Counting cards

This Nugget has been written by Rad on 18 Aug at 1:31PM

Category: Whist

In games like whist you have to keep track of which cards have been played already. Because we play our games over days, weeks and even months you can't do that in your head, but at the bottom of the page our game administrators have kindly provide a list of all cards that have been played previously. This can be a great asset. For example if you are sitting with the Queen of diamonds in your hand, then check the list, if the King and Ace have already been played then you have the master card in that suit, so use it wisely.

Also, don't forget to count the number of cards in each suit that have been played. That Queen of diamonds may be the best card in diamonds, but if 12 other diamonds have already been played, then it is likely to attract a trump from your opponent (though that may be exactly what you want to happen).


Each player has 3 cards left. Your sitting with Queen diamonds, Jack diamonds, King trumps. Opponent has Four and Five of hearts, Ace trumps. It's you lead.

If you lead with King trumps, he beats it with his Ace and has two heart winners left. If you lead a diamond, he must either discard a heart, or take with his Ace trumps and lead back to your King of trumps. That way you win two tricks as opposed to you opponent winning all three.
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Nugget Comments
Use high cards wisely

Posted on 17 Oct at 12:05PM by Lion Rampant

If you hold broken honor suit sequences such as A-Q-10 or
K-J-10 or A-J-10 or A-Q-J, do NOT lead from these suits as
you could easily give tricks away. Wait for your
opponent to lead them.

If you hold unsupported Aces don't lead them.
The object of Aces is to capture Kings and Queens,
not the miserable little rubbish which will
be played on them if you lead them out.

If you have a strong solid suit,lead it out from
the top card.

Keep an eye on the turnup card as to whether it's
worth winning the trick for.