Nuggets in category: Checkers
There are 8 Nuggets in this category. You can read individual Nuggets by clicking on the desired title. You can sort the list by clicking on the desired header. You can also return to the category list, search for Nuggets, go to your gamesheet, or write a new Nugget.
Checker Rules Explained - an in depth explanationBadger15 Jun at 12:27PM915
World Checkers ChampionshipsEvan549 Apr at 3:33AM00
Checkers variants (Brazilian, International, Pool, Russian) A quick guideSkywalker25 May at 12:27PM02
Pool CheckersSkywalker4 Jan at 8:30AM01
A guide to Checkers/Draughts Families and RulesSultan Ratrout3 Mar at 7:21AM00
African-American Straight CheckersT-Rex22 Jan at 2:48PM06
Thai CheckersT-Rex18 Jul at 9:49AM20
For those interested in Turkish checkershawretto15 Jun at 1:11PM01