etch-a-sketch archive/(@ @)\ \ | | /--oOO--(_)--OOo-- Awesome Wabbit, Rose is a misfit and Excellent King, King Dred! -TheBlondeHare * * * * * * | | | | | | @%@%@%@%@%@%@%@ { Happy 7th } { Birthday } @%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@ ????? { } Love, Mama { MAYSON! } ????? { } @%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@ HELLO; WELCOME TO ETCH-A-SKETCH () || ____||_____ {} {~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~} {} || { ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ } || __||__{___________}__||__ {\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\} {} { H a p p y \} {}
__||_{_________________________}_||__ {\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\} { } { Easter } { } {/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/} {_____________________________________} Cool ![]() how did you know it is my birthday? I know everything. I am the immortal being who can see into the light of people's lives and know what their biggest fears, worries, and excitements are. -| |- -| |- [-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-] -| |- [-_-_-_-_-] | | [-_-_-_-_-] | o o | [ 0 0 0 ] | o o | | | -| | | |- | | | |_-___-___-___-| |-___-___-___-_| | | o ] [ 0 ] [ o | | ] o o o [ _______ ] o o o [ |_____-----| ] [ ||||||| ] | | [ | ----__________ | ] ______ [ ||||||| ] ____ [ | _-_-|_____]--------------[_|||||||_]--------------[_____|-_-_ ( (__________------------_____________-------------_________) ) <The Knights Who Say Gammon stand at the castle gate, ready to taunt those crrrazy French!> >8*I= (vorpal bunny) kool /\..../\..../\ \* _ ** _ */ (*~~~~~~~~*) |============| ( )////////( ) ( ) ~~ ~~ ( ) ( ) * ¿ * ( ) ( ( /=\ ) ) ___|\______/|___ ( [ 0 0 0 ] ) A King For The Castle By KING DRED ***....** **...*** **........** **.......** *** **...................* *** **.....** **..................** **.....** **.........** **..............** **.........** .............. .......... .............. **..............* ...... ..............* **..............** .... **..............** ...................................... **..............**........**..............** **..............* .... ..............* .............. .... .............. **.........** .... **.........** **.....** .... **.....** *** **....* *** ** * * * ohhhhhhhhhhhhh tis me luck of de irish... Kiss me I am irish! Kiss me, I'm collecting taxes. No, I didn't say point the bazooka at me. Happy St. Patrick's Day ^ ||||| <[*] [*]> E L 3 )--( _||_ / \ / | |\ / |___| \ / / \ \ > / \ < \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ---- ---- O.K. so it sucks! LOL! I Like it! ![]() I love self portraits. spooky O // <==-} -> .--._.-^-(.} )' /{ ( \d ./\, ) -._.- > / / `\ /' By Rose Graywolf OTDP ^?v?^=______ /```````. . {````} . `. /`.` ```` . `. / / ` . `. / / ` . `. /_____ _`O .\ `. _____' . \\\\\\\\\ \ . \ . \ . (``````````````) _--``````````````--_ By KING DRED ,.- 'Y _^-, ,.-'^H E ,-^ ^-,\ ,.-'^ R S ,.-^ \| \ H E ,.-^ k \,.-^ i ss kis skiss kissk isskiss kisskisskis skisskisskisski sskisskisskisskissk isskisskisskisskisskiss kisskisskisskisskisskisskis skisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskissk isskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss kisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskis skisskisskisskisskisskisskisskisskiss ..-----. .' '. / \ | ; | | \ | \ ; _..----' / .`-. .-'``'-. .-' .'_ ` _ '. `'. / _` _ ` \ \ .... _ | / \ / \ | | .-' `'. / \ | | /| | /| | ;' \ | |_\ \_|/ \_|/ / ; .\_/ `'-. /.... | / ` `\ | | __ | / \ / ` //'. .' '._ .' .' `'-...-'` `"'-.,__ ___.-' .-' `-._```` __..--'` `````` By Rose Now it time to say good bye to all my family M-I-C SEE YOU REAL SOON K-E-Y WHY BECAUSE I LIKE YOU M-O-U-S-E MICKEY MOUSE (Donald duck) MICKEY MOUSE (Donald duck) Forever we will hold our banner high, high, high. So come along, sing our song, and join our family M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E! //..'']]]~````````~`````````,, I am not very artistic as everyone can see. Loved what everyone else did These are GRRRREAT! (just like Tony the T says it) \\ (* > //) //mm====Crazy4tiels==== / WOW! You people are great at this!! ![]() ![]() They sure are, I know I couldn't do any of this stuf and it be good enough that anyone would want to look at it. GREAT JOB EVERYONE! -{ Player } Impressive. But you kids might want to get out more often. LOL Seriously though....WOW! _________________________________________________ | * * * * * *|_______________________________| | * * * * * |_______________________________| | * * * * * *|_______________________________| | * * * * * |_______________________________| Sept 11, 2001 | * * * * * *|_______________________________| | * * * * * |_______________________________|(Remembering those lost) | * * * * * *|_______________________________| | * * * * * |_______________________________| | * * * * * *|_______________________________| |_________________________________________________| |_________________________________________________| |_________________________________________________| |_________________________________________________| |_________________________________________________| |_________________________________________________| Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming; Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there: Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? BY: Princess Sassy WOOHOO!!!! GO SASSY!!! Don't forget the men and wemon of the U.S. armed forces that risk their lives every day to keep us safe! (:~} how do ppl do this? Draw the's pictures? they're "cyber-artists MYOB..... Zelda hahahahah __ /^\ .' \ / :.\ / \ | :: \ / . \ : |
/ ( / 0 _ 0 \ \/ \_/ \/ -== '.' | '.' ==- /\ '-^-' /\ \ _ _ / .-`-((\o/))-`-. Happy Easter Bunny! Rose hi you gyus are good ><)))*> dead fish @>---'---,---'------ theres a rose for rose easy one for every one to make : (_8-(|) Homer Simpson Hippo Birdy Gabmaster!! .-"-. * ( + / \ . ) ) ) |# | ( * . ( . \___/ . + .-"-. * /^ + ( / \ ) ( .-"-. ) +|# | ( * / \ ( ) \___/ ) ( |# | ( ' * /^ ) \___/ ( * ' ( ^\ * '\ , , , , , ' \ + ) | | | | | ) . * . @%@%@%@%@%@%@ ( ) ( { Happy } \ ( * ) * { Birthday! }} ) ( Gaby! } ( @%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@ ) '+ { } * ( { } . ) { } ( @%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@ Rose ,-.,-. ,| /-./_ ( (___ | 'o \) ; / | ,_/ (( \) )`---.__ /( / , . `' \ / | | `. ) | | __,'| `-->___<--' | | | | ; ; | ( / \ `. ) ,/ ;' `-' )-' | | / / | /| (_ ; (_( ) ( )`--' `---' Its POOH!! (I finally played with wiki LOL) - Gaby *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* (\o/) /_\ Don't blame me - it's my first try. ![]() TMH *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* ¤¿¤ ?¿? ±¿± ¯Ø¯ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ that's about all i can do. george OTSB .. :::::::LENTINEBEMYVALENTINE:::::::BEMYVALENTINEBEMYVAL::::::: :::::::ENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBEMY:VALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEB::::::: :::::::EMYVALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBEMYVALEN::::::: ::::::::TINEBEMYVALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBE:::::::: ::::::::::MYVALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBEMY:::::::::: ::::::::::::VALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBE:::::::::::: ` :::::::::::::MYVALENTINEBEMYVALENTINEBEMYVALEN::::::::::::: '` These pictures r well cool! a collection of smileys: ![]() ![]() ;) ;( :0) :O) :0( ) -) ![]() ![]() :=) ;-) ;-)* ;^) :^) 8-) 8-] :P ?( B) Frodo the Hobbit , , |\ ,__ |\ \/ `. \ `-.:. `\ `-.__ `\=====| =`' ^_\ .' /\ .=) .-' .'| '-(/_| .' __( \ .'` /_.'` `. |` \ | |/ I didn't draw this myself, I found it on the 'net & copied it many moons ago. I wish I remember where..... { Player } gosh, everyone's abandoned this!!!! We could erase it like a real etch a sketch an start over? There is no need to erase milady just Add Add Add __ __ __ \ / __ / \ | / \ \|/ ,.---v---._ /\__/\ / \ \_ _/ / \ \ \__| @ __| \ \_ \ ,__/ / *~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~* LOVE the whale!!! :D Anyone for tennis? . . . | | . | | . | | . . . O . . . more like pong shake Shake , let's erasee this or put it in an archive Y? AN ARCHIVE These are GRRRREAT!!!! I Love to peek in now & then! ![]() I am serious [ etch-a-sketch archive ] O \ ________________________ | MOO | | COWS | | Happy Pi Day | | 3.1415936536 | | On MArch 14'th | | You missed it | _________________________ | | | | Trojan cow with a message. ![]() **☺** lol, pigtails ![]() O | / \ they chopped off his hands Frodo the Hobbit WOW THESE DRAWINGS!!!!! THEY ARE GREAT!!! ![]() Wiki Options This page was last edited by FLOWER18252 at 8:47AM on 7 February 2006 |
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