May 2013

GoldToken's Monthly News

  • Do You Get It?

;;smiler5;; PepperBeach ;;tndaze;; Shimshin Bluejay Twit-Twoo Lil red Robyn Hode jenni Knight Jarlynn csain1 fatdaddy all Got It! this month, with several jello brains on The Mental Ward taking advantage of it being given special attention this month - namely ema pambochester *&* thrush joeblack *&* ;;bruno;;

  • GoldToken's Newest DB Game!

Try out the new game, - See if you can figure out what people will buy!


  • Post the link of five items on eBay that do not have any bids at the time of posting, and include your guess which ones will or won't sell.
    • Links must be to family friendly items only!
  • Following players may post one guess per item until that item gets a bid. Player with the most correct guesses in a thread wins that thread.

  • New Game Release

Last chance to add your input on an incredibly awesome game at GoldToken's beta site, where final testing is taking place. Head on over now, to and see what it's all about!

Have a wonderful month and play like you mean it!


In this month's newsletter, we have:
  • Birthdays & Special Announcements
  • 1st Stop Information
  • Photozone Competition
  • Game Of The Month
  • Best Recipe Contest
  • Up Front & Personal
  • Testimonial Of The Month
  • Contest of the Month
  • Best Poll Contest
  • Caption Contest
  • Treasure Hunt
  • Interesting Club Of The Month
  • Breaking Club News
  • Olympic News

Birthday cakeBirthdays & Special AnnouncementsOffering gift

Birthday Wishes:
-- Happy Birthday to MsLady on May 2nd! - From { Club }, The Word O'Rama Club & The Backgammon Tournament Club Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to supermann8 on May 2nd! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Nina on May 3rd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to SouthMsGurl2 on May 3rd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to MBAfriend on May 4th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to * on May 4th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to carouselhorse on May 6th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to cissy on May 7th! - From laura lee Offering flower and clare Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to tweets on May 8th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Judwie on May 8th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Kjelle on May 8th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Mary on May 9th! - From The Word O'Rama Club, { Club }, { Club } & { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to rabbitoid on May 10th! - From The Chess & Variants Club and alexlee Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to bluelady on May 13th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to sidders on May 15th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Tony Rome on May 16th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to maintenance man on May 17th! - From { Club }, The MasterClass Club and alexlee Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to stanley7 on May 18th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to STUSTU on May 18th! - From The Pork Chop Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to CarolP on May 19th! - From The Word O'Rama Club Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to the loneranger on May 19th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GeorgeF on May 20th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GoneFishin on May 20th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to porkpie1 on May 21st! - From The Pork Chop Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Athena46 on May 22nd! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Lil Red on May 23rd! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to tango2 on May 23rd! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to pegasiswolf on May 24th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to unicorn on May 25th! - From The Word O'Rama Club & { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Misfit Lenrad6672 on May 25th! - From The Backgammon Tournament Club and your husband Dbledee Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to blue eyes on May 27th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Arctic Warrior on May 27th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to nw2425 on May 29th! - From { Club } Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Nj on May 30th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to dixiegal47 on May 30th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to BethA on May 31th! Offering flower


-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Capricorn and her husband on May 4th! Offering flower
-- Happy 29th Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Man of Steel and B*Elanna on May 26th! From The Word O'Rama Club Offering flower
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Scrapbooking Maven and her husband on May 24th! Offering flower
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Opulent and her husband on May 29th! Offering flower

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, can not be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)

1st Stop Information
Site tips and helpful tools

How to make GoldToken your home page

When you initially open up your Web browser, the very first page that you will see is called the "home" page. The home page is your jumping off point to the rest of the Web. To make GoldToken your home page, follow these steps:

How To Set Your Browser Start Page in Internet Explorer

  1. Click on your Internet Explorer icon; you'll find this in your Start menu, or the toolbar at the bottom of your desktop window.
  2. Type in "" to IE's address box at the top of the browser window.
  3. Go to toolbar at the top of browser, and click on "Tools", then "Internet Options".
  4. At the top of the pop-up, you'll see a "Home Page" box. The address of the site that you are currently at ( is there. Press the "Use Current" button to specify this page as your home page.

How to Set Your Browser Start Page in Firefox

  1. Click on the Firefox icon to start up your browser.
  2. Navigate to
  3. At the top of your browser window, you'll see the Firefox tool bar (this includes the words "File", "Edit", etc.). Click on Tools, then Options.
  4. The popup window will open up with the default option of General. At the top of the window, you'll see "Home Page Locations." Click on "Use Current Page."

How to Set Your Home Page in Opera

  1. While in Opera, click on Tools, then click on Preferences.
  2. Find the General tab and click on it.
  3. Find the section marked "Home Page".
  4. Replace the existing URL with

How to Change Your Google Chrome Home Page

  1. On the Google Chrome browser toolbar, click the icon that looks like a wrench.
  2. Click on "Options".
  3. Select "Basics".
  4. Here, you have several options for your home page. Select as your home page to be the page that automatically starts up when you initially open Google Chrome.

And that's it, folks. Once you do this simple bit of housekeeping, every single time you start up your browser you will be at your GoldToken game sheet. When you're finished surfing the Web and want to get back to your "GoldToken game sheet", all you need to do is click on the home icon or open a new browser window/tab. Simple and easy.

Photozone Competition
Brought to you by: Redhairchick

4 TallPaul with (unknown photo) is April's Photozone competition winner who won the challenge with 21 votes and will be awarded with a profile token. Offering gold token
6 wgh came in the 2nd place with 17 votes for (unknown photo). Offer silver token
5 golfnutrof came in the 3nd place with 12 votes for (unknown photo). Way to go!!

Congratulations to all the winners and Thank you to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting. We had 105 votes this month. Thumbs up
Without you all, this competition wouldn't be active Hugging

2 You can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link Photozone Zepher's Album titled 2013-04 Spring Colours


4 4 The theme for our photo contests in May is Roaring Lions and Funny Cats. Please post your entries on the Photozone DB with "Photozone Contest" in the subject line to enter and please give your entries a name as well.

The deadline for this month's Photozone contest is: 12:00 Midnight, Pacific Time, Monday, May 27th, 2013.
Voting will be closed on: 12:00 Midnight, Pacific Time, Friday, May 31st, 2013.

If you have any question about the rules or details you can either visit Photozone Zepher's profile or post your questions on Photozone DB.


Game Of The Month

May's game of the month is Mancala! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The May 2013 Game of the Month - Mancala! Tournament!
The winner will receive the { Image: } - Must Have Lost Your Train of Thought profile token. Have fun

2,2:1 ending

I'm not sure how much use this will be. This nugget seems a bit obvious to me, but on the other hand, lots of things are obvious after someone explains them.

If you are in a situation where you need another 2 seeds to win and you have 2 seeds in you Pot 6 (position 6) and your opponent has 1 seed in their Pot 1, but they have other seeds they can move to avoid distributing a seed to Pot 2 where it will be gathered...

If you can get 2 seeds in Pot 5 you will then be able to gather the 2 seeds no matter what you opponent does. If they have enough seeds in a pot that they can sabotage your Pots 5 and/or 6 they will also have given you seeds that you can make trivial moves with until they are forced to move the seed in their Pot 1 to a place where you can gather it.

We hope you enjoy it!

Special Thanks written on a blackboard to *Tezcatlipoca* for writing this month's Game of the Month Nugget. You too, can write a knock-out Nugget and reap the rewards! If your Nugget is chosen as the winner for GoldToken's Game of the Month in GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter, you will win:
  • Silver, Gold, and Platinum Members: a one month extension to your current membership
  • Wood Members: a free membership upgrade
  • Guests: a free two-month Silver Membership
So, what are you waiting for? Start writing! .

Best Recipe Contest

April's winner is: BACON SWISS CHICKEN rollups

this is an easy and quick snack.. but works great as an appetizer also:

chicken breasts, boneless skinless
sliced bacon
swiss cheese, thinly sliced

1). pound the chicken flat and cut into 1" strips
2). lay sliced swiss cheese onto top of each chicken strip, trim as needed
3). roll up the chicken strips with swiss on the inside
4). wrap uncooked bacon around each piece to completely cover, insert toothpick to hold together, (bacon will hold the melted swiss inside)
5). Bake at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and chicken and bacon is thoroughly cooked

serve warm as is... or with a simple mayo/mustard dip

(you can also add other items such as thinly sliced jalapenos or pre-cooked thinly sliced mushrooms, you can also play with various cheese types... personalize it for YOUR family's tastes)

GoldToken's pegasiswolf will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big Congratulations to pegasiswolf! Dancing

May's recipe contest is: "Brunch". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
  • Entries must be posted by the recipe guardian/creator on the Cutting Board DB.
  • Recipe must be original and have never been posted on the Cutting Board DB before.

Up front & personal
Interview by: laura lee

{ Image: }


We would like to say Thank you to fatdaddy for letting us step into they're personal life for a bit.

1. What brought you to Goldtoken?
The first game site I ever played on was "Leisuredistrict" based in the UK. I accessed it through "Worldgate" which was a system similar to "Web TV". When that site disbanded I was introduced to this one by a fellow LD member. This may have been Senorita ZORRO_ Some other former LD players that also came here are knitnsew and snaP632.

How'd you choose your name for GT?
Shortly before I got my "Worldgate" account I responded to the first e-mail I ever got (from my daughter) signing it "Your fat Daddy". When I was asked what user name I wanted for the "Worldgate" account the signature melded into "fatdaddy". That was my user name for all accounts until someone else began using it too.

2. What interest you most on GT?
There's so much to like on GT. I enjoy the tournaments, the casual games, the banter, the DB's, the clubs, the great people here, the contests ... shall I go on? Smiling

3. Do you belong to any of the clubs?
Yes I do belong to several clubs and some are non - competitive. Since I've been here (28 April 2002) I've even inherited a few clubs when the club owner downgraded their membership. I survived cancer (and it's treatments) in 2011. My participation here of course has increased since then but I look forward to even better health and more involvement here. This should include resuming periodic sessions of Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wiki Maybe then I'll know what I want to do with the club I started The Bicycle Riders Club Puzzled

4. What State or Country do you reside in?
Do you live in the City or Country?
What in your State or Country do you think tourist should definity see?
I live in N.E Ohio. Ohio "The Professional Football Hall of Fame", "The Canton Classic Car Museum" Driving a car and "The McKinley Monument" Castle are all located nearby in Canton OH. In Massillon there are "The Massillon Museum", "Five Oaks Historic Home" and "The Massillon Public Library" main branch which is housed in an historic home. To the south in Wilmot, OH is "The Wilderness Center". This non profit nature preserve offers 10 miles of walking trails as well as a great open dark site for astronomical viewing at night. Crescent moon Not far from there at one time was "Alpine Alpa". This was a cheese shop/restaurant and was home of the world's largest cuckoo clock. Back when superkaempe the gentle giant visited the US I led him, RubyJoy and blondie on a wild goose chase trying to find it. It may have been closed and resold by then so the place we finally chose to stop at may have indeed been the former 'Alpine Alpa". I should have shown him "The Wilderness Center"...

5. What hobbies to you have?
What other interest do you have?
My hobbies include hunting BowDeer fishing Fishing cooking Cooking walking, hiking, bicycle riding, sky watching Blue Moon playing guitars Bass player right listening to music♫¢Ý¢Ü¢Ý♫ numismatics playing online games surfing the net and Wii games.

6. Children?Do any of them play on GT?
My daughter Twinkly Pink Horse Usagi-chan is 31 and hasn't played here for a long time. My son Twinkly blue horse is 18.

7. Do you work?
I live on SSDI. I also volunteer at a local 501(c)3 organization when my health and energy permit. Of all the jobs I've had in the past (over 40 before I was 40 years old) my favorite was driving taxi. I enjoyed the social interaction and getting paid to drive & listen to music.¢Ü¢Ý♫♫¢Ý♫¢Ý♫ Trumpet player right

8. Any pets
I have no pets now but plan to buy a Betta Splendens soon. Fish I'll put him in a clear vase with pretty stones and some lucky palm plants. Island The plants I recently bought through e-bay didn't survive the cold during transport. I'm waiting now for warmer weather and will buy the Betta after I establish a healthy plant.
I would have dogs Playing with dog only if I lived on substantial acreage and cats Yellow cat if I owned a barn.

9. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? ___ or over 50?
I'm 56 years old.

10. What's the farthest you been from home?
Was it a vacation or for business?
The farthest I have ever been away from home is Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico. This was in December 1973 during Christmas break with several Spanish classes of Central Catholic High School. I was a Junior then in 3rd year Spanish.

11. If you could be anywhere right now where would that be?
Near Mexico City is Teotihuacan. In Teotihuacan are the Avenida de los Muertos (Street of the Dead), Piramide del Sol (Sun Pyramid) and Piramide de la Luna (Moon Pyramid). Under the Sun Pyramid is a natural cave. "La Gruta" ("The Grotto") is a restaurant that resides in this cave. I would enjoy returning there with someone I love. Offering heart

If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know.
laura lee

Testimonial Of The Month
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players

I just checked my profile. I did not realize that I've been a member for almost 12 YEARS! I guess, TIME FLIES when you are having FUN!. And this site is fun. I do not remember how I found out about GoldToken! But I joined just to play CHESS. Then I started playing Checkers, then Backgammon, and on and on and ON. I think right now my favorite game is Triple Shake. But I enjoy many many other games that I really learnt from GoldToken.

I have met so many nice people on this site. I have become friends with them for life! I may be flying a few hundred miles to meet some of these people!

Right now, if I have headache or I'm feeling down, I'll come to Dr.GoldToken!

Wow GoldToken! Ur amazing!



Contest of the Month

Club of the Year

  • Rules
    • Club must have at least 10 active members
    • Running for at least 12 months
    • Must be nominated (by any player) on the Photo Album Contest DB

If you know of an exceptional club, or would like to submit your own, please post it below, where everyone can check it out. Thumbs up

May's contest of the month is Club of the Year. The winning club members will all receive a special club token, made just for their club.

All of GoldToken's clubs are special. But each year, we want to recognize the one that stands out over and above the norm. GoldToken's Club Of The Year is not only a great club, but has members that are helpful, friendly, and makes playing here a joy. The poll for 2013's Club of the Year will run on Friday May 31st. Please vote for the most helpful and friendly club on the list!

Note: Entries must be posted by no later than May 30th, 2013.

We have a winner for April's Best Original Poem!

What Was Never Mine

Losing what I never had
I grieve for a figment of my mind
Am I mourning the imaginings of love
That eluded my reality?
It crushes my heart with pain so sharp
My breath catches in great sobs
How can a fantasy so sweet
End with such a hollow place?
If love was never mine to share
Then times gone by were really, always empty
I refused to see; I closed my mind
Wishing it could be mine
Never made it so!
To open my eyes is torture for my soul
But keeping them shut keeps me in the dark
I need the light; I need the truth

I need the peace of God

Holding me, showing me that hurt is NOT love
Love is letting go of all that’s ugly in my self
Shedding the resentment, no longer needed
A vessel full of self pity has no room for goodness
Pouring out the poisons, making a place
For joy to take root
My soul must heal, my self must change
For serenity to find me, I must accept the loss of
What was never mine.

Congratulations to sandi en margarita, who won 5 Golderos! Dancing

Best Poll Contest
Brought to you by GoldToken's Pollmaster

What is the next piece of trivial information we can ask you about? We ask all sorts of questions about food, general living, internet, entertainment, & GoldToken, and anything else you can think of. Now it’s your turn to give us suggestions on things you think would be good questions to ask.
To see previously used polls, go to your Game Sheet, look at the box the Current Poll is in and at the bottom is a link to “More Polls”. Click on that to see how they are worded and to make sure your question hasn't already been asked in some way. We will probably post most of the polls submitted in the near future but only 1 can win!
The winning entry will receive a personalized GoldToken Signature Goldie like this one RubyJoy

  • Questions must be submitted along with a few (3-4 is enough) possible answer choices.
  • Only original ideas will be considered.
  • First time stamp will the submitter of credit.
  • Polls need to relate to everyone on the site. Not just your region. (Such as, questions about political elections wouldn’t work.)
  • Polls are able to be used in the future and may possibly be reworded.
Submit your poll suggestions by message to the Pollmaster . The squirrels will narrow it down to their top 10 favorite. Then a poll will be made open to the public for voting on your favorite.

The deadline for this first ever poll contest is: 12:00 Midnight, Pacific Time, Friday, May 24, 2013.
Contact me, your friendly neighborhood Pollmaster, with any questions. GOOD_LUCK

Caption Contest

The Caption contest winner for the April 2013 newsletter is ladyvic with:

(unknown photo)

What! Did you say Friskies for dinner!

Congratulations ladyvic!

To enter May's's Caption Contest, click on the link and post your best caption. (unknown photo)
The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next months newsletter.

Icon Mania!
Brought to you by GoldToken's Icon Fairy

We have a winner from last months Icon Hunt.....laura lee was the first to send in the correct names for all the icons. Congratulations and Thank you so much to all of those that participated. We have five new icons for the May search. I'm sure everyone understands that The Icon fairy loves to spread joy to as many players as possible Hugging, so for that reason players are only eligible to win the Icon hunt once every six months. Grinning Thanks for your cooperation.

The icons to find in May are:

{ Image: }
{ Image: }
{ Image: }
{ Image: }
{ Image: }

Be the first to find...message the GoldToken's Icon Fairy or post on Icon DB.

The Dog Parade was a success, we adopted out three dogs..Smiling Sometime in May we will highlight our other four legged friends the "cats", so many cute ones will be up for adoption Conjuring cat. In the months ahead we will looking at the birds, the flowers, the stars, the fish, oh so many to choose stay tuned to find that perfect icon Thumbs up

Breaking Club News:
Brought to you by GoldToken's roving reporter, PattyMac

The For the Love of Draughts Club wants to remind everyone that The All Clubs Site Checkers & Loco Ochos May 2013 Tournament is open for sign-ups. Many clubs have joined this tourney challenge of Checkers and Locos Ochos . All variants of both games are available. You can join one of more than a dozen participating clubs to play. The All Clubs Site Checkers & Loco Ochos May 2013 Tournament


{ Club } is getting prepared to play for their 10th Friendship Afghan. Squares are being made now. { Club } will soon celebrate their 11th birthday in August and the club is still going strong! They want to Thank you, their members and send out a big hug Hugging We are so very proud of our members!
Honeybear and Nancy

And over in the The Sallyp and Friends Club they tell me they are looking for a new guest to adopt so any guest out there who has been at Goldtoken less than 6 months and fancies trying out a fun and very active club please give sallyp or johnnyyboy a message. They would also welcome new members.

The Chess & Variants Club is looking for some game action, they would relish the idea of a clubvsclub tournament. If your club has chess players you might want to give M3 the owner of The Chess & Variants Club an offer to play. ClubvsClub challenges are fun and great for the spirit of the Club.

The Fixit & problems computers Club now has a new owner--Meet Sapient, he tells me that the club is carrying on like before, if you have any computer problems or questions, he and the rest of the members are all there to help you through it. Computer woes are the worst when all you want to do is join your friends and family for some fun games at GoldToken. So don't be shy, all questions are valid and will be answered with all the resources the club has to offer.

The To Your Health Club has just launched their 4th Musical Chairs Backgammon game. This game seems to be a big hit with all the backgammon members. Good Luck to all...if you would like more information contact the club owner PattyMac

Olympic News
Brought to you by: *GoldTokens* Olympic *Presidents*

Trumpet player right April's 2012 Olympic Winners! A big congratulations to these players & their clubs! Trumpet player left

The Tourne-case Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Tourne-caseGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubpartygirl
Tourne-caseSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubsmokey164
Tourne-caseBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubjamchug

The Stacking Grabble Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Stacking GrabbleGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubcmacker
Stacking GrabbleSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubchris3
Stacking GrabbleSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubFreddie

The 10x10 Halma Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
10x10 HalmaGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubvenne
10x10 HalmaSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubCELTICBRUCE
10x10 HalmaSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubDIRKSTRA

The Dice Salvo Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Dice SalvoGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubjohnnyyboy
Dice SalvoSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubB*Elanna
Dice SalvoBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubMsLady

The Rock Paper Scissors Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Rock Paper ScissorsGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune Clubalexlee
Rock Paper ScissorsSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubporkpie1
Rock Paper ScissorsBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubPenguin123

The Outbreak Ataxx Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Outbreak AtaxxGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Vulcan ClubRoad Runner
Outbreak AtaxxSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubSuperDupont
Outbreak AtaxxBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo Clubgolfnutrof

The Quicksand Four In a Row Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Quicksand Four In a RowGOLD{ Club }grade1teacher
Quicksand Four In a RowSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubAndrewB
Quicksand Four In a RowSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubRodius

The Loop Trax Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Loop TraxGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubdgb
Loop TraxSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubmark2804
Loop TraxBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubEU BNL frisian3

The Small Reversi Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Small ReversiGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubSkywalker
Small ReversiSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubSir Legend50 of the GoldTable
Small ReversiBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubsandra1

The Paper Hockey Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Paper HockeyGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubcmacker
Paper HockeySILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubcorpi
Paper HockeySILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubHamsarnie

The Shake It Fast Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
Shake It FastGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo Clubsir_gary
Shake It FastSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubberecca
Shake It FastSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubthe celt
Shake It FastSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubwilly

The Lines of Action Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Lines of ActionGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubklaashaas
Lines of ActionSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune Clubrabbitoid
Lines of ActionSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubRed Panda

The Domination Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
DominationGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubRed Panda
DominationSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubJon *the return*
DominationBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubjonfunk

The Double Trouble Four In a Row Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Double Trouble Four In a RowGOLD{ Club }grade1teacher
Double Trouble Four In a RowSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubHamsarnie
Double Trouble Four In a RowBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubKat
Double Trouble Four In a RowBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubLorraine of the Renegades

The Scrambled Eggs Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 3A Tournament
Scrambled EggsGOLD{ Club }rabbitoid
Scrambled EggsSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubHamsarnie
Scrambled EggsSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubRuache

The Reversi Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
ReversiGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubklaashaas
ReversiSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Vulcan ClubRoad Runner
ReversiBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubJimC

The Small Go Moku Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Small Go MokuGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubSkywalker
Small Go MokuSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Club1926
Small Go MokuSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubSuperDupont

The Grabble Race Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Grabble RaceGOLD & SILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubcmacker
Grabble RaceGOLD & SILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubTallPaul
Grabble RaceBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubRodney
Grabble RaceBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubtango2

The Whist Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 2B Tournament
WhistGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubTrueIndian
WhistSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubcmacker
WhistBRONZE{ Club }Jacob1987
WhistBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubOzzy

The Go Moku Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
Go MokuGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubSkywalker
Go MokuSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune ClubDavidJ
Go MokuBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubCELTICBRUCE

The Golden Pente Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Golden PenteGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubWhistler Gandalf
Golden PenteSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubHamsarnie
Golden PenteSILVER & BRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo ClubSir Legend50 of the GoldTable

The Halma Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
HalmaGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubjklh
HalmaSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubHamsarnie
HalmaBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubCELTICBRUCE

The Hypergammon Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
HypergammonGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Clubtriwire
HypergammonSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Apollo Clubjfromfl
HypergammonBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Vulcan Clubrobertst
HypergammonBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubwilsoni

The Large Reversi Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
Large ReversiGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubklaashaas
Large ReversiSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto Club1926
Large ReversiBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres Clubmark2804
Large ReversiBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva ClubSarahMills

The Checkers Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
CheckersGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubSkywalker
CheckersSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Ceres ClubJimC
CheckersBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubspiritebear

The Camelot Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
CamelotGOLD{ Club }Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe
CamelotSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Vulcan ClubMoondyne
CamelotBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Neptune Clubrabbitoid

The Hex Competition in The 2012 Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
HexGOLDThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Minerva Clubklaashaas
HexSILVERThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno ClubHamsarnie
HexBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Juno Clubjonfunk
HexBRONZEThe 2015 Winter Olympic Team Pluto ClubMcGoo98

Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined


  • Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken's Newshound your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you! Smiling
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **

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This page was last edited by Badger at 6:24PM on 6 May 2013

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