Other words 1

[ Questionable Grabble Words ]
[ Other words ]
[ Other Words 2 ]
[ Other Words 3 ]

Merriam Webster online.
trockDone valid? trock is a Scottish variant of truck.
sidNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary valid? sid can mean something good, epicness.
lurersDone Please add plural
sediliaDone - Seats for officiating clergy
OHONot Valid - Grabble does not allow interjections interj -- used to express surprise or exultation; valid Scrabble Word
zouk-sDone a dance
yacca-sDone trees
gryde-sDone - To pierce gride-s
tolt- sDone - a type of writ a mountain ......
abrosiasNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary
runoutDone - The act of fleeing machinery
pinko-es.sDone leftist
yinceDone UK for once
dogmanNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary AUS .. crane operator
nottDone - With close-cut hair UK .... cattle
roopDone UK .. to cry
kulfiDone indian dessert
kufi -sDone a hat
minar-sDone UK ..tower
gaysomeDone happy
utaNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary a type of lizard ...
uteDone - Vehicle Valid?? add please...tyvm
rapiniDone leaves ...
raginiDone music .......
langarNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary equal food ......
soba-sDone please add an "s" ...noodle=s ..
cowp=sDone UK .. fall-s
sent-sNot Valid - senti is the valid plural of the monetary unit please add an "s" ty ...
mingerNot Valid - Offensive /scots/ a person who mings
hijraDone - Exodus Valid??
AcinoseDone adj 1: pertaining to one of the small sacs (as in a compound
cicutasDone - poisonous plants Not found in either dictionary
episporeDone the outer layer of certain spores
nymphalDone Of or pertaining to a nymph or nymphs
tryeDone (archaic) very good
toxenNot Valid - "toxin" is the accepted spelling poisous substace
jeonNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary a monetary unit of South Korea, equal to one hundredth of a won.
dork(s)Not Valid - Slang
shinneyDone a simple version of hockey game played by children on the street
grangesDone plural of "grange" which means a country house with farm buildings attached
huhNot Valid - Interjection used to show that you have not heard or understood something
QaidNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary
madreNot Valid - Foreign many in the usa use this for mother .. valid?
DorkNot Valid - Slang a contemptible, socially inept person
jeezNot Valid - Interjection a mild expression used to show surprise or annoyance
lazoDone - A lasso an attractive male
netopNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary a friend
relictionDone Gradual recession of water in a sea, lake, or stream, leaving permanently dry land
yiNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary a Loloish language
INBYEDone - Toward adv inby
CEBIDNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary n pl. -S ceboid
ALCOGENENot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary Please, add it! It is the vapor-cooler in a distilling apparatus.
NiqaabNot Valid - niqab and nikab are accepted spellings
sken-sNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary stares
sker-sDone scour
fabler/sDone Please add plural
CYANONot Valid - Prefix adj pertaining to cyanogen
coth-sNot Valid - Abbreviation math ......
bingDone scots - a heap, especially of metallic ore or of waste from a mine (and you can have more than 1)
JusNot Valid - Latin JUS n pl. JURA a legal right
juvieNot Valid - slang a youth, especially one involved in disorder or criminal offenses; a detention center or court for juvenile offenders
hioi-sNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary plants
estivate-d /-sDone - Pass the summer this is a verb, so please also add "estivates" and "estivated" as valid words. Thank you!
punji-sNot Valid - Two-word phrase "punji stick" a wooden stick used as a weapon
pibalNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary wind speed
stinesNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary
tannoyDone - To call using a Tannoy type of public address system
nabeNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary NABE n pl. -S a neighborhood movie theater
hennyDone UK ... looks as a hen ...
manatuNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary trees
yrivdNot Valid - Obsolete from rive
jonNot Valid on its own - part of a two-word phrase as in jon boat
yrneh-sDone electricity
wyteDone - Know UK wite
fand-sDone uk from find
cariolesDone a small open horse-drawn carriage for one person -- please add plural
hero-sNot Valid - heroes is the accepted plural Valid ?? also valid as heroes? please add heros ??
JUNNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary n pl. JUN a coin of North Korea
aortal/ also aorticDone Adjective; of, relating to, or affecting an aorta, the main trunk of arteries carrying blood from the heart
trolandNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary Noun. A unit of intensity of light measured at the retina of the eye
puntyDone metal rods
kuri-sDone Valid?? a dog
kuneNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary UK .. money
hero-dRemoved (proper noun) - thanks! used... valid??
dartleDone to dart
kirriDone a club
relet-sDone renew
mihi-sNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary greet
drackNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary dull
pargetsDone - Plasters please add plural
buttyDone a sandwich
ouma-sDone grandmothers
bimaNot Valid - bema is the accepted spelling n pl. -S bema
untin-sDone - Remove the tin from UK
auf-sNot Valid - Obsolete UK
soapieDone - soap opera Valid?
skol-sNot Valid - Interjection drinks ....valid?
husoDone type of fish
topee-Done hat
fixtNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary from fix
certDone - a certainty UK.. valid??
leir-sDone - Lesson(s) valid ?? from lair ...
miridNot Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary a variety of leaf bug
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