Nuggets in category: Whist
There are 14 Nuggets in this category. You can read individual Nuggets by clicking on the desired title. You can sort the list by clicking on the desired header. You can also return to the category list, search for Nuggets, go to your gamesheet, or write a new Nugget.
Counting cardsRad18 Aug at 1:31PM114
General Spades TipsSpades Master19 Feb at 6:01PM26
Hearts - passing three cardsFian26 Dec at 11:34AM06 ( +5, -1 )
How Good Are Your Cards... for SPADESSpades Master21 Feb at 10:10AM06
How good are your cards ?Manpower12 Apr at 7:57AM06
In Hearts, when there are 3 palyers, which card is eliminated?IDamian20 Aug at 9:53PM00
Scoring in Eurekamarcmandy22 Jun at 6:51AM04 ( +3, -1 )
Scoring in Three-Handed Whistmarcmandy4 Jun at 8:11AM09 ( +8, -1 )
Spades: Beware The PredatorsSpades Master20 Sep at 8:54PM56 ( +4, -2 )
Suit lengthRad17 Aug at 10:33PM04
Taking tricksRad17 Aug at 10:28PM07
The Nil Bid in SpadesSpades Master19 Feb at 6:07PM48
Three-handed Whist: Should I look at the Widow?marcmandy20 Aug at 5:28AM14 ( +3, -1 )
game ends earlymarshmud24 Oct at 8:44AM11