May 2012

GoldToken's Monthly News

Hello, GoldToken friends and family!

I hope April showers have brought lots of May flowers Offering flower your way!

I have very exciting news. Our dear Badger is off getting hitched, so be sure to [ Main: Sign the Congratulatory Card for Badger ]! Bride Groom

April was a busy month, as usual, around the site. There’s yet another fun game in testing over on the beta site! Thanks to our faithful players who help with testing, we’ve made a few adjustments and tweaks and it should be ready to launch soon. Thumbs up

The graphics for the Paper games have been realigned and improved upon, and we’ve got a cool new “Recent Photos” display on our gamesheets. I don’t always have time to browse the Album Photos Discussion Board, so it’s fun to be surprised by new pictures on my gamesheet. Thank you, Mecir!

Congratulations to monkeytyper, winner of the Easter Treasure Hunt contest! Dancing

Still looking for those elusive images? They can be found here:

Lost & Found:
Occasionally, a club reverts to GoldToken Support’s ownership when all the members have left, for whatever reason. When this happens, we attempt to find the owner so he or she can take the club back. Smiling If { Club } belongs to you, please contact GoldToken Support so we can transfer it back to you. If the owner does not step forward within 90 days, the club will be put up for adoption. Pushing baby stroller

Thanks for being part of this wonderful site! Grinning See you in the games! Waving


In this month's newsletter, we have:
  • Birthdays & Special Announcements
  • 1st Stop Information
  • Game Of The Month
  • Best Recipe Contest
  • Up Front & Personal
  • Testimonial Of The Month
  • Contest of the Month
  • Caption Contest
  • Breaking Club News
  • Olympic News

Birthday cakeBirthdays & Special AnnouncementsOffering gift

Birthday Wishes:
-- Happy Birthday to MsLady on May 2nd! - From { Club }, { Club }, The Word O'Rama Club & The Backgammon Tournament Club Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to supermann8 on May 2nd! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Nina on May 3rd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Goonerg on May 3rd! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to SouthMsGurl2 on May 3rd! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to MBAfriend on May 4th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to * on May 4th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to carouselhorse on May 6th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to cissy on May 7th! - From laura lee Offering flower and clare Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to tweets on May 8th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Mary on May 9th! - From { Club }, The Word O'Rama Club, { Club }, { Club } & { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to rabbitoid on May 10th! - From The Chess & Variants Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to El Lobo Loco on May 12th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Game-Tech on May 12th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to bluelady on May 13th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to WebbyDebi on May 15th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to sidders on May 15th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Tony Rome on May 16th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to marlisam on May 16th! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to maintenance man on May 17th! - From { Club } and The MasterClass Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to stanley7 on May 18th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to STUSTU on May 18th! - From The Pork Chop Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to ZOEgirl on May 19th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to CarolP on May 19th! - From The Word O'Rama Club Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to the loneranger on May 19th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GeorgeF on May 20th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to GoneFishin on May 20th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to porkpie1 on May 21st! - From The Pork Chop Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Athena46 on May 22nd! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Lil Red on May 23rd! - From { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to unicorn on May 25th! - From The Word O'Rama Club, { Club } & { Club } Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Misfit Lenrad6672 on May 25th! - From The Backgammon Tournament Club and your husband Dbledee Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to blue eyes on May 27th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Arctic Warrior on May 27th! Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to USS Ben on May 28th! - From your daughter The_TopCat Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to nw2425 on May 29th! - From { Club } and { Club } Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Nj on May 30th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to dixiegal47 on May 30th! Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to BethA on May 31th! Offering flower


-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Capricorn and her husband on May 4th! - From The Renegades Gaming Club Offering flower
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Dalyna and her husband on May 16th! Offering flower
-- Happy 28th Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Man of Steel and B*Elanna on May 26th! From The Word O'Rama Club Offering flower
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom to Opulent and her husband on May 29th! Offering flower

Other Wishes:

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, can not be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)

1st Stop Information
Site tips and helpful tools

What are those neat pictures I see in some players' profiles, in the spot where profile pictures go?

Those are Profile Images! They are available in a wide variety of themes, colors, and designs.

Click on the links below to view all of our profile images

Profile Themes:

For full information, please visit Profile Pictures. Then, post your request on the Profile Image Requests!

Game Of The Month

May's game of the month is Triple Shake! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The May 2012 - Game of the Month - Triple Shake Tournament! Have fun

Triple Shake adds a new layer of strategy on to Shake games, by giving you the option to place winning hands in columns that multiply your score by two or three.

The trick to making a great end-game score is to resist some 'easy points' up front. For instance, early in the game, you might roll this: 2,2,2,3,4. This qualifies as a three of a kind, which you could place in the 1x, 2x, or 3x columns. Alternately, you could place it as one of your '2' row, up top.

For this base score of 13, the 3x column for 'three of a kind' will give you the most points for that roll, 13 x 3 = 39. But that would be a poor choice. Getting 3 twos isn't that great of a 'three of a kind' hand, and you could hold out until later in the game when you will surely have better 'three of a kind' hands, with a lot more base points to multiply out.

You would be better advised to place this in the 1x column, or even up top in the 'twos' category, and save the 3x column for a higher rolling hand later in the game.

Note that this logic doesn't apply to categories that have a fixed amount of points (i.e. five of a kind, or straights). For those categories, always take the 3x column first and work your way left from there. You only need to exercise caution when jumping to the 3x column on rows that have variable scores, based on the numbers you rolled that hand.

We hope you enjoy it!

Special Thanks written on a blackboard to *jonfunk* for writing this month's Game of the Month Nugget. You too, can write a knock-out Nugget and reap the rewards! If your Nugget is chosen as the winner for GoldToken's Game of the Month in GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter, you will win:
  • Silver, Gold, and Platinum Members: a one month extension to your current membership
  • Wood Members: a free membership upgrade
  • Guests: a free two-month Silver Membership
So, what are you waiting for? Start writing! .

Best Recipe Contest

April's winner is: Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs

In a pot of cold water add some white vinegar and salt put the eggs into the cold water and bring them to a boil for 3 minutes. Remove the eggs from the water and place into cold water then put into the refrigerator till the eggs are cold. Remove the shells. Cut the eggs in half and put the yolks into a bowl. Add a teaspoon of mayonnaise per yolk, 1/4 teaspoon of mustard. Pinch of salt and teaspoon of sweet relish. Mix together and put back into the eggs. Dust with paprika cover with plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator to get cold.

Make as above but add some pepper and cayenne pepper (to taste) to the yolk mix.

To the yolks add some garlic powder or chopped garlic

Make one to two strips of bacon, chop up and add to the yolk mixture

GoldToken's crow57 will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big Congratulations to crow57! Dancing

May's recipe contest is: "Best Potato Salad Recipe". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
  • Entries must be posted by the recipe guardian/creator on the Cutting Board DB.
  • Recipe must be original and have never been posted on the Cutting Board DB before May 30th, 2012.

Up front & personal
Interview by: laura lee

Welcome jonfunk

1. What brought you to GoldToken?
I used to play GT-style games on Pocket-Monkey. Other users often asked 'where else do you play?', to which I'd respond 'Nowhere else, and you?'. GoldToken came up frequently enough that I finally checked it out, and haven't been able to leave, since! I still enjoy games on Pocket-Monkey, but tend to prefer the community, features, and game variety available on GoldToken.

How'd you choose your name for GT?
My first name is 'Jon' and my last name is 'Funk'!

2. What interests you most on GT?
The variety of games (and variants!) available to play, as well as the continuous development of new games. Also, I love to challenge myself and there is always something new to try! (or to try to improve at!)

3. Do you belong to any of the clubs? How about the chat only clubs (birds, kitties, garden)?
My club activity tends to vary seasonally, according to my free time. I enjoy the annual Olympics, so I'm always into The Olympiads Club. I'm currently part of The GERM WARFARE Club, The High Rollers Club, { Club }, and { Club } clubs, due to interest in each of their respective themes. I'm also Owner of the { Club } which is a small group of individuals that are part of both the and communities.

4. What State or Country do you reside in?
I live in City of Langley, BC, Canada.
I live in the City, but plan to move to a more rural setting in the future.

What in your State or Country do you think tourists should definitely see?
I think that British Columbia has so much scenic variety that it should be on everyone's to-do list, eventually. We have Ocean, Desert, Mountains,several varieties of forest, and enough of each to sate any nature-lover's taste.

5. What hobbies to you have?
What other interest do you have?

Board games (with family and/or friends)
Reading (both text and audiobooks)
Camping (the pursuit of the perfectly roasted marshmallow!)
Video games (particularly co-op games online)
Any activity that combines two or more of the above! (Reading next to a campfire )

6. Children?
Do any of them play on GT.
I have one son, who is 2.5. He hasn't started into GoldToken yet, but it's on the long-term to-do list to get him hooked here, too! Flying blue horse

7. Do you work?
Yes, I'm a Civil Engineer with a focus in hydraulics.
If so what kind of work do you do?
I perform planning and design for municipal treated water systems.
Do you enjoy your job?
I quite enjoy it!

8. Any pets?
Not at the moment, but I plan to get another dog when it becomes practical.

9. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? ___ or over 50?
Currently, I am 27 years old.

10. What's the farthest you've been from home?
Was it a vacation or for business?
I've been as far south as Mexico and as far east as Quebec, both for vacation.

11. If you could be anywhere right now where would that be?
While there are lots of places I'd like to visit around the world, I'm quite content living exactly where I am. I love Canada / BC / Fraser Valley. I might consider moving to Ontario at some point in my life, but not just now.

We would like to say Thank you to jonfunk for letting us step into their personal life for a bit.

If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know.
laura lee

Testimonial Of The Month
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players

Five years ago, I was playing at another site that only played Scrabble. There were no clubs, no tournaments, no ladders, no discussion boards, no icons, and a very small game limit. A friend of mine who played there, told me he had found a site that played backgammon. Being a long time gammon fan, I quickly checked out and never went back!

Since being here I've met many nice people that I look forward to "seeing" every day. I've even met life long friends that I've had the chance to visit and vacation with in person--love my "ECPOSSE"! I've had fun learning new games and bettering old ones.


Contest of the Month

May's contest of the month is the best New Discussion Board Idea posted on the DB. The winner will recieve 5 Golderos and be chosen by poll on the same board. Deadline to be entered in the poll is May 30, 2012.

Oops! Sorry for the delay - the poll is running right now for the "Best Poem" contest, for poems posted on the Poetry Corner in April. Scoot on over to vote, and we'll announce the winner in a sitewide news blurb once players have had a chance to vote! Thumbs up

Caption Contest

The Caption contest winner for the April, 2012 newsletter is Sea Dreams with:

Hurry! GT is down and if we don't hop back on that wheel to get it going again the players are gonna have a fit!

Congratulations Sea Dreams!

To enter May's Caption Contest, click on the following link and post your best caption. photo titled May 2012 Caption Contest
The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next months newsletter.

Breaking Club News:
Brought to you by GoldToken's roving reporter, PattyMac

The Stonehead Stone Games Club is celebrating their 6th anniversary. They play all types of stone games such as Go-Moku and variants, Pente's, Reversi's. For a full list and more information about this one of a kind club contact Oakheart

The Sallyp and Friends Club has just finished their first set of Alphabet Tournaments, it had been running for almost a year, the winner was brosius as he won six of the 24 tournaments and came 2nd in another two. ChrisC came second overall. Congratulations to these winners and to the Club for having such a successful tournament.

The Crafters Fair Club is starting a new special scrapbook for another beloved member of GoldToken. These scrapbooks are such a special way to brighten up anyone's day with well wishes and concern from all of the members here at GoldToken. We all build those special bonds with each other so its nice to participate in such a great gift. If you would like to join the club or to contribute to the book, either my putting together a couple of pages to add to the book or to help with postage (they are quite large after completion) please contact the club owner Scrapbooking Maven she would be more than happy to give you any help or ideas.

Big news from the The United Atheist League Club this month, they were the winners in a thrilling backgammon tournament against { Club } famously strong backgammon team. Out of 66 games, the UAL won 41 games and lost 25.

{ Club } has just been formed to play Paper Football, they are now taking signups with the idea of a June start to the league. Will be multiple divisions with promotions and relegation's. If you would like future information on this new club, contact the owner Red Panda

{ Club } has had a change in ownership. The club is focusing on becoming a real contender in the games of CrossDowns and all variants. The club is offering ladders and clubvsclub matches. There will be a lot of games for fun as well such as "Story Book CrossDowns" where the words used in the game and then put into a story line.
Words of the week, polls for best words used, change one letter fun and much more. If you desire membership or want to know more about what the club plans, contact the new owner PattyMac.

Two more new clubs { Club } and { Club } if you are interested in these club, contact the club owner for more information Morse

The club of the month for the month of May is The Rung by Rung Club You have full access to the "Club of the Month" Discussion Board.

Olympic News
Brought to you by: *GoldTokens* Olympic *Presidents*

Trumpet player right April's 2012 Olympic Winners! A big congratulations to these players & their clubs! Trumpet player left

The Xiangqi Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
XiangqiGOLD{ Club }rabbitoid
XiangqiSILVER{ Club }M3
XiangqiBRONZE{ Club }Ruache
XiangqiBRONZE{ Club }barefootony

The Long Gammon Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
Long GammonGOLD{ Club }trinitymary
Long GammonSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }ceci
Long GammonSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }Ray of Light

The GoldDots Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
GoldDotsGOLD & SILVER{ Club }cmacker
GoldDotsGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Totty
GoldDotsBRONZE{ Club }sparkles43

The Chessgi Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
ChessgiGOLD{ Club }rabbitoid
ChessgiSILVER{ Club }Ray of Light
ChessgiBRONZE{ Club }EsqKeeper

The MiniDots Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
MiniDotsGOLD{ Club }cmacker
MiniDotsBRONZE{ Club }ozallan

The Dice Pipe Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Dice PipeGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Pooka
Dice PipeGOLD & SILVER{ Club }1926
Dice PipeBRONZE{ Club }hoot
Dice PipeBRONZE{ Club }johnnyyboy

The Hotspot Four In a Row Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Hotspot 4airGOLD & SILVER{ Club }tango2
Hotspot 4airGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Man of Steel
Hotspot 4airBRONZE{ Club }MM David littlefair XI
Hotspot 4airBRONZE{ Club }alexlee

The Shake Rattle & Roll Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Shake Rattle & RollGOLD{ Club }ceci
Shake Rattle & RollSILVER{ Club }Hillbilly
Shake Rattle & RollBRONZE{ Club }randy1

The Small Go Moku Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Small Go MokuGOLD{ Club }DavidJ
Small Go MokuSILVER{ Club }MBAfriend
Small Go MokuBRONZE{ Club }YNWA
Small Go MokuBRONZE{ Club }Dbledee
Small Go MokuBRONZE{ Club }1926
Small Go MokuBRONZE{ Club }heyred72

The Giveaway Reversi Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 2B Tournament
Giveaway ReversiGOLD{ Club }OkMeR
Giveaway ReversiSILVER{ Club }DavidJ
Giveaway ReversiBRONZE{ Club }JimC

The Large Dice Pipes Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 4B Tournament
Large Dice PipesGOLD{ Club }katja
Large Dice PipesSILVER{ Club }elikat
Large Dice PipesBRONZE{ Club }BettyAnn

The Whist Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 2B Tournament
WhistGOLD & SILVER{ Club }ozallan
WhistGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Chris
WhistBRONZE{ Club }sandra1

The Maxi Shake Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
Maxi ShakeGOLD & SILVER{ Club }alexlee
Maxi ShakeGOLD & SILVER{ Club }DavidJ
Maxi ShakeBRONZE{ Club }Lolla

The Fast Chinese Checkers Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Fast Chinese CheckersGOLD{ Club }cmacker
Fast Chinese CheckersSILVER{ Club }ozallan
Fast Chinese CheckersBRONZE{ Club }Ocirne

The Halma Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
HalmaGOLD{ Club }venne
HalmaBRONZE{ Club }aussielady
HalmaBRONZE{ Club }jklh

The Large Go Moku Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
Large Go MokuGOLD{ Club }DavidJ
Large Go MokuSILVER{ Club }rabbitoid
Large Go MokuBRONZE{ Club }YNWA

The Shake It Baby Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 4B Tournament
Shake It BabyGOLD{ Club }GameNut
Shake It BabySILVER & BRONZE{ Club }berecca
Shake It BabySILVER & BRONZE{ Club }ladybugwrangler
Shake It BabySILVER & BRONZE{ Club }TedEBear

The Multi-Hit Salvo Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 4A Tournament
Multi-Hit SalvoGOLD & SILVER{ Club }GoldiLocks
Multi-Hit SalvoGOLD & SILVER{ Club }Chris
Multi-Hit SalvoBRONZE{ Club }blackangus
Multi-Hit SalvoBRONZE{ Club }B*Elanna
Multi-Hit SalvoBRONZE{ Club }Nativeredken

The Nackgammon (3 Point) Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
Nackgammon (3 Point)GOLD{ Club }venne
Nackgammon (3 Point)SILVER{ Club }DocMartin
Nackgammon (3 Point)BRONZE{ Club }YNWA
Nackgammon (3 Point)BRONZE{ Club }DaMantis

The International Checkers Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 2A Tournament
International CheckersGOLD{ Club }rabbitoid
International CheckersSILVER{ Club }JimC
International CheckersBRONZE{ Club }Rodius

The American Rummikub Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 5A Tournament
American RummikubGOLD{ Club }1926
American RummikubSILVER{ Club }Rodney
American RummikubBRONZE{ Club }spiritebear

The CrossDowns Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 4B Tournament
CrossDownsGOLD{ Club }JimC
CrossDownsSILVER{ Club }cmacker
CrossDownsBRONZE{ Club }eliphont551
CrossDownsBRONZE{ Club }Karen Q

The Outbreak Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 1A Tournament
OutbreakGOLD{ Club }OkMeR
OutbreakSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }MBAfriend
OutbreakSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }Road Runner

The CrossDowns Race Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 5B Tournament
CrossDowns RaceGOLD{ Club }cmacker
CrossDowns RaceSILVER{ Club }AndrewB
CrossDowns RaceBRONZE{ Club }heyred72

The Reversi Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 1B Tournament
ReversiGOLD{ Club }OkMeR
ReversiSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }1926
ReversiSILVER & BRONZE{ Club }JimC

The Four In a Row Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 2B Tournament
Four In a RowGOLD{ Club }rabbitoid
Four In a RowBRONZE{ Club }Azalea
Four In a RowBRONZE{ Club }JimC

The Hit&Miss Salvo Competition in The 2011 Olympic Tournament Group 3B Tournament
Hit&Miss SalvoGOLD{ Club }willemien
Hit&Miss SalvoSILVER{ Club }Chris
Hit&Miss SalvoBRONZE{ Club }RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack

Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined


  • Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken's Newshound your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you! Smiling
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **

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