below the game board, viewable by clicking on the game number in your Games Administrator message. Here are some examples of what you'll find:

This is game #XXXXXXXX. It has a time limit of 3 days per turn. If a player fails to make a move in time, that player forfeits the game. - if a player in this game fails to make a move within his or her time limit of 3 days (excepting vacation or days off), he or she will lose the game.

This is game #XXXXXXXX. It has a time limit of 1 day per turn. If a player fails to make a move in time, that player forfeits the game. Vacation days and days off are ignored. - if a player in this game fails to make a move within his or her time limit of 1 day, he or she will lose the game. No vacation days or days off are allowed.

This is game #XXXXXXXX. It has a time limit of 3 days per turn. If a player fails to make a move in time, that player forfeits the game. The total clock time of each player may not exceed 9 months. - if a player in this game fails to make a move within his or her time limit of 3 days (excepting vacation or days off), he or she will lose the game. This game also has a global clock time limit - a player whose clock time reaches 9 months will also lose the game, regardless of vacation days or days off.

Move time restrictions are spelled out during the sign-up process for all site-run tournaments. Thumbs up
* If you have a question about a site tip or helpful tool you would like answered next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month.

Photozone Competition
Brought to you by: Jools

Film RollFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip PFilm Strip HFilm Strip OFilm Strip TFilm Strip OFilm Strip ZFilm Strip OFilm Strip NFilm Strip EFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip SpaceFilm Stripend

4 golfnutrof with (unknown photo) is May's Photozone competition winner who won the challenge with 19 votes and will be awarded with a profile token. Offering gold token
6 Autumn tied for 2nd place with 14 votes for (unknown photo)Offer silver token
6 dixiegal47 tied for 2nd place with 14 votes for (unknown photo)Offer silver token
5 Specialsteel came 3rd place with 12 votes for (unknown photo)Way to go!!

Congratulations to all the winners and Thank you to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting.

We had a total of Film RollFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip 0Film Strip 0Film Stripend entries and score0score0 votes this month. Thumbs up

Without you all, this competition wouldn't be active Hugging

2 You can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link Photozone Zepher's Album
Sunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower Divider

The theme for June's competetion will be; HOT

**(unknown photo)

(unknown photo)

Photo Album of the Month
Brought to you by: ladyvic

The Theme this month is PEOPLE (unknown photo)

And the WINNER IS! MM David littlefair XI's Album Congratulations Way to go!!

Only 1 vote behind 2nd Place goes to AZD159's Album titled Family and gatherings Cheerleader

The next Theme will be BUILDINGS (unknown photo)

Get those Photo Albums ready and post at Photo Album Contest

You might be the next winner of this awesome Profile Token! (unknown photo)

Best of Luck,

Game Of The Month

June's game of the month is Shake It Fast! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The June 2016 - Game of the Month - Shake It Fast Tournament! Have fun

We hope you enjoy it!

There were no Nuggets submitted this month. Falling Write a knock-out Nugget and reap the rewards! If your Nugget is chosen as the winner for GoldToken's Game of the Month in GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter, you will win:
  • Silver, Gold, and Platinum Members: a one month extension to your current membership
  • Wood Members: a free membership upgrade
  • Guests: a free two-month Silver Membership

So, what are you waiting for when you could have totally free membership to your favorite gamesite!? Start writing today! .

Best Recipe Contest

's winner is: Hash Brown Casserole


1 32oz. frozen hashbrowns-thaw
1/2 melted butter
1 can cream chicken soup
1 (8oz.) carton sour cream
1 c. shredded cheddar cheese
2 c. crushed corn flakes
1/4 c. butter


Combine first 6 ingredients. Stir well and pour into casserole baking dish. Crush cereal and stir in 1/4 cup butter into it.

Sprinkle over potatoes. Bake at 350 for 1 hour.

GoldToken's generous52 will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big Congratulations to .! Dancing

June's recipe contest is: "Strawberry". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
  • Entries must be posted by the recipe guardian/creator on the Cutting Board DB.
  • Recipe must be original and have never been posted on the Cutting Board DB before.

Wolf DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerKitty DividerKitty DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerWolf Divider

Up front & personal
Interview by: laura lee

{ Image: i994.photobucket.com/albums/af66/llwgirl/summer/Sunbath-1.gif }


We would like to say Thank you to alexlee for letting us step into their personal life for a bit.

1. What brought you to GoldToken?
Was playing at IYT and someone told me about GoldToken.

How'd you choose your name for GT?
Combination of my name.

2. What interests you most on GT?
Everything really. Clubs, variants of fast and slow tournaments, some of the boards and chatting with friends I have made here.
A few I have been chatting with for years. rabbitoid for the longest and who always makes me Smiling. Have met in person both the maintenance man , and ellieoop.

Favorite game here?
Most of yahtzee and rummy variants. A couple chess Playing chess variants and dominoes.

3. What state or country do you reside in?
Just recently moved to Florida.

What in your state or country do you think tourists should definitely see?
Disney, Universal Key,Sea World Fish Bowl but they are very expensive. Golderos

4. What hobbies do you have?
Gardening GrassOffering flower, playing cards Ref showing red card

5. Children? Grandchildren?
One daughter Twinkly Yellow Horse and 2 grandchildren. Small Red HorseSmall Pink Horse

6. Do you work?
Retired in 2012. (unknown photo)

What kind of work do/did you do?
I was a machine operator for 32 years. Made lighters at Bic Corp.

7. Any pets?
I used to have, but none at the moment Zip

8. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? ___ or over 50?
Over 50. Looking cool

Male or Female?
Female Twinkly Yellow Horse

9. What's the farthest you been from home?
Cruise in the Caribbean Ship and Nevada casinos Offering gold token which I enjoyed Smiling

10. If you could be anywhere right now where would that be?
Here in Florida with family. Group hug

11. Favorite season?
Spring Bumble Bee and Fall Autumn Tree

12, Favorite movie?
Can not think of a favorite but I like comedies or a good mystery.

Actor? Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon

Actress? Kathy Bates, Goldie Hawn, Whoopie Goldberg

I like country music. No particular song 

13. If you could meet anyone (living and dead) in the world, who would it be ?
No idea Smiling

If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know.
laura lee

Wolf DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerKitty DividerKitty DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerWolf Divider

Testimonial Of The Month
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players


The 2013 Winter Olympic Team Nyx Club
The 2014 Winter Olympic Team Arabian Club
The 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Club
The Aussie's Vs All Nations Backgammon Club
The Backgammon Lovers Club
The Banquet of Blessings Club
The Castaways Club
The Crafters Fair Club
The Deborah's Cove Family Club
The Deck of Cards Club
The Fairy Tales Club
The Friendship Club
The Gold Triathlon Marathon Club
The He's Alive Club
The High Rollers Club
The Horsin' Around at GT Club
The Kitties Korner & Doggie Daycare Club
The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club
The Olympiads Club
The Prime Time TV Club
The Sallyp and Friends Club
The Scoop's Castle Club
The Summer Olympic 2014 Vali Club
The Summer Olympic 2015 Minotaur Club
The Shire Club
The Side of the Milk Carton Club
The To Your Health Club
The hoot's hide-a-way Club


Thank you_ Giggles ....(unknown photo)

Contest of the Month

Best Short Story

June's contest is: Best Short Story posted on the Writing With Style DB.

  • This year's writing contest topic is: "A Sporting Event".
  • Rules:
    • 500 words or less
    • Story must be original work posted by the writer on the Writing With Style DB.
    • Story must be original and have never been posted on the Writing With Style DB before.
    • Stories must be posted no later than Midnight, Pacific Time, Wed, June 29.
      • There must be a minimum of 3 entrants.

Winner will be chosen by poll and awarded 5 Golderos(unknown photo)! Good luck

{ Image: goldtoken.com/pics/banner-2994.gif }

We have TWO GoldToken Club of the Year winners! Falling

Congratulations to The Friendship Club owned by blackangus AND one of GoldToken's oldest clubs, The Wolf Pack Club owned by RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack!
The members of both winning clubs will all receive the (unknown photo) Profile Token commemorating their win!

Caption Contest

The Caption Contest winner for the May, 2016, newsletter is Marge44 with:

(unknown photo)

I licked on it so it is all mine!

Congratulations Marge44!

To enter June's Caption Contest, click on the link and post your best caption. (unknown photo)
The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next month's newsletter.

Icon Mania!
Brought to you by: GoldToken's Icon Fairy
LittleTree WON the icon hunt for May and has received this token (unknown photo) for her profile. Can you find these below for the June Icon Hunt?

{ Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon16012517390116.gif }
{ Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon130312230648.gif }
{ Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon070725223805.gif }
{ Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon110510154856.gif }
{ Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon110404163422.gif }

I'm sure everyone understands that The Icon fairy loves to spread joy to as many players as possible Hugging, so for that reason players are only eligible to win the Icon hunt prize once every six months. Grinning Thanks for your cooperation.

This month the GoldToken's Icon Fairy is sharing Horses...you will find these in Row 6 Name Icons. We have done birds and flowers so far. Don't forget to check out the Icon Of The Day, someone has the sniffles....Sad....see you on the Icon Mania Hugging

Breaking Club News:
Brought to you by GoldToken's roving reporter, PattyMac
The West of the Setting Sun Club Second Meijin tournament has commenced. This tournament is comprised of Go 9x9 games compared to the Go 19x19 games of the First Meijin tournament.

One of the many wonderful aspects of Go is the ability to play on almost any sized board without needing to changing the rules or the pieces. Here at the board sizes range from Go 7x7 (fast and furious and a brawl from the very 1st stone Biff Boff Punch ) to Go 19x19 (slower, more considered and a higher level of complexity Wizard - thought still with the occasional brawl swordfighting to the rightSwordfighting to the left ) but you can play Go on boards as tiny as 3x3 (that's three lines across and 3 lines down) all the way up to ... well any size really (the largest tzorec has seen played is 38×38 Falling

... and getting back to the games in the Second Meijin touney they will be fighting games!

So come and join The West of the Setting Sun Club and discover this great game, contact tzorec for more information.

The Horsin' Around at GT Club has lots of PRIZE WINNERS in their awesome club to announce Cheerleader
[ Horsin' Around at GT: Mustang Dice Pipes Best of Three ] Winner - Pamelak
[ Horsin' Around at GT: Mustang Tourne Case Double Elimination ] Winner - Hillbilly
[ Horsin' Around at GT: Mustang Hypergammon All Play All ] Winner - Hillbilly
[ Horsin' Around at GT: Mustang Tabula Knock-out ] Winner - MaryF
[ Horsin' Around at GT: Mustang Acey Deucy Knock-out ] Winner - Jacob1987
[ Horsin' Around at GT: Mustang Shake it Fast All Play All ] Winner - WONRHAF

More news and PRIZE WINNERS from the The Multi-Player Gaming Center Club Well done
[ Multi-Player Gaming Center: Winter Delights Tourne Case All Play All ] Winner - Scoopdedew
[ Multi-Player Gaming Center: Winter Delights Backgammon Knock-out ] - Winner Sweetlips43
[ Multi-Player Gaming Center: Winter Delights Large Dice Pipes Race ] Winner - Genie
[ Multi-Player Gaming Center: Winter Delights Loco Ochos Best of Three ] Winner - AZD159

The Sallyp and Friends Club They are now running two series of tourneys at the moment. One is A century of Knock-outs, 100 Knock-outs across the year each knock-out for points. The overall points winner gets a Golderos prize. Another series is a Zodiac signs, a series of differing tourneys also for points and also for a Golderos prize for the points winner. johnnyyboyis also looking for clubs to contact him to play matches with with popular games types, 6 player matches double round. each club sending out invites in one round, all 3 day loss of game. Contact sallyp or johnnyyboy for more information on this awesome club.

ladyvic has reported that she purchased banners for her clubs and has seen a huge increase in membership.
Thanks for sharing that ladyvicThumbs up
Good idea for other clubs seeking members such as:
The jd91's Mini Reversi Club
The Fighting Pawns Club
Have a membership drive, assigned a officer in your club to recruit members. Join the The Training New or Experienced Club Owners Club. You have seasoned and knowledgeable people at your service in this club. Join and jump in there and ask questions, make your club successful.


So many Club Owners and Presidents are having a hard time getting members to sign up for Wiki based games. These wiki based tourneys involve work being done by clubs officers to set them up,run them and try to get them filled by club members. Some club have lots of members but the hard core wiki players tend to be a small part of the membership. They set up and run wiki tourneys, offering plenty of different types of tourneys but even then they tend to fill real slow. You as a members of clubs could give these owners some feed back to help them continue to make these games successful. There is a lot of time and dedication put in to keep the wiki based games going, please take a few moments and contact your club owners or message me PattyMac. We need your input Thumbs up

Club Vs Club News Need to get your Club signed up for these Tournies High five

April Grabble Race - [ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Grabble Race April 2016 ]
May Dominoes - [ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Dominoes May 2016 ]

WINNERS Congratulations

[ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Whist January 2015 ]
Winner - Sir Silver of the GoldTable & The Sallyp and Friends Club

[ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Backgammon 3 Point February 2015 ]
Winner - Santa Claus & The Scoop's Castle Club

[ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Fives and Threes March 2015 ]
Winner - smiler5 & The Daily Laugh Club

[ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Dice Pipe April 2015 ]
Winners - csain1 & The Innocent Instigators Club
Winners - johnnyyboy & The Sallyp and Friends Club
Winners - AndrewB & The Sallyp and Friends Club

[ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club American Rummikub May 2015 ]
Winner - AndrewB & The Sallyp and Friends Club

[ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Backgammon June 2015 ]
Winner - CaperViv & The Scoop's Castle Club

[ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Loco Ochos July 2015 ]
Winner - Rodney & The A Fast Games Club

[ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Polar Poultry August 2015 ]
Winner - Big Giant Head & The Sallyp and Friends Club

Sign your team up @ [ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Sign Up ]
Contact Jacob1987 for any additional information and Best Of Luck to your CLUB Thumbs up

Olympic News
Brought to you by: *GoldTokens* Olympic *Presidents*

Trumpet player right Olympic Winners! A big congratulations to these players & their clubs! Trumpet player left

12 Winter Olympic Winners Winner

The Novice Division of the Whist Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubWendell
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubChris
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune Clubheyred72

The Advanced Division of the Fives and Threes Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Fives and Threes
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubSkiptonBull
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubcmacker

The Lower Division of the Blackhole Reversi Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 6 Blackhole Reversi
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubklaashaas
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubjohnnyyboy
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubREBEL DJ

The Double Trouble Four In a Row Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Double Trouble Four In a Row
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubwallywalter
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Club1karlos
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB

The Upper Division of the Ludocrous Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubRabidWolff of the Wolf Pack
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubozallan
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubRoad Runner

The Basic Renju Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 6A Tournament
Basic Renju
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbengt
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubDavidJ
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubwallywalter

The Wrench It Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
Wrench It
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubDavidJ
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubthebodywall

The MiniDots Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubklaashaas
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubcmacker
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubCat*Scratch
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbeachcomber

The Random Pipe Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Random Pipe
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubHamsarnie
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubSarahMills
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubJacob1987

The Lower Division of the Hit&Miss Salvo Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Hit&Miss Salvo
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubB*Elanna
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Club(steelbound)
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB

The Intermediate Division of the Short Senet Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Short Senet
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Club(steelbound)
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter Clubhrhawk
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubSapient

The Pente Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2B Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubSkywalker
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubStmhawk
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubtwotees

The Upper Division of the Grabble Race Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
Grabble Race
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubSir Face of the GoldTable
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubchris3
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubDIRKSTRA

The International Checkers Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
International Checkers
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubM3
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubTian-Xian
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubJon *the return*

The Upper Division of the Diagonal Duel (3-point) Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Diagonal Duel (3-point)
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubSkiptonBull
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbengt
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubJimC

The Imperium Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 6A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubM3
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubRuache
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubHamsarnie

The Dice Paper Football Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
Dice Paper Football
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubRay of Light
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubcmacker
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubDavidJ

The Upper Division of the Word O'Rama Race-Around Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2B Tournament
Word O'Rama Race-Around
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubBuddha
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubRodney
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubchris3

The Upper Division of the Small GoldDots Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 10 Small GoldDots
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubRand al*Thor
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbeachcomber

The Dark Chess Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4B Tournament
Dark Chess
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubRay of Light
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubWolvesWulf

The Lower Division of the Short 1-4-5 Senet Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4B Tournament
Short 1-4-5 Senet
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubglobalroamer
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubSusie
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter Clubhrhawk

The Domination Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbengt
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Club(steelbound)
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter Clubjamchug

The Upper Division of the DiceDots Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Gold & Silver{ Club: 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo Club }Cat*Scratch
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubMarkelle
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubcmacker
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubNEUROTIKA

The Lower Division of the Hangman Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubsmelly feet
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubMamasan
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubHamsarnie

The Lower Division of the Konane Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 1 Konane
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubklaashaas
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Club(steelbound)
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune Clubcindygal

The Lower Division of the Multi-Hit Salvo Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Multi-Hit Salvo
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubtwotees
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubJools
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubRabidWolff of the Wolf Pack

The Chessgi Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubSkywalker
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubBlockhead
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubStraycat

The Small Reversi Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 6A Tournament
Small Reversi
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubSkywalker
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubklaashaas
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubbestgremlin

The Novice Division of the Backgammon Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubLillie
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubLittleTree
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubBlue Moon

The Novice Division of the Hypergammon (3 Point) Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Hypergammon (3 Point)
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubMT
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubmarshagee
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubOartkickel of the Wolf Pack
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubRand al*Thor
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubJohn Q

The Upper Division of the Long Gammon Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Long Gammon
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubKiki
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubEPICURUS 75
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubDAKOTA

The Lower Division of the Small GoldDots Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 10 Small GoldDots
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubklaashaas
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubSkiptonBull
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubMamasan

The Upper Division of the Dice Salvo Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Dice Salvo
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubRabidWolff of the Wolf Pack
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubSenorita ZORRO_
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubjohnnyyboy

The Upper Division of the Tabula Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubWrighty
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubeliphont551
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo Clubsweetnuttins

The Advanced Division of the Acey Deucey Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
Acey Deucey
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubshobee1 kinobi
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubM3
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubRand al*Thor
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubSenorita ZORRO_

The Intermediate Division of the Nackgammon Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo Clubboneylegs
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter Clubboneylegs
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Club1karlos

The Lower Division of the Treble Trouble Four In A Row Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 7 Treble Trouble Four In A Row
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Club(steelbound)
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune Clubcindygal
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubthe celt

The Intermediate Division of the Whist Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune Clubgolfnutrof
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubDIRKSTRA
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbeachcomber
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubB*Elanna

The Intermediate Division of the Cribbage Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubgypsyjan
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubAlex
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubTerryjam

The CrossDowns Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubBuddha
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubcmacker
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubchris3
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubSir Face of the GoldTable

The Pipes Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubklaashaas
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Club1karlos
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubDavidJ

The RandomDots Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubRand al*Thor
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubJacob1987

The Advanced Division of the Hypergammon (3 Point) Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Hypergammon (3 Point)
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter Clubtriwire
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubYNWA
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubDavidJ

The Upper Division of the Ludocarte Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubtwotees
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubozallan
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubSenorita ZORRO_

The Intermediate Division of the Triple Shake Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 4B Tournament
Triple Shake
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubwallywalter
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubWrighty
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubTedEBear

The Lower Division of the Mau Mau Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Mau Mau
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubLyndiLoo
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Cluboldog
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubcmacker

The Lower Division of the Salvo Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubTrusting
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbengt
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubCat*Scratch
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubKingpinjt

The Lower Division of the Ludocrous Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubChris
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Club(steelbound)
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubthe celt

The Upper Division of the Treble Trouble Four In A Row Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 7 Treble Trouble Four In A Row
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbeachcomber
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubRand al*Thor
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubDavidJ

The Intermediate Division of the Maxi Shake Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
Maxi Shake
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubwallywalter
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter Clubjamchug
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubRabidWolff of the Wolf Pack

The Checkers Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2B Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubFuzzyDuck
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubGiant Gila Monster
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubSkywalker

The Upper Division of the Konane Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Mystery Games Tournament
Mystery Game 1 Konane
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Club1karlos
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubRand al*Thor
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbeachcomber
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubSarahMills

The Novice Division of the Fives and Threes Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Fives and Threes
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubRabidWolff of the Wolf Pack
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubbluelady
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubRay of Light

The Upper Division of the Thematic Hangman Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Thematic Hangman
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubJimC
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubLew
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubBuddha

The Advanced Division of the Senet Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubRuache
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubshobee1 kinobi
Silver & BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubWrighty

The Stealth Salvo Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 6A Tournament
Stealth Salvo
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubOartkickel of the Wolf Pack
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubJacob1987
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubEggy
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubKingpinjt

The Lower Division of the Switch Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubthebodywall
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubjfromvt
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubbeachcomber

The Small Barricade Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Small Barricade
GoldThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubklaashaas
SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubPooka
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubRuache

The Advanced Division of the Short Senet Competition in The 2015 Winter Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Short Senet
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Jupiter ClubPamelak
Gold & SilverThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubMan of Steel
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubBlockhead
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubLittleTree
BronzeThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubklaashaas

12 Summer Olympic Winners! Way to go!!

The Advanced Division of the 1-4-5 Senet Competition in The 2015 Summer Olympic Group 6B Tournament
Mystery Game 1
1-4-5 Senet
GOLD & SILVERThe Summer Olympic 2015 Agrius ClubFade
GOLD & SILVERThe Summer Olympic 2015 Pholus Clubunicorn
BRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2015 Sphynx Clubaprildawn
BRONZEThe Summer Olympic 2015 Minotaur ClubBuddha

1Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined


  • Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken's Newshound your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you! Smiling
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **

Did you find the hidden coin in the newsletter (unknown photo)? Our winner last month was Flowery. Congratulations to her for spotting it and being the first to send a message to GoldToken Support. We would like to give everyone a chance to play this fun game and win 5 Golderos,so you will only be eligible to win the Coin Hunt once every six months.

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This page was last edited by Badger at 3:11PM on 6 June 2016

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