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Tested for CoViD ?
An acquaintance posted that he had tested positive for CoViD. Here is part of my reply to him.

I read that Koch's Postulates have yet to be applied to CoViD. Without that we have no publicly available proof that a particular organism causes it.'s+postulates&id=9931410&pageid=r&charsetUTF-8&bcd÷&scs=1&query=covid&Find=Search&mode=ALL to find the relevant article or at least one such.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Vaccine Information --- All You Ever Need to Know or Prove
By Anna Von Reitz
I read something about the test for it somewhere but might not have a reference handy.
Here is another one from that same search.
I could afford to vacation up north and even go back to college on that.

Written on 3 Jul 2024 at 2118R
Written on 3 Jul 2024 at 7:18PM
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Saying Goodbye to The Daily Bell 😢 Unless...
The deadline to contact him is Monday, June 17, 2024.
Written on 15 Jun 2024 at 2256R
Written on 15 Jun 2024 at 8:56PM
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June is Dairy Month in The United States
I went to a dairy breakfast two weeks ago near Hustisford.
This weekend a nearby farm is hosting one both today, June 15th, and tomorrow, June 16th.
Written on 15 Jun 2024 at 2240R
Written on 15 Jun 2024 at 8:40PM
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Third Anniversary ▬ Pointing to White Nobility
  • My brother died three years ago today at merely 59.
  • Were he still alive and healthy he would be interested in thwarting evil and restoring good.
  • He pointed me to the PDF site with Anna's articles. Here is one.
  • 4856. International Public Notice: The White and The Black
    • Saturday, June 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz
    • It was with great pleasure that we received notice this morning that a senior member of the White Nobility in Europe, the Grand Duke von Mecklenburg-Strelitz, has opened the public discussion of these matters with a website:
      • Seine Königliche Hoheit Grossherzog Friedrich Maik
      • His Royal Highness Grand Duke Friedrich Maik
    • It is in German, but you can use a good translator like DeepL Translate to get the gist of the history and topics. We have taken an excerpt explaining the genesis of the White and the Black:

Written on 4 Jun 2024 at 1911R
  • I tweaked it:
    1. adding an "s" after Anna'
    2. putting the URL of His Royal Highness Grand Duke Friedrich Maik in line with the colon
      • &
    3. adding a "/" character to that URL to make it work on this website.
  • If there were other errors I missed them.
Posted on 5 Jun 2024 at 0928R
Written on 5 Jun 2024 at 7:28AM
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From December 2015 ▬ James Belcher's Advice to Veterans

114. Christmas message For Veterans from Judge Anna and James Clinton Belcher

For the Boys

A Christmas Message for Veterans

From Judge Anna and James Clinton Belcher

December 24, 2015


Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Very Special Christmas Message from Judge Anna and James Clinton Belcher

Written on 27 May 2024 at 1749R
Written on 27 May 2024 at 3:49PM
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Our Gold Hidden in Michigan ?
4777. The Most Targeted Assembly in America
Monday, April 29, 2024 The Most Targeted Assembly in America
Written on 15 May 2024 at 5:50PM
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Our Gold Hidden in Michigan ?
4777. The Most Targeted Assembly in America
Monday, April 29, 2024 The Most Targeted Assembly in America
Written on 15 May 2024 at 5:20PM
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Lone Heart Attack Stopgap From Facebook
I have had many CPR classes over the last few years but was never told this…..
Have you ever thought about it ❤️
When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then ?
A rarely good post that can't be shared often enough:
Take a 2 minute break and read this:
Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.
You are really tired and frustrated.
All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.
Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..
Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.
How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.
Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment
Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.
9. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.
Instead of posting jokes, you're helping save lives by spreading this message.
❤️ COPY (hold your finger, click on the text and select copy, go to your own page and where you normally want to write, select finger again and paste)

Written on 25 Apr 2024 at 2301R
Written on 25 Apr 2024 at 9:01PM
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Alas! Why like Ike ?
Monday, April 22, 2024
Danke Gott -- Finally, What We Knew to Be True
By Anna Von Reitz
4768. Danke Gott -- Finally, What We Knew to Be True

Written on 25 Apr 2024 at 2254R
Written on 25 Apr 2024 at 8:54PM
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There Were Three Federal Subcontractors...
4766. International Public Notice: Our Government(s)
Monday, April 22, 2024
International Public Notice: Our Government(s)
By Anna Von Reitz

Written on 24 Apr 2024 at 2004R
Written on 24 Apr 2024 at 6:04PM
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Corporations Attack Their Employer ─ Thorough Reply
By Anna Von Reitz
Saturday, April 20, 2024
4759. International Public Notice: Notice of Liability, Etc.
have the same article.

Written on 24 Apr 2024 at 1937R
Written on 24 Apr 2024 at 5:37PM
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Shavian Alphabet
Written on 30 Dec 2023 at 1634S
  • While I like the idea of an alphabet which does a better job of handling the English language, I view keeping the connection to old literature as more important than having something more convenient now, at least partly to let the average man or woman do research into what went on before.
  • If we could manage to keep the old way and add the use of Shaw's Alphabet that might be good.
  • I am adding some hyperlinks which he had with that video link. I should have added them right away. I goofed.
  • I am also adding formatting. I had merely lines skipped in the initial posting.
Written on 8 Jan 2024 at 1758S
Written on 8 Jan 2024 at 3:58PM
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GOTTESDIENSTORDNUNG (German Christmas Service)
is going on now.
Written on 23 Dec 2023 at 1010S
Written on 23 Dec 2023 at 8:10AM
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Benediction German Christmas Service - December 17, 2023
Written on 17 Dec 2023 at 1616S
Written on 17 Dec 2023 at 2:16PM
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Better Off With Trump? Maybe. Not Well Enough Off, Though.
I replied to one's comment that we would be better off with Trump.
I used the search engine provided for sifting through the articles.
First some results.
Now the searching link.
Written on 16 Dec 2023 at 1432S
Written on 16 Dec 2023 at 12:32PM
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Web Encryption is now FICTION. But there's LetsEncrypt...
— Rob Braxman December 6, 2023 21:31
Written on 15 Dec 2023 at 1828S
Written on 15 Dec 2023 at 4:28PM
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Banks Allegedly to Stop Backing Credit Cards on December 14, 2023
Will credit cards crash around Midnight Eastern Time between 13th & 14th of Dec. 2023?
Anna advised that folks keep a copy or copies to be able to prove their accounts' balances later in case their balances are zeroed out.
She wrote that withdrawing cash would not protect one from the devaluation of the FRN. Keeping a record of balances seems prudent. Just in case.
4515. Don't Settle for Pennies -- Spread the Word
4527. Urgent Alert -- Situation Update for Americans
4528. What to Do About It

In my case the zeroing out of an account could shut down my cell phone.

I mean to save a record of that small balance — fondly wishing that I need no such record.

Written on 13 Dec 2023 at 2128S
Written on 13 Dec 2023 at 7:28PM
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Good Vulcans Protocol, Anyone?
4476. The Snakes, All of Them v Self-Declared Governments
"They shall be Good Vulcans showing self-control" as a condition of keeping or regaining freedom ? Does that sound like a recipe for unintended consequences? A while back Devvy Kidd wrote an article in which she stated that, in the United States, Asians & Blacks tended to vote for their own group. Now consider that Anna, while apparently very informed about history and law, has some interesting ideas to which a man with his own podcast responded when the interviews with her were still on YouTube by doing something like running away screaming rather than sucking it up and keeping what he deemed wheat while discarding what he deemed chaff. Are my readers made up of Good Vulcans?

Written on 13 Dec 2023 at 2123S
Written on 13 Dec 2023 at 7:23PM
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Blog Header Changed Using ALT (BIOS) Characters
Some musings & fun stuff. Serious stuff like resisting tyranny? ✪✪M3 is for Edwin Vieira Jr.'s 3 themes: Meaning, Militia, and Money.✪✪ M3 = Money Supply Measure formerly published by the U. S. government. Please see & regarding Dr. Vieira. Those might be about reform of the mess in DC. ▬ These following are about restoration of ☆★land jurisdiction governments★☆: to ☆restore☆ the American government at ★ & for elsewhere at ★☆ ▬ both from 4520. Java Alert -- Incoming or

I used some characters which one can enter using ALT key + numbers.
Written on 4 Dec 2023 at 2118S
Written on 4 Dec 2023 at 7:18PM
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Alleged Deliberate Collapse of the "Money"
Don't Settle for Pennies -- Spread the Word
By Anna Von Reitz Thursday, November 30, 2023 Posted by Paul Stramer at 4:49 PM

Federal Reserve Notes Are Less Than Worthless
By Anna Von Reitz Thursday, November 30, 2023 Posted by Paul Stramer at 7:11 AM

I could point you to writing by Edwin Vieira, Jr. The 1792 Coinage Act used the results of a survey which standardized the Dollar as containing 371 and 4/16 grains of Silver.

I posted threads beginning with the words Phaser the Dollar on one or more Yahoo! Groups. I think that keeping a pet name for our money unit was a mistake. I noticed that some in Mexico regarded the Peso as a measure of labor rather than a set amount of Silver. Yes, yikes! Why did not the Founding Fathers sidestep this?

Posted on 30 Nov 2023 at 2152S in Wisconsin

Update. I am not sure whether the times copied and pasted are in his local time or mine, Montana's or Wisconsin's.
Written on 1 Dec 2023 at 2111SM
Written on 1 Dec 2023 at 7:11PM
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Remember the Ice Princess
on General Hospital long ago *?*
It was a gem which enabled a weather modification machine to work.
Alas, such technology exists but maybe not with a gem as its key.

Why should anyone trust their claims that we must forgo this or that to stave off climate disaster*?*

I think that I never heard of those treaties before reading of them in Anna's writing. Did any of you?

I kept that under sixty words quoted. I claim Fair Use. But do read those articles as well as the rest of the Stop Being Stupid series. The other two should be easy to find.

Written on 30 Nov 2023 at 2115S
Written on 30 Nov 2023 at 7:15PM
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Anna Articles Backlog. Slaughter In Africa. Truly?
Written on 26 Nov 2023 at 2111S
Written on 26 Nov 2023 at 7:12PM
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Meet The People - Amy Arthur
Written on 18 Nov 2023 at 1634S
Written on 18 Nov 2023 at 2:34PM
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Tessa Lena - Theory of CoViD & Vaccine Injury
This one she is leaving outside of her paywall to let folks read it.

Grand Theory of COVID and Vaccine Injury - by Tessa Lena

Written on 3 Nov 2023 at 2110R
Written on 3 Nov 2023 at 7:10PM
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Watched 1953 Luther Movie on DVD
on Sunday, October 29, 2023.
Copy and paste the link. This site will make the final ) not part of it.
Written on 1 Nov 2023 at 1257R
Written on 1 Nov 2023 at 10:57AM
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Seek a Volkswagen, Find a Rolls Royce ?
I think that in March 2020 I used a search engine to find some cookware, seen in a TV ad, with copper in its coating only to find Brooklyn Copper Cookware among the results.
Written on 27 Oct 2023 at 1251R
Written on 27 Oct 2023 at 10:51AM
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Vaccine or "Vaccine" ?
Written on 16 Oct 2023 at 1338R
Written on 16 Oct 2023 at 11:38AM
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Jim Stone: Lahaina & Russian Accusation against US | Barnett on Lahaina & Government
  1. Jim Stone
  2. Barnett
    • The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Maui Revisited!
    • By Gary D. Barnett
    • September 13, 2023
    • one will find a recommendation that folks get rid of those I will call the middlemen to expose those at the top.
    • The one suggesting that seems to be of the no-government-at-all school of thought which happens to be the one opinion about government which Christians are not to hold.
    • I could see minimal government, but how does one keep it minimal when folks in general wish to slack off once they no longer feel threatened?
      • Puzzled
    • Are things so far gone that such should be considered by folks in general? Is that meant as a trap to give the military an excuse to attack?
    • Also keep in mind that if Anna von Reitz and folks are right US does not equal American but likely British Territorial run amok.
    • Dizzy anyone *?*
Written on 20 Sep 2023 at 1300R
Written on 20 Sep 2023 at 11:00AM
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Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice
Written on 10 Sep 2023 at 2:13PM
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Dodge County Fair
started on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. It runs into Sunday.
I used to skip going when I had to start working around six in the morning.
I have not gone yet. It is on the to-do list.
Written on 18 Aug 2023 at 1356R
Written on 18 Aug 2023 at 11:56AM
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Why Firefox ? Tags.
Written on 10 Jul 2023 at 2055R
Written on 10 Jul 2023 at 6:55PM
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More on “censorship-by-proxy”
Judge Links Evidence to Potentially “Millions of Free Speech Violations”
Written on 10 Jul 2023 at 1617R
Written on 10 Jul 2023 at 2:17PM
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Censorship To Be Thwarted ? — Judge Doughty Does Not Stay Imjunction
Should social media decision-makers who work with officials to limit freedom of speech on social media be prosecuted as accomplices to officials violating the First Amendment and given the same punishment as those officials? Would that require a new law?

Written on 10 Jul 2023 at 1602R
Written on 10 Jul 2023 at 2:02PM
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AvR — Energetic Damage to People and Domestic Animals ?
She claims that the third chakra of many is damaged and even that she can see that on television.

Written on 8 Jul 2023 at 1447R
Written on 8 Jul 2023 at 12:47PM
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On Sovereignty by AvR
This article bears on Trump's problems as well as on the status which TASA is helping folks to reclaim.

Written on 8 Jul 2023 at 1440R
Written on 8 Jul 2023 at 12:40PM
Re: On Sovereignty by AvR
Very Interesting Read....

Did I not read that Biden was going to sign over our Sovereignty to the WHO?

So what do you have on Constitutional Republic? I be interested in reading any material you may find. I for one believe we need to get back to a constitutional republic for which this nation stands on.
Posted at 8 Aug 2023 at 12:10PM by pepperbeach
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Anna on Science - BioPhotonic Biology ??!
I have tended to view the Hindu ideas about energy centers as well as ideas about Qigong as suspect, maybe involving contact with evil spirits. I still am not sure what to make of these.
I was cautioned at Dr. Martin Luther College not to give the Devil too much credit; so, maybe I am viewing these somewhat wrong.
Another thing which seems to be like these is Kirlian Photography (my capitalization choice).
May you have success in trying to evaluate these things. Cheers!

Written on 8 Jul 2023 at 1435R
Written on 8 Jul 2023 at 12:35PM
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From "Chums" & "Chumps" To "Friends" & "Ignore List"
Friends and the Ignore List posted by Mecir on Wednesday 5 July 2023 at 0903R

Thanks written on a blackboard to Mecir and/or other coder(s) who did this. Clapping
At last "chumping" is no longer permanent unless a process to reverse it is followed.
I like to think that this is an improvement. I guess that we will see.

Written on 7 Jul 2023 at 1709R
Written on 7 Jul 2023 at 3:09PM
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Trump & His Lawyers versus Misuse of Status & Jurisdictions
Written on 7 Jul 2023 at 1158R
Written on 7 Jul 2023 at 9:58AM
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Jim Stone on June 16, 2023
  • (in reverse order as I think his most recent is on top)
    • An old contact in the NSA busted you
    • Alex Soros says he'll be 100X as bad as his dad
    • BOOM, BUSTED Thinks a cartel is manipulating his wife. I've read cheerier news. On the bright side he deems them less competent than our intelligence agencies.
    • re-post of his "nuts with it" post
Written on 6 Jul 2023 at 1954R
Written on 7 Jul 2023 at 1128R (edited)
Written on 7 Jul 2023 at 9:28AM
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Jim Stone on June 16, 2023 again
  • Some difference. Examples.
    • If I do not post again, that's exactly what happened.
    • "... in reality, pretty rough. But survivable. Until now. "
Written on 6 Jul 2023 at 2000R
Written on 6 Jul 2023 at 6:00PM
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Jim Stone on May 22, 2023
    • back country bugout
      • "Don't trust what you see on Google satellite view."
      • "The bottom line is that you HAVE TO practice your bugout beforehand, don't just hit the mountains and expect it to work. It won't - you will definitely encounter surprises."
    • "This is worth a watch - former Hollywood actor Ricky Schroder talks about a ritual he saw"
      • BitChute video embedded
Written on 6 Jul 2023 at 1937R
Written on 6 Jul 2023 at 5:37PM
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Jim Stone on May 16, 2023
    • Patriot battery overwhelmed?
    • Direct quote
      • And 1977 was approximately the time I noticed a shift in my existence, where it "seemed like all the angels left" and my life went to hell and I knew I walked alone. It was also the same year I stated to God that my life was going to be lived for him, and that I was not going to go along with all the "changes".
      • He thinks that God has withdrawn his Spirit if I have it right.
Written on 6 Jul 2023 at 1925R
Written on 6 Jul 2023 at 5:25PM
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The Militia, Dr. Vieira, and Games
  • I pulled this together writing to a friend here and decided not to squander that effort; so, here is part of what I wrote.
  • I likely mentioned ... one or more of Vieira's books, for example, the one whose title begins with The Sword and Sovereignty.... I think that Vieira was disappointed that some of his followers were doing frivolous things such as playing games rather than helping to fight for this country's life. I read or heard online that he found the low demand for his book on the Militia of the several States shocking. I think that he has written that we will lose our freedom if we fail to revitalize our state militias. I was guessing that he somehow learned about me, 277th of 277, if he were to give borg designations to those who replied to his Emergency Broadcast System article.
  • Devvy Kidd wrote something to the effect that she had given up leisure because the threat she perceived to our freedoms was so severe; so, she might be playing hardly any games. Just guessing. I spoke with her on the telephone once or twice years ago, but since then I told her about my blog here which likely failed to impress her favorably despite my pointing out that it was my only blog.
17 Jun 2023 at 1636R
17 Jun 2023 at 1656R updated with "read or heard" rather than "read of heard" and fixing earlier post's time.
Written on 17 Jun 2023 at 2:56PM
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June Is Dairy Month
I should have posted about this earlier.
Written on 16 Jun 2023 at 1848R
Written on 16 Jun 2023 at 4:48PM
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Jim Stone from May 9, 2023 - Unappetizing Post on Dental Anesthetics has

This page is current as of May 9 2023. For the latest page....

Dental anasthetics are now MRNA shots

Normally I would never post Stew Peters after the hydra and air bubble graphene hoaxes, however, this one absolutely cannot be skipped
Read on. My dentist will simply "love" this. Rolling eyes
Written on 22 May 2023 at 2230R
Written on 22 May 2023 at 8:30PM
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Jim Stone for April 26, 2023 - Cell Phone Activity Graph

Remember that graph I posted a long time ago where I calculated how many would be dead from the covid shot??=

Take a look at this chart of pre covid and post covid cell phone activity. Either the chart is in error, or a massive amount of deaths have indeed happened. Looks like not many mormons went for the shot!!!


Snow Flake DividerPuppy Paw Divider
Milwaukee seems hit too but not as severely.
Written on 26 Apr 2023 at 1908R
Written on 26 Apr 2023 at 5:08PM
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Jim Stone April 23, 2023 Updates
    1. Something wierd is going on - everyone is gone
    2. QUESTION: Who would pay for enough salt to destroy a large plot of land that was being used to feed people?
Written on 26 Apr 2023 at 1355R
Written on 26 Apr 2023 at 11:55AM
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Jim Stone for April 23rd 2023 has a fair amount on it including urging folks not to be lukewarm.
If someone with such technical skill is having trouble, it would be beyond most folks.
Good to read that he yet breathes.
Written on 24 Apr 2023 at 0955R
Written on 24 Apr 2023 at 7:55AM
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Jim Stone for April 20. 2023
About Washington State banning semi-auto sales so far.
NoNot at all in accord with the intent of the founding documents which meant for the State Militias to always be there, partly as a check on tyranny.
See things by Edwin Vieira, Jr., for example,
Written on 20 Apr 2023 at 0914R
Written on 20 Apr 2023 at 7:14AM
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Jim Stone for April 17.

Alien invasion? Don't believe your eyes for even a minute, or even your ears, they can make the clouds appear to speak also.

The bottom line is that anything can be faked now, the DJ's could do the world a great service by taking their toys outside when they are not working and projecting obvious fakes like cartoon drawn spaceships on the clouds, and then throw in a few real looking ones.

I think that he meant well at, but the Apostles said otherwise as recorded at

I don't think Fatima was a declaration that the catholic church had a monopoly on spirituality though.

It was just the dominant voice at the time, other Abrahamic religions have their miracles - the mormons who were saved by an unbelievable swarm of birds that consumed an "end of the world" crop destroying cricket swarm is one that comes to mind - the bottom line is that if you accept God and reject the bullshit you're probably OK, even in Islam, no one holds a monopoly - what matters is where your heart is. Is it with God, or is it with satan? Or is it not really with anything, just floating somewhere? That's what matters, and it definitelty will be noticed when the time comes . . . . .

Written on 17 Apr 2023 at 2237R
Written on 17 Apr 2023 at 8:37PM
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Another Jim Stone Post ?
I guess that this could be AI, but it seems like something which he would post except for the https which he used to avoid.
Written on 16 Apr 2023 at 11:37AM
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Jim Stone on Iran - Naught-To-Lose Post
  • Some impolite language, but considering the magnitude of what he describes it should be tolerable even at a child-friendly site. Lives matter far more than a few "bad words".
    • I heard or read somewhere that our military knew that Preston Bush had helped Nazi Germany and that they forbade him or his family from holding office here. So, how did George H. W., George H., and so on get into office?
    • The behavior mentioned here does not conform to Justified War Theory.
      • On that note Ron Paul referred to Just War Theory in Congress years ago and was met with silence IIRC.
    • I simply must check NewsWithViews to see whether they are still up after reading some on that page. Still up, God be praised! Likewise RumorMill News and Liberty Counsel.
    • Now the hyperlink.
  • May the Almighty protect you, sir. I think that you need such protection.
  • Tip of The Hat To You
Written on 12 Apr 2023 at 2141RPM
Written on 12 Apr 2023 at 7:41PM
Re: Jim Stone on Iran - Naught-To-Lose Post
The Bush family are traitors.
Posted at 14 Apr 2023 at 10:12AM by hoof hearted
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Jim Stone's Direct-IP Site Being Attacked by A. I.
Written on 8 Apr 2023 at 1854R
Written on 8 Apr 2023 at 4:54PM
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Animals Too? and Eat Your Vaccines....
  1. 4028. Animals, Too?
    • Thursday, April 6, 2023
Written on 8 Apr 2023 at 1426R
Written on 8 Apr 2023 at 12:26PM
Re: Animals Too? and Eat Your Vaccines....
They just want to kill us all. And they will do it however, they can if we let them.
Posted at 9 Apr 2023 at 5:08PM by hoof hearted
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Honest Money Seems to Be Fantasy Money Today
so why not try to figure out whether or not D & D coins could work?

Even if this could be done, I don't have it figured out yet.
Below is my stab at it pasted from my Personal Wiki.

Today Honest Money (the title of a speech given by Edwin Vieira, Jr. many times) is the stuff of fantasy;
so, why not try to puzzle out whether D & D Money would be workable ?
  • In D & D the pieces of metal money each have a total weight of 140 grains because there are fifty in a pound.
  • Fifty times one hundred forty equals seven thousand. Seven thousand grains are in an Avoirdupois Pound.
  • So, could it be done? Puzzled
    • Please bear in mind that the prices of the metals supposedly are being manipulated today.
    • So, I think that one would need knowledge of past prices to have a reasonable chance to find right prices.
  • I checked the price of copper a while back and was surprised that it was so high until I noticed that it was for a metric tonne (spelling?) which equals one thousand kilograms. Thankfully the site (KitCo ?) also listed copper's price by the kilogram. Because gold, silver, platinum, and palladium all are or were listed by gram as well as by Troy Ounce that makes using the Metric system convenient to compare prices.
      • I am putting metals which are one apart in number of protons next to each other below, that is, Silver & Palladium and Gold & Platinum.
  • Trying to figure out whether one could use Copper according to its value is not total moonshine because the English/British used to use Copper Coin as Subsidiary Coin or Money for amounts smaller than the smallest copper coin if I recall right what Vieira wrote about that.
I am using for the Copper Price today, December 4, 2022, Sunday.
Shifting to Kitco at because I had trouble finding Silver price at above.
Metal Prices by Kilogram and Gram
Kilogram8.34 USD..57837.59 USD.
Gram0.000834 USD..57.84 USD.
On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, I am trying GoldMoney No spot prices like e-gold used to have.
On Saturday, December 10, 2022, I am continuing.
8,490.50 was Copper Close yesterday 12/9/2022 for a Metric Tonne = 1, 000 kg. of Copper.
8.49050 per Kilogram
0.00849050 per Gram.

Metal Prices by Kilogram, Gram, Grain, and D & D Coin
Kilogram8.49050 USD754.26.57,835.98 USD.
Gram0.00849050 USD000.75065.1400,057.84 USD033.24
140 Grains0.0770245006.80386590.9400700,524.71552301.54817
Now, a D&D coin weighs 140 grains total going by fifty per pound, that is, 7,000 divided by 50 = 140.
So, I need either to convert 140 grains to grams or the other way around and find prices per Troy grain.
1g= 15.43236gr
  • Going by Pure Metal Coins:
    • The Copper-to-Silver ratio is 1 to 88.33371200072704 .
    • The Silver-to-Gold ratio is 1 : 77.12026996440256 . Nearly 1:80.
      • One might need to dilute Gold and Platinum drastically.
    • The Gold-to-Platinum ratio is 1.740071975896919 : 1
      • meaning that Gold:Platinum::7:4 or nearly twice as costly as Platinum.
Written on 10 Dec 2022 at 1308S

  • Title
    • Honest Money Seems to Be Fantasty Money Today
  • corrected to
    • Honest Money Seems to Be Fantasy Money Today
Written on 17 Dec 2022 at 1553S
Written on 17 Dec 2022 at 1:53PM
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  • Pa died from cancer back in the 1980s. His friend who had been a pastor down south pointed him to Dentist Kelley's approach to dealing with cancer and might have given him his book One Answer to Cancer. They wanted $900 if I recall. Pa did not think he had that to spend.
  • An aunt's best friend died from cancer too.
  • So did my brother, Harold, in June 2021.
  • Recently Anna Maria Riezinger, whose pen name is Anna Von Reitz, posted an article about cancer.
  • Maybe Harold would still be with us had she posted that article a few years ago? Why didn't she?
  • Did God use cancer to help my brother?
  • May posting this help someone.
  • 8 Oct 2022 at 1817R
Written on 8 Oct 2022 at 4:17PM
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More On Vax Horror &c. (Some from Backup Link Mentioned Earlier)
  • I posted about this backup link on May 20, 2022 while relaying the ancient Roman baby food recipe used in Mexico, but he had more. The backup link likely was updated since then as June follows May. This is dated June 19 2022.
    1. Probably the most censored video on earth A poor quality video containing good audio of a medical professional giving testimony about the bad effects of the "vaccine" and being ignored
    2. a link to a video of a young girl harmed by the vax I thought that he had a different description along with it. Here is the text above what seems to be vid going to it A Leftist Brazilian mom kills her kid with the Corona vax About 2 minutes long in Spanish or Portuguese.
      • StopThis might be very upsetting. He warned about that. I now passed on that warning.
    3. a comment the West was even worse than Russia because it has pushed the corruption of DNA as well as perversion. The latter has me thinking of the Alive After The Fall website or ads for it which claimed that America was Mystery Babylon and would fall.
    4. warning from farmer
    5. UCE Protect = Fraud to Censor E-Mail. He seems to me to have proven his case. Techies_comment_?
    6. cattle being poisoned seen by someone
    7. some pld commands no longer recognized by browsers
  • zu3
    • a Drink-the-wine item he copied from another
    • 'bot accounts on twitter
    • messages in food product boxed & how to do them better
  • The overall point beyond specific items? He has much more information than what I mention. Please read his site before the scoundrels manage to block it.
  • 30 Sep 2022 at 1351R
Written on 30 Sep 2022 at 11:51AM
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Insured Bank or Credit Union Trouble Allegedly Coming
  • Falling Dominos: Vax deaths, Insurance, then Banks. Would not those pulling the strings have seen this coming?
  • Written on 28 Sep 2022 at 2132R
Written on 28 Sep 2022 at 7:32PM
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Thanking "Squirrels" for Making a Goldie
Written on 22 Sep 2022 at 11:19AM
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Dr. Vlad Zelenko's Farewell Video
linked from Brannon Howse's Worldview Report

Thank you to the Almighty for giving us such champions.

Written on 4 Jul 2022 at 1246R
Written on 4 Jul 2022 at 10:46AM
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Listening to Webinar
Written on 27 Jun 2022 at 7:51PM
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Baby Formula - Ancient Style

Baby formula re-post

This is MEXICAN BABY FORMULA. This is time tested and PROVEN. It is far better than commercially made formula, the kids are much sharper with this than the enfamil garbage. I don't care how many people claim to be experts on what to do, THIS. IS. IT. Who do you go to for answers? Rather than an agenda driven "health" site or TikTok vid, how about a reasonably developed country that often cannot afford enfamil? They did not get this wrong.

Here is how you make baby formula that's actually good for the kid:

Take a half pound of barley and loosely tie it up in a cotton cloth that is porous. It has to be loosely woven cotton like_this. This type of cotton is what was used in diapers before modern diapers. loosely tie the barley in it (the barley will expand) and put it in a pot with about 6 liters of water. Boil it for 6 - 7 hours. Pour the barley water off. Throw away the barley. There should be about 4 liters of water left after boiling (a slow covered boil) If you do it right the water should be bright pink. Mix that with three liters of milk and add a pound of sugar to the final 7 liter mix. If it comes out to 6 liters still add a pound of sugar, it will not be too much. The actual good limit is 27 ounces of sugar added to 7 liters. It is supposed to be sweet. The baby needs sugar for energy. Make sure you are not a snowflake and USE SUGAR, NOT A SUBSTITUTE. Corn syrup is also permissible in the same amount but nothing else. I'd add a couple grams of salt (just the tip of a teaspoon) to the final mix of about 7 liters and no more, it should not taste like it has salt. It should taste like it has NO SALT. Freeze what you are not going to use right away. You'll have a happy healthy baby, that recipe totally destroys commercial formula. I can back this up with hard data. That is THE RECIPE.
If anyone posts a recipe more complicated or quicker or easier or more "nutritious" than that, it is a load of crap. That is the old Roman recipe that has been around for 2,000 years and it produces great results. I know this because the family used that recipe when a mother could not produce milk, it is all the kid had and the (not vaxxed) kid hit all the weight targets perfectly, was perfectly healthy and is sharp as a whip after this recipe was EVERYTHING, the ONLY thing the kid had for the first 9 months. In this case it was done because it is well known this recipe is far superior to store bought formula. It takes time to make this recipe but other than that it is very easy. That is an ACCURATE recipe.

Why bother clicking around some site that is pushing a product or some other....

Follow that recipe and do not tweak it, tweaking it will either lead to malnourishment OR the kid getting plugged up. The milk always has to be diluted 3 parts milk to 4 parts barley water (50/50 is probably safe but certainly not more milk than that.) cow's milk is overly potent because a cow's baby is trying to gain 200 pounds, not five.

like_this =

Written on 20 May 2022 at 2034R
Written on 20 May 2022 at 6:34PM
Re: Baby Formula - Ancient Style
      • Re: Baby Formula - Ancient Style
      • What happens if the infant is lactose intolerant, and almond or any other home *** made milk be made and included in this home made formula... Seems with all the *** junk out there as mothers are growing up sometimes this happens..
      • Posted at 8 Jul 2022 at 2:23AM by GinnyB (delete comment)
  • I know not, GinnyB Shrug
  • I could try to ask him, but I
    • am not using Telegram
        • and
    • think he might not get to read anything I sent to his wife (who had her thyroid gland removed).
Written on 14 Aug 2022 at 1052R
Posted at 14 Aug 2022 at 8:52AM by M3
Re: Baby Formula - Ancient Style
What happens if the infant is lactose intolerant, and almond or any other home made milk be made and included in this home made formula... Seems with all the junk out there as mothers are growing up sometimes this happens..
Posted at 8 Jul 2022 at 12:23AM by GinnyB
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Baby Formula & Prepping
Written on 20 May 2022 at 6:22PM
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We Are Losing Freedom - John Whitehead at RMN

I noticed that I goofed on that last post in calculating military time.
I am leaving it to avoid needing re-approval.

Written on 20 May 2022 at 0810R
Written on 20 May 2022 at 6:10AM
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Backup Direct IP for Jim Stone for May 19, 2022 gives
Written on 19 May 2022 at 2240R
Written on 19 May 2022 at 8:40PM
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Naomi Wolf as Guest of Brannon Howse on May 17, 2022
Written on 19 May 2022 at 8:34PM
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The Evils of the Agencies - Arming Them Against Us
Written on 11 May 2022 at 12:12PM
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A Noteworthy Woman
Written on 5 May 2022 at 9:35AM
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St. Mark's Lutheran Services - Happy Easter!
Written on 16 Apr 2022 at 1114R
Written on 16 Apr 2022 at 9:14AM
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Jim Stone Servers + Staver on Abuse of Military (Crosstalk 31.03.2022)
Written on 1 Apr 2022 at 1630R
Updated on 5 April to get them right. Brazil is #5.
Written on 5 Apr 2022 at 1144R
Written on 16 Apr 2022 at 1112R
Written on 16 Apr 2022 at 9:13AM
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State Nationals United
has to bypass being blocked. I learned how in reply to an e-mail.
Written on 1 Apr 2022 at 2:27PM
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State Nationals United on Ukraine, the Jab, the Militia ...
... is live now on Monday, March 7, 2022. It started at or about 8 PM my time.
Some crude language is used, but the provocation is extreme.
  • (412) Anna Von Reitz webinar, March 7, 2022 - EweKyub
  • State Nationals United has two EweKyub channels and also a channel at
  • on which the most recent one is dated February 28, 2022. I think that tonight's one -- which is live now -- should be on that in a few days.
  • In one of her recent articles Devvy Kidd wrote that (at least here in the United States) blacks tended to vote for blacks and Asians for Asians.
  • That could be viewed as their facing the need to be self-controlled to select good leaders for themselves and failing that test. If one meant to require that folks needed to be Good Vulcans or Good Stoics practicing Temperance (self control) to keep their freedom this mix seems to me to qualify as such a test because many seem tempted to disregard everything Anna claims because they reject some of what she claims.
  • My late brother pointed me to which has her articles. When I asked him whether she and her group were right about the law he replied that he thought they were. I then asked him whether they were in the set-up phase. He answered that they were in the wishful-thinking phase. That was months ago. Would he still think that, or are they closer to the set-up phase?
  • To your being Good Vulcans while sifting through this. Cheers!
Written on 7 Mar 2022 at 2108S
Written on 7 Mar 2022 at 7:08PM
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Bio-Weapon Effect Timing Guess posted Jan 29 2022 has this

I gotta admit, the undertaker video from yesterday has me worried

Worried that this chart I did is right. To be clear, in case people missed the point of this chart this chart is based on CDC data showing an upward trend.... The upward trend became so obvious in the data that they stopped releasing it. The chart is based on a calculated progression for what that data would do if allowed to continue on the same path as the data from 6 months before July, when the vaxxes were released. ...
Snow Flake DividerPuppy Paw Divider
Bummer! To quote Jack Nicholson in Mars Attacks, "Why can't we all just get along?""
Written on 29 Jan 2022 at 2043S

Updated on 31 Jan 2022 at 2044S (Got time & divider wrong.)
Written on 31 Jan 2022 at 6:44PM
Re: Bio-Weapon Effect Timing Guess
Thanks, Ginny. Something like that at under February 2, 2022 at .
Posted at 3 Feb 2022 at 6:09PM by M3
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A Blog
Written on 10 Sep 2021 at 8:23PM
Update below written by one whose sister was my sister's friend. He is a graduate of both Northwestern College in Watertown, Wisconsin and Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin. So he has the education to write such a blog.
Written on 29 Jan 2022 at 2047S
Written on 29 Jan 2022 at 6:47PM
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Merry Christmas
to all who celebrate the Savior's Birth this time of year.
Written on 24 Dec 2021 at 8:14AM
Re: Merry Christmas
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and also a very safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR
Posted at 3 Jan 2022 at 1:06AM by GinnyB
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Quaking in Their Boots ? Alas, Not !
    • And one could point out that if these establishments had been functioning in the past in accordance with the obvious constitutional plan then the problem to which this commentary is directed—along with many other problems of serious magnitude—would never have arisen in the first place, or would already have been solved.
  • Because the Militia of the several States is not working these evils are not kept in check.
4 Aug 2021 at 22:04R
Written on 4 Aug 2021 at 8:04PM
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Mercola Going to 48-Hour Removal of Content !
Written on 4 Aug 2021 at 7:53AM
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Fifth-Generation Warfare ? Parents, Shield Your Children, Please.
Dr. Lee Merritt mentioned fifth generation warfare in one of her discussions with Mat Staver on Freedom Alive! I think one defining characteristic of it is that those attacked might not realize that they are being attacked.
Are we under attack now with the jab as the weapon? A doctor at NewsWithViews titled one of his articles "The Jab" IIRC.
mp3 link is first post on

This is a VERY important audio clip

Steve peters lays it all out.

"These people want you dead. They want to inject you, they want to kill you. There is no mincing words. They want to line you up and they want to slaughter you, and rather than using a firing squad, - they know they can't get away with that because there are 300,000,000 guns. - So they made everyone so afraid of something that many went in willfully for a death shot."

About three minutes long. Spoken very succintly and to the point, this one is PERFECT, listen to it.
(Photo of a child with this over it)


6 Jul 2021 at 0803R
Written on 6 Jul 2021 at 6:03AM
Re: Fifth-Generation Warfare ? Parents, Shiel
Please read my new post. I cite in which he gives his prediction based on six months of data which he states is not enough to nail the timing.
I submitted it within the last few minutes. It might be up by tomorrow.
29 January 2022 at 2051S
Posted at 29 Jan 2022 at 6:51PM by M3
Re: Fifth-Generation Warfare ? Parents, Shiel
  • I know not when to expect a massive wave of deaths -- assuming that we have not already had one. Jim Stone wrote that India was ahead of us by a certain amount of time with getting the shots. Maybe one would expect many of us to have died from it that amount of time beyond when they get a big wave of deaths?
  • Jim Stone posted that he thinks that maybe twenty million of us have been killed by the "vax" based on numbers he found in an article related to available jobs which were not being filled.
    • I wonder how many folks turned sixty-two and began collecting Social Security without also collecting Unemployment Benefits. I think that number should be subtracted from his twenty million guess.
  • I looked at my bookmarks for Jim Stone and noted one with the new tag vile attached to it. I wondered which word to choose for such horrible things, foul or vile. I wanted something short. I chose vile.
    • This one refers to his explanation -- that millions here in the United States have died.
        • How about THIS little bit of logic:
        • A GREAT reason to extend the eviction moratorium - to hide how many people are not paying rent because they are laying inside, DEAD.
        • With the way American families don't keep in touch anymore, they could certainly pull that off. Families noticed the deaths in Mexico, which is why Mexico is saying HELL NO. And on top of that, deaths have been less in Mexico because Pfizer is not dominant and CanSino does not kill as much.
      • then later ...
        • They have to move quick because their primary enforcement is getting wiped out by the shots. I actually do believe it is millions dead and that the job stats I posted yesterday support that. How else can you explain a total lack of workers IN EXCESS of those on unemployment right smack dab in the middle of a LOT fewer jobs available? There should be well over 10 million surplus workers begging for anything even after those on unemployment are subtracted, yet instead there are 10 million openings not being filled? Something does not wash. I think there's an apocalypse underway.
      • I bookmarked it on August 16, 2021 at 12:48 PM CDT.
  • Jim Stone recently added a new wrinkle to his URL. It used to be in the first but is now in the second format. I give the "border" URLs.
2021-09-10 at 2011R
Posted at 10 Sep 2021 at 6:11PM by M3
Re: Fifth-Generation Warfare ? Parents, Shiel
By what date do you expect to see a massive wave of deaths?
Posted at 5 Aug 2021 at 6:39PM by Quantum
Re: Fifth-Generation Warfare ? Parents, Shiel
From what I remember anyone under the age of 18 didn't need to be JABBED, and now they want to Kill even our babies.. Seems also that they want to only have 500,000,000 people on this ENTIRE earth..
Posted at 9 Jul 2021 at 1:37AM by GinnyB
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Why These Things?
An effect needs a cause or group of causes great enough to cause it.

The Arizona audit results were supposed to drop last week.

NADA. What happened? Obviously it did not go well, so subversion took over from there. If they did not announce the results IMMEDIATELY the audit proved the election was stolen and now the right people are being killed to shut it all up.

There was a HUGE chemical plant explosion in Thailand

In the last WEEK (7 days) alone, there have been FIVE major industrial blasts. Something is up.

Today's blast destroyed an area two kilometers across, (one kilometer radius) This type of thing has been happening a lot lately. And I believe it is probably a war being fought with Stuxnet or similar. Everyone notices the price of everything going up and no one has explanations - last week there were two similar explosions at chemical plants - one in Illinois and one in India - there are only so many chemical production facilities. They do not grow on trees. If you destroy enough of them around the world suddenly you will not have the building blocks you need for the rest of the stuff.

6 Jul 2021 at 0744R
Written on 6 Jul 2021 at 5:45AM
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July 4th Version

The rubble has been ordered clear in a day

So after doing nothing for long enough to make damn good and sure everyone was dead, suddenly they can move it all in a day. Once again, this proves a hit job. And that's the general consent out there also.

6 Jul 2021 at 0738R
Written on 6 Jul 2021 at 5:38AM
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Barred UK GP
... has been suspended by NHS England for questioning coronavirus protocol.
The two main reasons ... involved the Covid-19 vaccine roll out, an initiative that he fundamentally disagrees with because vaccines are not needed if there’s an effective treatment; and the mandatory wearing of masks, a theme introduced by psychologists not scientists, which Stanford University research shows is nothing more than theatre.
5 Jul 2021 at 0900R
Written on 5 Jul 2021 at 7:00AM
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Psychosis ?
  • Covid Triggered Mass Psychosis Grips America – News With Views
  • By Lex Greene|June 25th, 2021
  • 1 Jul 2021 at 0845R
Written on 1 Jul 2021 at 6:45AM
Re: Psychosis ?
Seems to me that Italy was the first country to not listen to the WHO and perform Autopsies on the supposed BEER VIRUS deaths and found out that it was all caused by blood clots in the extremities..
Posted at 9 Jul 2021 at 1:34AM by GinnyB
Re: Psychosis ?
Similar for many countries of the world. Germany seems to take a leading role in the planned transformation process.
Posted at 1 Jul 2021 at 8:07AM by ghardh
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July-4th-themed Article
1 Jul 2021 at 0827R
Written on 1 Jul 2021 at 6:27AM
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Some Sites for News &/or some from My Brother

From My Late Brother
28 Jun 2021 at 1316R
29 Jun 2021 at 0754R Updated with (WVW) and addition of The American Report & Shoebat under WVW.
Written on 29 Jun 2021 at 5:54AM
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Why Gone Since 20 May 2021 ?
My brother had cancer and was taken from his house to manage his pain.
He died a few weeks later, in early June, in hospice care.
I had not expected to outlive him.
Things are still in upheaval.
My sympathy to others who lost the presence of friends or family. Offering flower
28 Jun 2021 at 1057R
Written on 28 Jun 2021 at 8:57AM
Re: Why Gone Since 20 May 2021 ?
Posted at 1 Jul 2021 at 6:23AM by M3
Re: Why Gone Since 20 May 2021 ?
What pain you all have endured! CandelabraGroup hugCandle
Posted at 30 Jun 2021 at 6:21PM by fatdaddy
Re: Why Gone Since 20 May 2021 ?
Ok Thank you for clearing this up for me.. My deepest condolences to the entire family.. Offering heart
Posted at 30 Jun 2021 at 2:52AM by GinnyB
Re: Why Gone Since 20 May 2021 ?
Thank you, Louise. (Kookaburra)
Posted at 29 Jun 2021 at 6:10AM by M3
Re: Why Gone Since 20 May 2021 ?
  • No. I, Edward, was first-born. My brother Harold was second-born. He died on June 4, 2021 at a nearby hospice with my sister with him. He was only 59, about three years older than Pa was when he died back in 1985 at 56. Harold was the most like Pa.
    • Harold had studied about cancer more than any of us, his siblings. Yet cancer was used to take him to heaven. Puzzled
  • He had poor reconnaissance by four doctors back in October 2019 who told him that he had stage two rather than stage four cancer. Had he known that it was stage four he likely would not have had a tumor cut out but rather radiation and also made other changes in his life including not struggling at that factory job.
  • He sought to sue those doctors who failed him and was told that he could not because there was no malice on their part. Lawyers would not help him because he would not do chemo.
  • Another doctor reviewed their work about a year later, in or around October 2020 if I have the time right, and said that those other doctors read the results wrong back in October 2019 when my sister, an LPN, pressed him.
    • Why are they not held accountable to live up to their claim to be experts?
    • My sister wishes to speak with the one with oversight of them.
29 June 2021 at 0807R
Posted at 29 Jun 2021 at 6:07AM by M3
Re: Why Gone Since 20 May 2021 ?
I'm confused.. Do you mean our infamous M3 is gone? Oh if that is true My Offering heart goes out to a very intuitive man...Praying
Posted at 29 Jun 2021 at 1:20AM by GinnyB
Re: Why Gone Since 20 May 2021 ?
So sorry to hear. May he RIP!
Posted at 28 Jun 2021 at 4:19PM by Kookaburra
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Photo About "the vax"
I suggest checking often.
Its current one is .
See it beneath

BUSTED: Corona vax ingredients are horrific beyond belief

18 May 2021 at 0958R
Written on 18 May 2021 at 7:58AM
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Antidote to "Vaccine" ?
Written on 17 May 2021 at 9:27AM
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Freedom Alive! with Mat Staver -
Written on 7 May 2021 at 2:54PM
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WVCY App Upgrade With Website
Written on 7 May 2021 at 2:51PM
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Mercola Threatened; Self-Censors. Self-Spreading "Vaccines". Omens Comment.



Please note: Due to how well I compress my .PNG's, they shred when you try to edit, to avoid this you have to change the image mode back to RGB.

UPDATE TO BELOW: This was posted to TWO different pages and both got deleted. This is probably legit.

(image with comment)

RENSE POSTED A DOOZIE: Self-Spreading Vaccines Are No Myth...It's Hard Science Johns Hopkins Confirmed Them - Covid Genocide Is Here

The blood of saint San Gennaro failed to liquefy 2 times in a row now
Snow Flake DividerPuppy Paw Divider
Personal comment by M3:
Should I have passed that along?
The Israelites were forbidden to interpret omens. I question the source of the power which seems to make dried blood liquefy; however, even if that source is demonic it still might correlate with disasters. Think of that as bait to get one to "bite" on false teaching. Don't follow the apparent miracle to acceptance of Roman Catholic teaching about justification.
A pastor whom I knew years ago commented that God did not support false teaching with miracles. I think that it true. If so, the wonders at various places which support false teaching are demonic.
Another example of omens are those pointed out by Pastor & Rabbi Jonathan Cahn commenting about apparent parallels between what happened in Israel and what happened here in the United States of America, a maple or sycamore being struck down or something like that. He wrote The Harbinger. Those might be significant, but again, are we forbidden to interpret those?
5 May 2021 at 0938R
Written on 5 May 2021 at 7:38AM
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March 10, 4 Months After Start...
Newer posts are above older ones.

I may have to put the site back in combat mode
That's a nice feature I programmed into it that comes in handy when needed. There are lots of attacks now. When it is in combat mode, there's a second window everything posts into. (for people who are new to this site)

The blood of saint San Gennaro failed to liquefy 2 times in a row now
The Reuters article I linked was for the last time it did not liquefy, and again, yesterday, it did not liquefy.

This blood has been around for 700 years. It never spoiled and it always liquefies 3 times a year, and when it fails to liquefy there's always a subsequent disaster. And I would bet the corona vax is the disaster this time around.

The last time this blood failed to liquefy, the luciferian MSM took notice and published it, and if they did that, it would have to be a truly rare occurrence along a steady timeline of liquifications that could only be called miracles. Twice in a row signals disaster, this really is a big deal.

Failed cash in transit heist
This is not the type of thing I'll usually post, but it's a great video that will go viral. See this. This is not the viral video of the guy at the gas pump, this one is new.
Ammo is coming back down

Johns Hopkins chart clearly shows covid vax disaster

No question - the current disaster in India is vax related.

I originally found a reference to this chart at Hal turner's site but there were errors in Hal's timeline that were enough to make me re-do this.

5 May 2021 at 0741R
Written on 5 May 2021 at 5:41AM
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Shedding for 2 Weeks

Stop saying you “did your research” before you got the Covid-19 vaccine … because YOU ARE the research

04/30/2021 / By S.D. Wells

... and don’t forget, the vaccinated shed the disease for which they are inoculated during the first two weeks after injection.
2. May 2021 at 1600R
Written on 2 May 2021 at 2:00PM
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“Vaccidents” now wrecking roadways with stroked-out vaccine takers who lose brain function behind the wheel

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 by: Mike Adams
2. May 2021 at 1521R
Written on 2 May 2021 at 1:21PM
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Whitmer Trying to Force Michiganders to Get Shots
Friday, April 30, 2021
Three comments so far.

(Ironically TimeAndDate has a tourist ad for Michigan running.)
2. May 2021 at 1519R
Written on 2 May 2021 at 1:19PM
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Social Credit System ? Criminal ! done. current with nothing new yet.
At top:


WE KNOW IT. Here is how we know:

It all started when I tried to order an oscilloscope.
The next thing ordered was a microscope because of the mask fibers, crap in the shots, and everything else that's going to need honest secondary review. ...
For Claudia's condition we ordered cesium chloride also.
Claudia is going to quit her job teaching because of the vax mandate so she needs a car so she can be a private teacher.
So what happened? Rather than get linked through to someone real with an appropriate car, we got linked through to a scammer that tried to sell us a re-painted old taxi that had a failing transmission,...

Claudia needed a facebook page for her new "future" and she has never posted to facebook, but they knew who she was, and they suspended her account the instant she went to post it. The family, which is VERY familiar with facebook was completely baffled by what happened, THEY helped her set it up and were totally confused and surprised when she was instabanned. They were there, helped her set it up, and SAW THAT. Nothing Claudia clicks will work, it's all dead on all devices so she can't ask Facebook why TF they did that.

Clearly the social credit system is in place, because ALL of the above is exactly what it is supposed to do. You get told nothing about what is going on, what happens is that somehow, mysteriously, things don't work and you are handed over to the worst con artists on the planet.

2. May 2021 at 1040R
Written on 2 May 2021 at 8:40AM
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Fried Driver Attack ?
Right above SMH: GMO bacteria barcoding???
Something is VERY weird with the vax propaganda
A lot of what is being done (today USA today said the un-vaccinated need to be shunned - and they did the whole "science" rip to boot, to make good and sure the last trailing idiots go in for their shots) -
Now that we know the vax was designed to shed having the vaxxed shun the un-vaxxed is the best thing that could possibly happen. It is as if the elite don't want to be served by idiots in the future, and they are setting up every possible way for people who can't think to be eliminated. What if that's what they are really doing by pushing the vax, and then pushing to have vaxxed and un-vaxxed separated?
Vax update:
...What I saw today was people driving as if they were totally mentally impaired, as if they were missing whole pieces of their brains. Processing not done at all. Not like they are processing traffic while drunk, they are simply not processing it at all.

The Fried Driver Attack if one must give it a Chess Opening Name ? Rolling eyes Sad
(See Fried Liver Attack.)
1. May 2021 at 1436R
Written on 1 May 2021 at 12:36PM
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Tracking us, Disclaimer, Mask-Taint Vid, ... Zombie Disease?!
*1*SMH: GMO bacteria barcoding???
Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food to Track Supply Chain
on EweKyub 53,915 views •Apr 29, 2021
2**NOTICE: This site is not anti-Israel or anti-tribe, all I try to do is expose evil, which some groups excel at.
3**Here is a Be all end all mask worm video
Unexplainable worms found in the masks we are forced to wear.
on EweKyub 6,850 views •Premiered Apr 4, 2021
*4*Something about Turkey grabbing nukes we had store there.
*5*Cat filing its nails Smiling
I am FRONT PAGING this because I got banned for it:
I am puzzled by this too. Why a fuss over the Tribe of Dan?
I get that such a threat is worth comment.
No, the FDA has never approved any corona vax 12
... Authorized for use does not mean approved.
A swedish communist:
My response: August. Why that month? Is that when the vaxxed, PLUS people surrounding the vaxxed start dropping dead? We all know that not everyone makes it through a communist revolution.

Your 33 percent who are "wakened" are young kids you programmed, who will become too wise too quick once they see through your B.S., PLUS you're killing off your older ranks with your stupid vax. Adios to your 33 percent.

Even if by chance you get a temporary win it won't last long. Communism is incompetent, and your vax proves it. It's killing patterns are going to be too clumsy for even your dreams.
This situation is actually grave. Here we have a manufactured virus to scare people into getting a shot that will re-program them with a zombie disease that gets into everyone, just like a zombie flick. SELF QUARANTINE, WEAR GLOVES, AND AVOID BREATHING THE SAME AIR OTHER PEOPLE BREATHE, masks are not going to work anyway unless it's a full blown bio suit, your only chance now is to not be in the same airspace with the vaxxed. And if you ever were, chances are you're a super spreader, they don't need to bite you.

Is that true? Inside with someone = kaput? Shrug
1. May 2021 at 1423R
Written on 1 May 2021 at 12:23PM
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Beware the Vaxxed. German TV. India Shows What Comes.
Sad. I have kin and a former schoolmate who got a jab.

Do not permit the vaccinated to come anywhere near you, it is now official.
India is having their disaster happen now because they started with the vaxxes first, and have more people vaxxed than any other country.

German television screwed up

12 COVID-21 seems already planned 12

Well well, it could not possibly all be more obvious.
We are watching a show and we are on the stage.

Don't want the shot? Pfizer will have a pill by the end of the year.
An obvious development, because the current preferred way to get mad cow disease is by eating tainted beef. Now you can skip those pesky hamburgers, - the pill will make it SO MUCH easier!!!

The Indian covid variant
Here are the claims: It is immune to vaccines and spreads like wildfire. HERE IS REALITY: India was among the first to start the vaccinations, and they did more people so far than any other country. The current outbreak is probably NOT an outbreak at all, it is likely instead to be caused by the vaccines finally kicking in and killing people. India is the canary in the coal mine, they got the vaxxes FIRST and did them the most. The chaos there is likely due to that, of COURSE if they intend to blame "covid" for the deaths, and the vax is actually causing them, "covid" will be completely "immune" to the vax.

If I am right with this, all hell is going to break loose in June/July.
1. May 2021 at 1333R
Written on 1 May 2021 at 11:33AM
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Sound Abusive ?

The following is going viral, with encouragement to pass it on -

Does this sound abusive?

"My friend��s husband won't let her visit any friends or family. He has made her stop all contact with them unless it's on the phone or computer. He reads, monitors and often deletes things on social media.


She's not really allowed to go out anymore, unless it's for necessities, and when she does, he makes sure to have people guilt trip her about it and shame her for it.

He wants her to have this medical procedure done and tells her that if she does it, he will allow her more freedoms.

He constantly says he's only doing all of this because he cares... he is just doing it for her own good.

Oh wait....did I say husband? I meant the government.

My bad. You have been conditioned to be outraged if another person did this to their spouse, but be passive & compliant when it comes to our government."
Written on 23 Apr 2021 at 7:56PM
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Frank Speech Online Now
20 Apr 2021 at 1457R
Written on 20 Apr 2021 at 12:57PM
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NonoFibers (worms?) in Blue CoViD Masks Made in China ? + Prion...
I first read of this in a post by Makia Freeman.
Since then Jim Stone has posted about it.
The worms/nanofibers in the masks are real

his one is real important for people who wore those masks (including me)
A couple days ago I posted a video of "nano fibers" in the blue and white Chinese masks (scroll down for this because I don't want to clutter the page) and upon seeing this, I used a camera with decent macro settings on the masks I have and low and behold, the fibers are in them too so they were immediately banned (all 175 or so that are left) -

Anyway - the fibers wake up when exposed to moisture and they really do move like worms. What if they are worms?
What if ivermectin "works against covid" because in some cases, "covid" is actually a worm infection given to people by these damn masks, and Ivermectin kills the worms? I actually wore a few of those. And I am definitely going to get ivermectin now, and I won't get it from a drug store, I'm heading on over to an agricultural supply store and getting the stuff for horses. I want a REAL dose.

If you wore those blue masks, STOP DOING IT and if you can, get fabric masks that are made in Mexico, NOT CHINA because this was a clear act of war to have that in the masks and the fabric ones from China probably have this in them also. At the very minimum, boil the blue and white ones, or any other mask from China if you have no other choice.

If Covid really is carrying the mad cow prion, you're going to have to do everything to protect yourself including hydroxychloroquine and quina and dioxine chloride (one of those would suffice) and masks are part of this, even if they don't really block the virus they'll certainly cut back the exposure so it can be knocked out before a whole lot of those prions get made . . .

(Yesterday's posts end with Nuremburg trials for the Covid scam???.)
20 Apr 2021 at 1455R
Written on 20 Apr 2021 at 12:55PM
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A Doctor on the "Jab"
by a doctor &
linked in an article at Paul Stramer's blog.
Also note other articles by him.
18 Apr 2021 at 2309R
Written on 18 Apr 2021 at 9:09PM
Re: A Doctor on the "Jab"
Funny thing is I was graced by watching and listening to Mike and his documentary and so many things I had already seen with him and throughout my travels on the WWW!!!! This is the start to allowing US PATRIOTS will be able to voice our thoughts, feelings and so forth.
Posted at 20 Apr 2021 at 9:07PM by GinnyB
Re: A Doctor on the "Jab"
Unsure. I would like to wake folks up. Maybe God blessed some of my attempts.
I have been advised that one cannot force logic on folks and not to try to avoid endangering myself.
One explanation I heard is that fear turns off folks' reason.
I am listening to now. They are going to re-air something at 4 PM Central today.
20 Apr 2021 at 1438R
Posted at 20 Apr 2021 at 12:38PM by M3
Re: A Doctor on the "Jab"
What I want to know is WHY WON'T PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!! This whole PLANDEMIC, is a total farce!!!! Yes seems they are all brainwashed!!!!
Posted at 20 Apr 2021 at 1:43AM by GinnyB
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Easter-theme Photo Before News Comments
Written on 16 Apr 2021 at 8:06AM
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If True, Horrid News !
Share This Everywhere Senior NHS NURSE Involved In UK 'Vaccination' Programme Calls it Genocide
Written on 15 Apr 2021 at 1:12PM
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Bye, Bye, Highways ??!
Please see and read at least down through what I put below the line.
He has some new stuff about using money which should be used to improve or keep up our roads for tearing them up. I would expect to come across something like that in bad-place fiction, not real life. (One might read what he has at the very top of the page above the quote I put below too.)
Snow Flake DividerPuppy Paw Divider
With a pleading message: These updates really are from the manufacturer!!! Time for a factory reset!!! MARK MY WORD: I NAILED THIS TOPIC AND THEY WERE NOT EXPECTING ANYONE TO.

NOT April Fools:

The most important video you'll ever come across
Take the time to listen to this. The video is 22 minutes and my audio version is right around 17.

I have converted this to straight audio to make it easier to serve and share, Click here.
In this video Dr Vernon Coleman goes over exactly what the vaccine is for, and that it is very likely to trigger a mass extinction event in the winter of 2022. Not only are the vaccinated likely to die, but they'll be super spreaders of a new virus their bodies are manufacturing right now, which will nail those who did not get vaccinated.

I edited the audio version I posted down to key points to make it a lot more listenable and less time consuming. It is far ....

1 Apr 2021 at 2222R
1 Apr 2021 at 2310R Updated with Boldface
Written on 1 Apr 2021 at 9:10PM
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Alas! Please Watch &/or Listen
The most important video you'll ever come across
Take the time to listen to this. The video is 22 minutes and my audio version is right around 17.

I have converted this to straight audio to make it easier to serve and share, Click here.
In this video Dr Vernon Coleman goes over exactly what the vaccine is for, and that it is very likely to trigger a mass extinction event in the winter of 2022. Not only are the vaccinated likely to die, but they'll be super spreaders of a new virus their bodies are manufacturing right now, which will nail those who did not get vaccinated.

I edited the audio version I posted down to key points to make it a lot more listenable and less time consuming. It is far more likely to spread that way.
Written on 31 Mar 2021 at 8:38AM
Re: Alas! Please Watch &/or Listen
Seems we are on the same page... PATRIOT FOR SURE!!!
Posted at 31 Mar 2021 at 10:28PM by GinnyB
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More About CoViD-19
  • I composed this for a friend to summarize what I think to be true about this CoViD-19 situation. I edited it some.
    • The disease itself likely is a genetically modified common cold virus slightly more contagious than an ordinary cold virus but not much more deadly in terms of percentage of folks killed by it.
    • Those trying to scare us into slavery have been trying to induce a scare about diseases for years. This attempt seems to have worked better than previous ones.
    • At least one of the vaccines is intended to insert foreign things into one's DNA maybe to kill off very many folks by causing one's own immune system to destroy one. Judy Mikovits guessed that 50 million (5 x 10 to the 7th) Americans might be killed by the "vaccine".
      • This vaccine is not like a regular vaccine in what it does. (More detail might be good there.)
  • If you die from the "vaccine" bad
    • because Rome has critical false doctrine about Justification by Grace Alone through Faith apart from the Works of the Law
      • (See writings by Gregory L. Jackson.)
        • &
    • because I will no longer have the pleasure of your long-distance company.
  • Snip
  • Please see &
    • Your life -- as well as the lives of many others -- is worth saving.
    • Also please look at recent Crosstalk programs at VCY America as well as at recent WorldView Radio programs by Brannon Howse.
  • Please look at M3's Blog and watch the video by that irritated nurse I linked there.
    • Link With Nurse's Comment about Accepting CoViD Story + One by AvR
  • Also some apparently are not acting in good faith:
  • 28 Mar 2021 at 1611S
Written on 28 Mar 2021 at 2:11PM
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Zoom Meeting with Anna Von Reitz Each Monday 6 PM Pacific Time
Written on 1 Mar 2021 at 7:33PM
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Conspiracy is Not Possible (crossed fingers)
    • Want pretty good proof ... are behind the federal land grabs? Here it is:
      • And I saw a post by some idiot who stated there must be a group of aliens "who operate interdimensionally" to
      • accomplish a conspiracy this perfect. I laughed. It does not take that, all it takes is a focused effort of a group that has
      • large enough numbers to infiltrate and subvert all the key pressure points in a society. Need to rig an election, and make
      • sure the courts let it pass by not hearing a single case? Then spend the decades you need to inflitrate all the courts with
      • YOUR people, and have YOUR people in all the key government positions to get YOUR voting system in place, and then
      • steal it. All complaints then crash in courts YOU own. That's how it works, and there's nothing at all "interdimensional"
      • about it.
  • I think that this is at least part of why we no longer have the state militias up and running. Our attackers are willing to work together long-term while we are relatively unwilling to work together to defend ourselves except on a short-term basis.
  • Later he has something about being behind on rent & mortgage at the same time. Important, obviously.
  • 1 Mar 2021 at 1255S
Written on 1 Mar 2021 at 10:55AM
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Link With Nurse's Comment about Accepting CoViD Story + One by AvR
    • Stop Ware! Some Speech Deemed Impolite, but sparing lives matters more than never being rude.
    • Faithful are the wounds of a friend if I recall right.
      • We simply must conserve Goldtoken players. Otherwise, with whom can I play games?
      • Crossed Fingers One must have one's priorities ! Winking 3
    • I think that this is at least partly a scam. Some do not. Would that the situation were not so serious.
      • Drumroll Trumpet player right Credit to Trumpet player left who
      • gives his posts to the public domain
      • but also wishes to be credited.
    • Another Covid nurse speaks up and totally lays out the covid scam.
    • She pulls no punches and calls anyone who believes in corona stupid for not doing any research to see it is fake, goes over how the flu vanished, explains how the PCR tests are phony, explains how the virus was never isolated, calls people retards and swears in a manner that is appropriate for this con job. Quite surprising to see a nurse this mad. And more: She's obviously a very smart nurse.
      • J S quote above
  2. Sunday, January 17, 2021 This is Too Good By Anna Von Reitz
        • Observe that Microsoft and other huge corporations that have been foisting their tax burdens
        • and debts off onto living people for decades are claiming that getting vaccinated is going to
        • magically return you to life -- and how would that happen?
        • (space)
        • By accepting their "vaccine" containing their patented mRNA, you are converted into a GMO
        • "product" that they can own under the current US Patent Laws-- once they secure that
        • ownership interest, they can access your credit and ESTATE again, and "bring the ESTATE
        • back to life" ---- put it back on the books as a DEBTOR supporting their debts.
        • That's what they consider "returning to life" ----- as a SLAVE.
    • 27 Feb 2021 at 1010S
Written on 27 Feb 2021 at 8:10AM
Re: Link With Nurse's Comment about Accepting CoVi
Just a link to a doctor about the Vaccine and BEER Virus (what I call the COVID-19
Posted at 29 Mar 2021 at 1:19AM by GinnyB
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Biderman's Chart of Coercion
Written on 24 Feb 2021 at 9:04AM
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    • Using COVID for Societal Manipulation – Dr. Lee Merritt
      • Feb. 24, 2021
    • COVID Lockdown Effects on Children – Dr. Lee Merritt
      • February 23, 2021
    • COVID Mask Misinformation – Dr. Lee Merritt
      • February 22, 2021
  • So far as of 1039S on 24 Feb. 2021
Written on 24 Feb 2021 at 8:39AM
Re: Faith and Freedom Podcast | ADVANCING LIFE, LI
I'm listening to this podcast with Patriot Streetfighter with Scot McKay.. Very very interesting...
Posted at 28 Feb 2021 at 1:27AM by GinnyB
Re: Faith and Freedom Podcast | ADVANCING LIFE, LI
Posted at 25 Feb 2021 at 7:43AM by M3
Re: Faith and Freedom Podcast | ADVANCING LIFE, LI
  • I think that CCP meant Chinese Communist Party in that case.
    • An acquaintance told me that he/she thought
      • that some of our folks had the tinkered-with virus developed (or at least transported there?) at a facility in China which they knew was not up to avoiding its escape
      • and that they meant for it to escape.
    • Some back & forth between us yielded the conclusion that the Chinese got back at us by not sharing information. If true that means that we should not be pointing our fingers at China as the source. Even Brannon Howse pointed at China IIRC.
  • Some other sources to read on this are
    1. Anna Maria Riezinger who uses the pen-name AnnaVonReitz at Facebook and on Paul Stramer's weblog as well as the site he bought which uses her pen-name in its URL.
    2. gives some links, but one must vary the stuff he puts at the end to find earlier things. (Use only up to .208/ to find his current page.) Examples:
  • 0923S on 25 Feb. 2021
Posted at 25 Feb 2021 at 7:23AM by M3
Re: Faith and Freedom Podcast | ADVANCING LIFE, LI
I think these all are truly very interesting and there's so many other's that have comments about the BEER VIRUS.. Corona. Which they are now calling CCP Virus.. What does CCP stand for?.. Seems After going to DUCK DUCK GO.. I found the first four on the list....


CCP Certified Compensation Professional
CCP Center for Communication Programs
CCP Community College of Philadelphia
Posted at 25 Feb 2021 at 12:51AM by GinnyB
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Dr. Lee Merritt on Liberty Counsel's Feb. 22, 2021 Faith & Freedom
Written on 24 Feb 2021 at 5:57AM
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PDF of Book Of Concord
Written on 19 Jan 2021 at 2:36PM
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More on 19 January 2021
Written on 19 Jan 2021 at 8:09AM
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Day Before Inauguration Day 2021
Not sure what the next few weeks will bring. May YaHWeH bless you. &
I have looked mostly at the Martin Chemnitz Press & Ichabod ones. I had not realized until a few minutes ago how many blogs he had, & I have not done even those two justice. Yikes!
2021-01-19 about 0135S
Written on 18 Jan 2021 at 11:35PM
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CoViD Kwazy and-or Crooked ?
Friday, 2020-12-04, 1223S (Title spelling fixed 2154S. CoCiD! Yikes!)
Writers including Edwin Vieira, Jr.; Devvy Kidd; and "AnnaVonReitz" have posted about this supposed plague.

I should record and post my sister's comments about it. She is an LPN.

Here are some I shared on Facebook.
I have noticed that various groups such as Liberty Counsel and Alliance Defending Freedom are blessed with success defending our freedoms, but one seems seldom or never to hear or read of the power-grabbers being punished severely and publicly.
Written on 4 Dec 2020 at 7:54PM
Re: CoViD Kwazy and-or Crooked ?
Posted at 5 Dec 2020 at 3:02PM by M3
Re: CoViD Kwazy and-or Crooked ?
It is definitely CROOKED!!!..
Here's an article that was sent to me by someone in Europe, not specifying where but it's truly interesting.

I'm so tired of the governments of all the countries to make us citizens bow down and OBEY what they tell us. This is downright Communistic behavior.
Posted at 5 Dec 2020 at 12:39AM by GinnyB
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Magna Carta Day 15 June 2019
  • Magna Carta Day | Days Of The Year
  • The Wikipedia article about Magna Carta
  • Interestingly a researcher who goes by Anna Maria Riezinger or Anna von Reitz claims that the barons had sovereign status equal to that of King John. If so, why are they called rebels?
Written on 15 Jun 2019 at 5:38PM
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Another Online Premiere Friday, Nov. 30, 2018 - Good Guys With Guns...
Written on 30 Nov 2018 at 8:50PM
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14th Anniversary Today June 23, 2018
  • Thought I would take note of it. Have had a fair amount of fun here over the years.
  • Non-goldtoken? OK.
    • Fine weather outside. Mowed earlier today. Have been having more rain than we might like here in Watertown, Wisconsin.
    • I am having "fun" job hunting today.
    • Bright Idea! Those terms of service at websites on which one could sign up to be connected with those who desire service should have music with them:
      • We ♪ Shall not ♫ be ♩ li a ♫ ble ♩ .... maybe to the tune
        • of "Happy Anniversary" or "happy birthday". Not sure. I think 'tis an old tune...
        • (I found it on "EweKyub" in an episode of The Flintstones.)
      • of happy anniversary.
    • Definitely high-brow scholarship here. Do not tell Dr. V. on me.
  • And you other Northern Hemisphere Folks, Enjoy Summer ! Cheers!
Written on 23 Jun 2018 at 4:47PM
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to see whether I can post here now W 18 Apr 2018
Written on 18 Apr 2018 at 7:58PM
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Museum of the Bible Opening Nov. 17th, 2017
Written on 12 Nov 2017 at 7:11AM
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Reformation 500 & other things
  • Written & posted on October 28, 2017, Saturday.
  • Martin Luther is said to have posted his 95 Theses on the Castle Church Door like one would post something on a bulletin board today. I read that the intent was to invite scholarly debate. They were translated, printed, and circulated widely igniting the Reformation to Luther's surprise. October 31, 2017 will be the 500th Anniversary of that event in 1517.
  • I intend to go to an event about the history of the Bible in English in Waukesha later today.
  • Work goes on. We finished onions & red cabbage and expect to finish beets in early November. Then, if I stay on instead of taking early layoff I should see potatoes finished in early December.
  • "If the Lord will..." for all of the above, of course.
Written on 28 Oct 2017 at 3:02AM
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13th Anniversary of Joining Goldtoken Today. What has changed?
Written on 23 June 2017.

Joined: 23 June 2004
  • Same:
    • I had "Joing" in the title. I can still make spelling errors. That has not changed.
    • I had "14th Anniversary" in the title. I can still make arithmetic errors. That has not changed.
  • Changed:
  • Today I lost a valued member of some clubs who turned around and opened a new club. Change, but not all bad.
  • Somewhat same:
    • I was reminded that there are still crooked folks in power by two e-mails from Ron Paul which pointed out two problems:
      1. that some in the U. S. Senate apparently don't wish to completely repeal ObamaCare but are trying to sneak around being honest about it instead trying to water something down &
      2. that Congress which has the exclusive power to make laws at the federal level has some in it who wish to keep allowing bureaus to act as though they have law-making authority.
    • I have "met" some pleasant folks here at Goldtoken over the years. Nice to have new friends. My classmates are widely scattered.
  • Overall?
    • Some bad, some good. I am older. Still not happy about losing that club member.
    • Solomon wrote something about nothing new under the sun.
Written on 23 Jun 2017 at 8:15PM
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Free-Form Compound Words & Singular They
I used "singular they" in something I wrote here earlier today. A member of a club thanked me for letting them know about it. I wrote this response which I am posting here before posting it within that club.

2017-06-17, Saturday
I have dabbled in learning about language for years. I "begged my way into" being allowed to take a Classical Greek course at Northwestern College while it was still here in Watertown, Wisconsin. I picked up some things there. I have an alternative explanation for the objection to ending a sentence with a preposition at least partly from what I learned about Greek verbs in that class. It goes something like this. "Ice cream" is not the only two-word compound. If one looks at how some Greek words were formed one notices that they had not merely prefixes and suffixes but also sometimes an extra prefix as though they were held together magnetically, pulled apart to make room for something new to be dropped in, and then released to snap together containing the extra prefix between the first prefix and the rest of the word. Let's say one word would be translated as "call out to". Now why should we have to treat those as three separate words in English rather than as a free-form three-word compound? Continuing from that one could claim that examples of ending a sentence with a preposition are examples of free-form compound words. So, the prepositions are not dangling at all; rather, they are fastened to the other word(s) in the free-form compound word.

I don't recall exactly when or from whom I learned of singular they. A friend of my sister said that spoken language was primary versus written language. Sometimes things seem to happen without any group of folks deciding that they should happen. Have you ever read of the Great Vowel Shift ? I don't know much of it. I think that I read or heard that children simply pronounced words differently than their parents had. Apparently something similar has happened with the use of the pronoun they. Apparently stress over gender agreement alternated with stress over numerical agreement. I would have liked the one who wrote about that to have included a number of examples from written English from over a century ago along with dates for each example.
Written on 17 Jun 2017 at 7:30PM
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Why the Constitutional Militia ?
  • 2017 May 10, Wednesday
  • A while back one asked why we needed the Militia as the Military took the same oath. Edwin Vieira, Jr. spent maybe a year of his life researching the Militia issue and writing his book on it which is available on CD rather than printed out because he did not get enough prepaid orders to justify printing it. Patrick Henry spoke about it in the Founding Era while the acceptance of the Constitution was at stake.
    1. These are from Dr. Vieira, indirectly or directly, respectively:
    2. Devvy Kidd's article, Gun Owners Want Hillary Clinton to Gut Second Amendment contains the link
Written on 10 May 2017 at 11:36AM
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Gregory L. Jackson Blogs (He wrote Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant.)
Written on May 4, 2017. (at 10:52AM according to earlier note) Cathoic to Catholic in title 5/5/17.
  1. Martin Chemnitz Press blog allows downloads gratis !!
  2. Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed can be intense, but what it discusses matters.
Written on 5 May 2017 at 6:15PM
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PDF Readers Built into Some Web Browsers Now
Written Thursday, May 4, 2017 after the two about Vieira's site's new section and "Judge Candorfull".

I noticed that I could read PDFs from sites in a browser tab in Microsoft Edge and the Iridium Browser without needing first to download them and then to use a PDF-reader to open them.
Written on 4 May 2017 at 8:33AM
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Judge Candorfull
What Trump's Nominee Should Have Said, 3-29-17
I liked the name of his judge.
Now he has praise from the Cashew Gallery. Ah, the sorrows of scholars!
Written on 4 May 2017 at 8:29AM
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Special Feature Section on Dr. Edwin Vieira Jr.'s Site
A while back I was looking at some of my bookmarked sites and happened to compare
He had added something called
Special Feature
to his own site above the body of his articles which I think are also posted at NewsWithViews.
All of those in the new section are in PDF format. The latest is dated April 29, 2017. I have yet to read it.
Written on 4 May 2017 at 8:25AM
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Don't Repeat My Foul-Up
Written on 2017 April 19.

A while back I got a message which included the wish that I have fun at Goldtoken. Its sender had found earlier replies from me lacking. I wished to craft my reply with care to avoid that reaction and so was taking my time composing a reply. Alas, I did not ask myself how that one would interpret my not promptly reciprocating the well-wish. I noticed that the correspondence between us was gone from both my Inbox and my Outbox. Then I tried to check that one's Profile. Not accessible. I had been chumped.

Looking back on it, I think that I should have promptly reciprocated the wish that I have fun on Goldtoken and mentioned that I intended to take my time crafting the rest of my reply to avoid meeting with disapproval again. One need not reply to one message with one message. A message can be broken in two. Too bad that I did not think it through back then.

Don't repeat my mistake.
Written on 19 Apr 2017 at 7:34AM
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More User-Friendly Hyperlinks ?
A little while back I commented to an opponent that I thought the hyperlinks at News With Views seemed more consistent than those at World Net Daily.
AuthorAlan KeyesCharlotte IserbytDonna Wasson
Written on 15 Jun 2016 at 12:02PM
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Anniversaries - Where Has Time Gone?
  • Written on 15 June 2016. In 2015 I was thinking of anniversaries. I am still thinking of them.
  • 2015
    • Pastor Werner celebrated his 40th anniversary in the pastoral ministry and retired.
    • Some of my classmates who went through Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and became pastors had their 30th anniversary.
    • Dad died thirty years ago.
    • I did a little math while attending a high school graduation: 2 x (18+1) + 18 = 56, old enough to be the grandfather of those graduating. Not exactly an anniversary but something notable.
  • 2016
    • Didn't go this year. Old enough to be a great grandfather now.
    • Thirty-five years from 1981, what would have been my college graduation year had I made it through with my classmates at Dr. Martin Luther College.
    • Mom died in 2006, about ten years ago.
Written on 15 Jun 2016 at 10:01AM
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Dr. Vieira (& Herb Titus) on Judicial Twisting of Language

'Same-Sex Marriage' Versus Judicial 'Good Behavior' 23 June, 2015 at 08:00

is the article I found. It is the tenth in a series. Hmm. Maybe NewsWithViews dot com does not have all of his current writing ?
I think that the use of the term, hate speech, has spread like an infection. Herb Titus years ago spoke out about why hate speech laws were wrong. I wish that I had noted down his reasoning. Also, I wish that some in broadcasting had put his point up on a plaque above the door to their radio studio for them to look at while doing their call-in radio program. Doing the above might have helped to stem that.
Written on 10 Jul 2015 at 12:15PM
Re: Dr. Vieira (& Herb Titus) on Judicial Twisting
Tuesday, 27 October 2015 Anno Incarnatio
I thought good behavior a higher standard of conduct than merely no felonies. I heard or read that in the early days of the united States a judge was removed from office for being drunk in his own house. (Of course the Senate must be willing to remove such a judge for the impeachment by the House to do any good.)
Herb Titus has his own website. He might have some discussion of this standard somewhere in his That's The Law audios in MP3 format. Alas, he charges for those. So much for my giving you a gratis source of information! in case you wish to look at it anyway.
He had a radio show called That's The Law for about two years which was on during the 2000 Census. I was listening to it while working for them. He stopped the program because he was too pressed for time by other responsibilities.
Posted at 27 Oct 2015 at 5:49PM by M3
Re: Dr. Vieira (& Herb Titus) on Judicial Twisting
didn't understand a word of it Puzzled
Posted at 29 Jul 2015 at 9:58AM by Jools
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Link Experiment: "Album Plus"
Does using the same pattern as for a Tournament_Plus link mentioned on Linking Within GoldToken work *?*
The Backgammon Competition in The Halma Hawks Club June Wikiless 2015 Tournament
{ Tournament#7226:97628 }
M3's Album titled Default
{ Album#38147:1325 }
Yes. I found something. Smiling
Written on 23 Jun 2015 at 7:40AM
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Who Should Control Your Technology, You or Someone Else ?
Written on 18 Jun at 8:56AM applied to my first posting of this here. I am updating it today 23 June 2015, the 11th Anniversary of my joining Goldtoken.
Apparently mentioning the Politics DB helped to cause at least one not to study this post closely. That was not my intent. I want this to last beyond its vanishing from that DB because the issues matter. Some are always maneuvering to misuse laws to take advantage of us, that is, to work against the general welfare for their own gain while pretending that they are working for the general welfare. I think that might be going on with the things mentioned here. Read. Think. Judge for yourselves.

Did You Say “Intellectual Property”? It's a Seductive Mirage by Richard M. Stallman1
Misinterpreting Copyright—A Series of Errors by Richard M. Stallman1
What Does It Mean for Your Computer to Be Loyal? - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation by Richard M. Stallman1
Stallman discusses Free Software and GPLv3 - O'Reilly Broadcast

1Richard Stallman's Personal Site

I posted (Unknown post) on 18 Jun 2015 at 8:34AM on which is available only to Gold Members (see Membership Options); so, I re-posted it here to make it more widely available and to preserve it after it is gone from there.
Written on 23 Jun 2015 at 6:12AM
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Eleventh Anniversary Here Today 23 June 2015
I joined on 23 June 2004. I did not "go Platinum" right away. They might have started tournament divisions after I joined. I could test with tournament numbers to check that. I was made a President of The For the Love of Draughts Club to my surprise. The Owner and Founder of The Chess & Variants Club wished to hand off his club to lighten his load; so, I accepted as I had volunteered to be President. He does much at this site, maintaining the Olympic wikis. One of the other players who was Owner of a few clubs has pulled back from that. Now we must get by without his presence in them. I have actually posted some things to my Photo Album here.
I botched my last post by not going into detail about why I wished to preserve the post it quoted after that post vanished from the Politics Discussion Board. The issues raised by the articles I cited matter whether anyone replies at that DB or not, but apparently mentioning that DB deterred at least one player from looking closely at them because he does not follow that DB. Talk about unintended consequences!
I am watching Decades TV Network now, of all things. One of the Psalms talks about losing one's companions. I am not sure which one now.
Both parents died in June. They were married in June, yes, but they died in June too. Mom's anniversary is past. Dad's is coming.
Written on 23 Jun 2015 at 5:56AM
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The Wartburg Project
On Easter Sunday 2015 a pastor told me about the Wartburg Project.
Wartburg Project | Facebook

The Wartburg Project | The Wartburg Project is a group of Lutheran pastors and professors who are working together to produce a new translation of the Bible.
Written on 27 Apr 2015 at 9:51AM
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Sons of Liberty Media: Proposed Constitutiional Amendment Yet Pending
I learned about this from an e-mail they sent to me. They gave it a different title.
This is not the only such thing. A few years back a proposed amendment put forth along with those which became the Bill of Rights (if I have it right) was finally adopted requiring that the implementation of changes of amount of payment for those in Congress (and maybe other parts of the federal government?) be delayed until the next Congress had been seated. That one "floated" over a hundred years.
I read that a proposed amendment should be set up to make sure that the People are roughly the same as when it was put forth by requiring that it be approved in a few years rather than leaving an indefinite period available for ratification. Was the suggested time seven years? I think so.
Would this amendment move us from too centralized to too decentralized? I am not sure.
Here are its title and hyperlink.
Fear the People Campaign Launched to Ratify Original First Amendment & Break Up Washington » Sons of Liberty Media
Written on 18 Apr 2015 at 1:51PM
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Ron Paul Message 10 on TV Saturday, April 18, 2015 !?
I think a warning from Ron Paul is not mere alarmism. I suggest watching it.
*?* Who paid for it *?* I guess that the Campaign for Liberty, the Stansberry folks, or both paid for it. Whichever it was I do not recall seeing Ron Paul on TV doing a warning-to-the-public commercial before.
Puzzled So how did I miss messages 1 through 9? Maybe I need to try the links which would work for those?
The former congressman gave this hyperlink in the announcement
which led to an online video ...
Exclusive Interview with Ron Paul
12-Term Congressman Ron Paul's Warning to
Americans about the Coming Currency Crisis
Written on 18 Apr 2015 at 1:33PM
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Replay Marathon Apr 11-12 "THE QUEST for THE CURES...CONTINUES"
Replay Marathon Apr 11-12 2015
"THE QUEST for THE CURES...CONTINUES" - See more at:

in case I am not the only procrastinator here.
Written on 11 Apr 2015 at 3:42PM
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First Thirty Minutes of Bought Movie Still Freely Viewable Online
On March 21, 2015, I received an e-mail from Jeff Hays Films thanking me for telling folks about their free-to-view Bought Movie. It contained what I put below the line.

Jeff Hays
P.S. If you have friends that missed it, you can still share the first 30 minutes of the film free at
Written on 24 Mar 2015 at 2:44PM
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Live Broadcasts Online Starting March 30, 2015
I was told about this website a few hours ago yesterday, March 22nd, and cautioned that I could not procrastinate as I did with the last one and still be able to watch it. If you wish to watch it, sign up. I added the italics to the quotation below.
"Want to watch the entire 11 part docu-series absolutely free? Simply enter your first name and email below for private access to the LIVE broadcasts starting March 30th."
The Truth About Cancer
Written on 22 Mar 2015 at 11:16PM
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Bought Movie & Origami Boats ??!
I at last watched the Bought Movie yesterday, Sunday, March 15, 2015. The trouble seems to stem from our letting power get too concentrated in corporations. Limiting government is not enough. Other concentrations of power must be limited too by not letting corporations or other factions take advantage of everyone else for their own gain.

A while back I was following up on a notice that my Yahoo! groups had been updated and stumbled on a Yahoo! group about, of all things, Origami Boats*!*, something of which I had never heard before. I had heard that the katana was folded steel. Folding steel to make boats is surprising, to me anyway.
Another exists too which I did not look at.
Who would have expected such a thing?
Written on 16 Mar 2015 at 2:45PM
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Bought Movie's Free Viewing Extended Until March 15, 2015 from March 5
Free Viewing of Bought Movie
I was told by the one who told me about this that free viewing had been extended. This time I am getting the news out here earlier than last time.
Written on 9 Mar 2015 at 3:40PM
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Free Online Viewing of Bought Movie – About Freedom to Manage One's Health
Bought Movie has less than 12 hours left for free viewing online. I was told about it days ago. I put off posting about it too long.
Written on 5 Mar 2015 at 10:09AM
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Caught Most of Culpepper & Merriweather Circus Yesterday, August 15, 2014
It was in Watertown. I was a little late. I think that I missed some with the big cats.
Written on 16 Aug 2014 at 1:30PM
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Refining Operation Glum-On
Maybe some of you find losing a hyperlink and access to its website annoying? Today I added two tags to Pocket: book and coding.
Now where did I put that one about a base unit computer....?
Written on 11 Jul 2014 at 2:16PM
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Nickname: M3 to Edward PropSon...?
Here are Some Travel-Related Hyperlinks from More to Less Affordable.
Here are two from [ Bicycle Riders: Wiki Start Page ] or available from its hyperlinks with a few clicks.
Moller International Skycar is not from that page.
Move over, George Jetson!
I wrote this on 3 July 2014, Thursday, and altered it 4 July. If the last becomes available within the next year should I change my nickname?
Written on 4 Jul 2014 at 6:16AM
Re: Nickname: M3 to Edward PropSon...?
I agree. I submitted my e-mail to their list to be told when it becomes available for pre-order. Smiling
Would it work with things like the Lightning or the CruzBike?
Posted at 27 Jul 2014 at 3:28PM by M3
Re: Nickname: M3 to Edward PropSon...?
what a cool idea the double-O light is Smiling
Posted at 12 Jul 2014 at 9:47AM by Jools
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Some Help Learning Wiki
Today is 24 June 2014. Recently an opponent asked me how I got italics on this website; so, I put this together and sent it to him.
* { Link:Info }.
** { Info#93 }.
*** [ Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wiki ] _requires { Player#56571 } level membership for one to access it on the { Link:wiki }_.
* { Link:Boards }
** { Board#5458 } _requires { Player#56573 } level membership for one to access this Discussion Board_.
* { Link:Nuggets }
** { Nugget#50 }
** { Nugget#123 }
Written on 24 Jun 2014 at 6:06AM
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10th Anniversary at GoldToken today 23 June 2014
I joined ten years ago today.
Joined: 23 June 2004
Last Play: 23 June 2014
Where has the time gone?
Thanks for making and maintaining this website, Badger and helpers.
Written on 23 Jun 2014 at 11:20AM
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F.L.O.S.H. ?
Free-Libre Open-Source Hardware anyone?
If some of you have gone to The GNU Operating System and done some reading you likely have read of Free-Libre Open-Source Software or FLOSS and of the moral concepts involved.
Now someone is trying to do something like that with hardware.
A pleasant surprise! What next?
Written on 27 May 2014 at 9:52PM
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Memorial Day and Keeping Liberty - Please Use "Need Proof Now?"
Happy Memorial Day! to the other citizens of the States of the Union out there! Waving

I have read only a little of Sir William Blackstone's famous work but recall that he wrote that martial law was no law at all. May we be spared it!

Let us give thanks today not only for those who died protecting this country but also for those who helped to set it up including Sir William Blackstone.

Let us thank God for our liberty but not rest on the laurels of the Founders. We have much to repent of including not following our own Constitution by allowing funny money, also known as currency -- something which stands for but is not money -- to replace precious metal coin in our land. Please view, read, and listen to the resources available at Need Proof Now?

I spoke with a youth who is soon to enter our armed forces who thinks martial law is coming and got the impression that he thinks it might be a good thing because that would force folks to work hard like he does. I give him that folks should work, but not everyone does the same thing or even likes to do the same thing. I question whether he is asking that nasty question, "Who profits?", about our "money" system. At his age I was not looking at that either. For our own military to be turned against us to profit those who are taking advantage of us by a crooked currency system would be a shameful thing.
Written on 26 May 2014 at 7:37AM
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The Neighbors R Mowing! Weather. StartMail. NPN.
Last week Wednesday, April 30, 2014, both of the next-door neighbors just had to mow their lawns, a sign that spring is upon us and that this lawn soon will need it too.

Thunderstorms are forecast for Wednesday or Thursday. I don't envy those folks their experiences with tornadoes. So far God has spared Watertown, Wisconsin that.

Today, Monday, May 5, 2014, I received an a-mail that I could sign up for a 90-day free trial of a free StartMail e-mail account. I signed up. Now, to whom do send messages from it? I don't know many offhand who are set up to receive encrypted e-mail.

If you wish to see or hear some of the things made available by Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. and others then check out Need Proof Now? at The independent researcher Devvy Kidd has her e-mail there.
Written on 5 May 2014 at 10:18AM
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Why the Spying on Us and on Our Leaders?
(Updating of what was posted on 15 Nov 2013 at 2:16PM CST)
A few of you might have read Edwin Vieira, Jr.'s speech in which he defines a republic as a government which serves the general welfare of the people and its opposite as one which takes advantage of the people to serve a few. I thought that this speech was at two places online, one of them being the Roger Sherman Society's website (the other being the website of the Constitution Society now that I found it again). Alas, I did not find it but rather another of his speeches. I think all of his articles are worth reading; so, here is that other's link.
Here is a link to Dr. Edwin Vieira's Presentation At The National Press Club, June 29, 2000 titled Gangster Government, contrasting a republic to a totalitarian state
(I think that I would like to watch the video of this speech if it exists.)
I suggest that one should read this speech before his first one at NewsWithViews, "Homeland Security" -- For What and For Whom?
Vieira has written that the rule by the ugliest ones (kakistoi = uglies ones; cracy = rule) will eventually impose a military crackdown on all of us in the USA. That has to do with all of us who are not in on the corruption.
Maybe if folks here in the USA understood that we have a gangster government and that the security is for them against us they would act together to bring this to a halt before it is too late?

The spying on us apparently is to enslave us, but what is gained by focusing on our leaders? According to Devvy Kidd they have been spied on for years. She thinks blackmail is going on. I never before read that a Supreme Court Justice had hallucinated anything! Falling

What is that saying? Ah! "You can't make this up." Rolling eyes
Written on 20 Nov 2013 at 6:20PM
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Upshot from the NSA-Spying-on-Us Mess: New e-mail coming + GM reduced - Pecunix left +
  1. A while back I read that Devvy Kidd would no longer answer e-mails from folks who used accounts which do not honor privacy like Yahoo! accounts. (She had earlier mentioned the Startpage search engine.) My Yahoo! account is my main account. I list one reference below. Her own dot-com site might have been where I read it though.
  2. So, I did some looking for private e-mail and
    • learned of things like s-mail,
    • but also came across a project by three Icelandic programmers to write a FLOSS e-mail program -- Mailpile. See
      • I looked at how they accepted gifts and wondered why no one had given to them using Goldmoney. They had had gifts by Bitcoin. Why not by Goldmoney?
        • So I did some reading. I think that it seems that the author of Goldmoney was scared off by what happened to e-gold and so no longer allows account-to-account transfers rendering it useless for trade. His company still does some good letting folks acquire ownership of precious metals and running an educational foundation, but to my way of thinking eliminating account-to-account transfers lessens Goldmoney's overall value to the common man. Still, I would not want the risk either.
          • The one I found still standing which lets one do account-to-account transfers of title to precious metals is called Pecunix. I hope that they steer clear of the Patriot Act so that they are not damaged like e-gold was.
So I learned that a new e-mail program was in the works Thumbs up but that Goldmoney had partly shut down Thumbs down leaving only Pecunix standing Thumbs up.
Written on 9 Nov 2013 at 5:55PM
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Reformation Day Today I missed the joint service on Sunday.
Written on 30 Oct 2013 at 11:40PM
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Dogless Days Are Back
My sister had her Basset Hound put down today, September 12, 2013, at Noon local time -- Central Time Daylight Saving Time.

I was working through tears thinking of it today even before it was done. At home while Sis was broken up I was on this computer likely seeming cold as stone to her. Some of her friends came over to comfort her.

The last time we had no dog in the house was in 2004. Mom was alive then. Sis got this one to replace it and to comfort Mom.

Well, I intended to post about this the day it happened. That is done. I may post more about it later.

The dog's parents and all of its siblings with the exception of one which went to a farm somewhere in Oklahoma are know to be dead now. The bloodline is gone or almost gone. Angel's father Charlie died in January 2013.
Written on 12 Sep 2013 at 8:54PM
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Off Work & Sick Dog
I am off work today. I think that it was a very-high-seniority day. I might have the day even off even had I not chosen to take the day off which was offered to me yesterday.

My sister's Basset Hound is ill -- degenerative joint disease with the cartilage in her hips mostly or completely gone. She is in pain. Sis thinks she will have to put her down.
Written on 31 Aug 2013 at 11:02AM
Re: Off Work & Sick Dog
I saw a dog down in Texas which dug a trench to lie in. Maybe that one did it to stay cool?
I tried to look up things online which might be helpful. Sis has not looked at them yet.
If this was not found by the one above it that is an indenting boo-boo.
Someone speculated that she could have cancer. Sis thinks that more than one thing is wrong. Also she is not willing to put her through many tests. Then there is the element of paying for tests.
Did I mention that Sis said that she has not had a good night's sleep in a month?
Off Topic! but it does touch on the importance of animals. Maybe triage -- helping the one who needs help most first? Have still to read this one.
Posted at 31 Aug 2013 at 7:30PM by M3
Re: Off Work & Sick Dog
well our huskey did well with couple of tylenol when she really was in pain but it starting ahowing that it she was getting less and less relief toward the end.. she couldnt hold her bladder anymore and when she was outside she would dig a hole in the dirt to lay in which meant that she had to have a shower almost every week because of the leakin bladder all the time. and yes we tried the diapers which on stayed on for 5 mins. she just had some many things wrong with her that her body could not handle anymore. our minds are at peace knowing now that she is not in anymore pain.
Posted at 31 Aug 2013 at 7:05PM by dizzymind
Re: Off Work & Sick Dog
Thank you to both of you. I don't completely rule out the pastor's being mistaken. Consider the account of Balaam's donkey talking with him.
Dr. Cuddy had an interesting take on communicating with animals. He commented that he could distinguish the meaning of some animal sounds and thought that Eve was able to understand the snake.
Sis says thanks but the dog is not gone yet. She tried oils today. Ever hear of Rife? I think the address is . Used ones for infection and joints. The dog had ear infection before which did not go away with first treatment. Maybe this time the infection hung on again? The last one was in May or June. She had it more than a month. She thinks they should have had the dog back to be sure the infection was gone. She just asked whether that infection really is gone.
Posted at 31 Aug 2013 at 6:21PM by M3
Re: Off Work & Sick Dog
ty bookfox for your kind thoughts and I do believe our Dakota dog is out running in the wilds with the wolves.. she was a good dog and a good companion with the whole family and we all have memories of her being parts of our lives.
Posted at 31 Aug 2013 at 5:51PM by dizzymind
Re: Off Work & Sick Dog
I think your pastor has an outdated view of animals. It wasn't that long ago that people held the belief that animals couldn't feel pain or had family ties or other relationships, which we now know to be untrue.
Personally, I believe animals have an afterlife the same as humans.I think Matt. 10:29 verifies this "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care" The Bible is full of verses about taking proper care of animals, both domestic and as part of the environment.
Posted at 31 Aug 2013 at 5:36PM by bookfox
Re: Off Work & Sick Dog
Thank you so much. Offering heart
Sometimes I have been online when I should have been giving the dog attention. Sis pointed out that the dog is on borrowed time and that soon I won't be able to give her attention or words to that effect.
As far as I understand things dogs and other beasts do not live on beyond physical death as we humans do; so, putting an animal down to spare it pain is really ending its existence entirely to spare it pain. So your kind-hearted vet is giving wrong information to offer comfort. I recall asking one of our pastors about it and his reply was that they really don't live on even though one might think they would given their strong personalities.
I would like to think they went to heaven. Don't get me wrong about that. But what is not is not.
I might tell Sis that you extend your sympathies. She and brother are upstairs with dog watching TV now. I teased Sis that her Basset should drive truck like the one in the commercial some time back. She said something like No!
About time for me to head up there too or else attack the lawn which I should have mowed already.
Posted at 31 Aug 2013 at 5:12PM by M3
Re: Off Work & Sick Dog
Wow, that's an exceptional vet! I'm glad there's doctors like that out there, who realize how hard that event is & does what they can for the pet's humans.
Posted at 31 Aug 2013 at 3:30PM by bookfox
Re: Off Work & Sick Dog
it sure is hard to put a lovly pen companion down but than you cant bear to see them suffering so.. My daughter and granddaughter had to put their white seribian husky down for the same disease.. but dont wait much longer as it was to the point that the dear dog was bleeding internally. we found a vet who comes to the home and does the whole ceremony. the woman vet was so nice and comforting to the family and did not rush giving that final shot as my granddaughter was taking it really hard! she put the dog to sleep first still letting the family know she is still alive and to do their final farewell gestures.. she made a paw print and snip some hair from the dog and incased them for keepsake.. she also takes the dog back to be cremated and than brings the ashes to the house.. really was a beautiful departing. she also has a page that all family and friends could go to in expressing their last goodbye.. this is a vet group that is in many states..
Posted at 31 Aug 2013 at 2:54PM by dizzymind
Re: Off Work & Sick Dog
Oh no, my sympathies to your sister. It's always so hard to lose a pet & making that decision takes a lot of courage. Poor doggy.
Posted at 31 Aug 2013 at 2:26PM by bookfox
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Pro-Life Idea: A Person's ... how small. + ...
Pro-Life Idea:
I thought of part of a classic poem or story, the line, "A person's a person no matter how small." Maybe that is short enough to use on signs or shirts?

June has a number of anniversaries for me or my relatives. My parents as well as Mom's parents married in June. Mom died on or near both of those anniversaries in June. Dad died in June. My time at DMLC ended with June Night or something like that. (They changed their schedule to agree with NWC's some time after that.) My 9th anniversary at this site was in June, June 23rd.

Something new: I am facing Grimsweeper in chess for the first time in a tournament going on now. Do I think I will win? Not likely. I will pleased if I do not lose both games.

I still have had no apparent success getting a tournament going with all the western chess variants in it.

We have been getting plenty of rain in Wisconsin. I hear that west or south of Watertown they got more. On the other hand I think I prefer this to the fires I hear of in places like New Mexico.

I learned that Startpage/Ixquick is working on private e-mail, something to be called StartMail.
Written on 26 Jun 2013 at 3:17PM
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♩Will Theater Survive ♫ the Death of Film ??
  1. How many of you out there have a local situation like this?
  2. How many wish to help something old survive but do not know any way?
Please read on.

(I am not asking anyone to help here with the possible exception of those who have a strong connection to Wisconsin. If you have such a connection whether or not to help is your call. I have not offered any help yet but think that I will promise some. The counts I just saw were 449 backers promising $56,349 toward the $70,000 goal with the deadline of Tuesday May 7, 3:45pm EDT. I might not need to promise anything to keep it alive.)

Our local theater, the Towne Cinema in Watertown, Wisconsin is in danger of closing because they are being forced to move away from film. The notice in the window where I had my haircut touched up brought that sharply to my attention.

Someone found a way to use a website to make giving to keep it afloat easier. I noticed other places mentioned which needed help too when I looked at that website.
Written on 4 May 2013 at 8:46AM
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Recent Goings-On Around October 7, 2012
The last meeting of the Rock River Patriots was interesting.

klaashaas is doing me the courtesy of playing me a number of handicap Go 19x19 games to determine my rating. He told me that he is a 3 kyu by European standards.
We already played one game at five stones. He told me that I should play at full strength and that if I won it I was at least 8 kyu. He resigned #7544914; so, I am apparently at least 8 kyu in strength (at least if playing here at Goldtoken is equivalent to playing over the board in tournaments which is a questionable claim in my opinion).
He gave me a link about comparing playing strength designations around the globe with #7544914 move #192 -- To my surprise he told me that the Japanese ranking was weaker than the European ranking.

Then he surprised me by extending me a challenge to a four-stone game -- #7779283 -- after resigning the five-stone game.
Here is how I am showing it at the top of its Game notes to remind me right away which game it is
4-STONE_GAME GO BlackGO BlackGO BlackGO Black
~~ 4-STONE_GAME ~~ : GOb ::: GOb :: GOb :: GOb :: to give you an idea how to do it.

I asked for today off to go to an event only to look at the notice about it after getting home and then to note that it is on October 14th, 2012 rather than today, October 7th. Duh Is that evidence that I needed a day off anyway? Rolling eyes

A nearby congregation is having a farewell dinner for its pastor later today.

Still being scheduled for work 8 + (10 x 6) weekly.
Written on 7 Oct 2012 at 12:36PM
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Wisconsin Event 9.15.2012, New Vieira Book, ...
The Rock River Patriots and the WI 9/12 Project are hosting an event in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. The speakers are
  • Beverly Eakman who writes at NewsWithViews
  • Michael Shaw from Freedom Advocates.

It is approaching local midnight here (11:38 PM). Around last midnight I checked whether Dr. Vieira had posted anything new at NWV. He had--on September 4th. I am so current. Falling He requests letters of interest for his new great work about the Militia, The Sword and Sovereignty: The Constitutional Principles of “the Militia of the several States”.
  • *"This book is a comprehensive study—over 2,000 pages in length, with more than 6,000 footnotes and endnotes—of the constitutional and statutory history of the Militia, with special emphasis on the role of the Militia as the ultimate institutions through which We the People provide, or withhold, 'the consent of the governed'".*

Devvy Kidd posted on 9/11.

Work is keeping me fairly busy. We are working seven days a week with eight-hour shifts Sundays and ten-hour shifts the other days. I asked and got Saturday off to go the the event.

We got rain today. I know. Very exciting. Rolling eyes
Written on 13 Sep 2012 at 9:58PM
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Two More White Knights: William Federer & David Barton
William Federer has a TV program called Faith in History on
  • three times a day Monday through Friday and once on Sunday
    • I think that one can watch these on demand online.

David Barton has a TV program called American Heritage Series on
  • http://NRBnetwork.TV/
    • It is on today, Thursday, July 19, 2012, at 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time)
      • Central Time is GMT -6; so, Central Daylight Time is GMT -5 Please see Smiling
        • I think that one must watch these when they are being satellite-cast or else record them to watch later.

Both men are historians. Thumbs up
Written on 19 Jul 2012 at 10:43AM
Re: Two More White Knights: William Federer & Davi
You are Welcome David Barton has helped bring much to light, but because of his apparent muddying of the waters about distinctions between Christianity and other faiths (Brannon Howse's commentary in Worldview Weekend if I recall.) I maybe ought to have classified him as a Grey (Gray?) Knight.

Another scholar of whom I recently read Thank you to the "Annie Oakley of the Airwaves", Laurie Roth, is Kris Anne Hall. I hunted for her with a Search Engine using the term roots of liberty and then went back and found the article in which I first read of her. I give the links in this order: the article, her link in that article, and the link about her from the search engine search. In that search I came across something by Rev. Opitz who has had articles in The Freeman: Ideas On Liberty which I think is published by FEE.
Posted at 2 Aug 2012 at 5:02PM by M3
Re: Two More White Knights: William Federer & Davi
They have David Barton on TBN and I am just amazed at the things I have learned from listening... I would like to have the whole set saved for my grandchildren when they grow up. Thats the only way they would get the real education of our heritage....The last one I heard, he was talking about how blacks were always with many of the white ppl helping them in wars, or holding offices way back them, they were Christians.. David said that is why they dont put them in our textbooks today, because they dont want to talk about the Christians.. but he gave the whole 1/2 hour so much info on the black man and what he had done that most of us will never the info u put up.
Posted at 2 Aug 2012 at 9:18AM by BahamaMama
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Some Research Sources (&/or White Knights for Liberty)
Robert Yates, Luther Martin - Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Constitutional Convention
  • This source is from another player at the History Club which seems to be no more. I could not truthfully claim to have found it myself. Thank you to the other player for telling me about it.
Any grownups who wish to have the URL need but message me.

Clayton Cramer's Home Page
  • I think that I found this one while looking for sources about the old militia laws to which Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr. referred. For whatever reason no link to this site was included on the Committees of Safety and/or Sovereign State Depository site(s) when I checked.

UPDATE *Wednesday, July 18, 2012*
  1. The former had NOTICE: This domain name expired on 06/17/2012 and is pending renewal or deletion. posted by GoDaddy.
  2. The latter is still up.

I deemed their being down bad news. Sad Both of them were trying to implement Dr. Vieira's advice. Dr. Vieira's latest three-part article proclaims that the situation is indeed dire here in the USA. He points to preparations for the police state to clamp down. Below are links to his Facebook link and to that three-part article, below them one to the organization to which he gave those speeches, and below that one to Dr. Fekete's website.

Edwin Vieira, Jr.'s Facebook page and his latest articles

Committee for Monetary Research & Education

Retired Professor Fekete has also spoken to the above group. I thought it impressive that he could critique ancient Egyptian monetary practices (if I attribute that to the right person).

Timothy Baldwin, lawyer and son of Chuck Baldwin, listed some historical sources he thought useful in one of his articles at NewsWithViews. I saw it a while back but did not find it just now.

First post: Written on 12 Jul at 1:03PM
Written on 18 Jul 2012 at 9:05AM
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A Scholar's Summary of Edwin Vieira, Jr.'s 2-Volume Pieces of Eight is the link. I was checking to see whether or not Google Books had the earlier version of his book available even though he had given it into the public domain years ago and whether they knew that he had put it into the public domain.

I think that I came across the fact that this had been written but might not have saved the URL before. Here it is.
Written on 19 Mar 2012 at 7:27PM
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Militia & Money by the States to Protect the People from Rule by the Worst
(That is worst rather than wurst even though German Fest was going on in Milwaukee today.)

I have failed to keep up on all of Dr. Vieira's articles. Specifically, I refer to his recent articles A Cross of Gold - Parts 1 to 5 which are dated May 10, 2011.
It seems that Militia and Money must be implemented soon for the people in general to benefit or else the scoundrels who wish to take advantage of the people in general will put the next version of their evil scheme to control the economy in place. I suspect that sounds melodramatic, but that does not necessarily mean that it is not true.

I pointed out elsewhere a few years ago in a post with its title beginning with PHASER THE DOLLAR that we should not talk about
  • "dollars",
  • "yen", or
  • any other pet name for a unit of money
because posterity could forget what such a name meant allowing a group of crooks to pretend that the name meant something which it never meant. Vieira and/or his friends knew more history than I know and came up with Pure Gold and Pure Silver at the Sovereign State Depository website.
I had not yet read the quotation of Alexander Hamilton describing the dollar as containing so much "pure silver" in the earlier version of Dr. Vieira's book on our money system. It recently became available for free download at the Ludwig von Mises Institute website under the author Edwin Vieira, Jr..
His free online book in PDF format is
The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the U.S. Constitution A Study Prepared for the United States Gold Commission, submitted into the public domain February 8, 1982.
  • I learned that it had been available about four months at the time I learned about it because I got that information after I signed up for the RSS feed of his writing posted at that website; so, I was not ignorant about it too long.
  • Also, I had not known that he had given it into the public domain.
  • I don't know whether Dr. Ron Paul's foreword was given into the public domain though.
Now, it is up to you. Please study this and then contact your State legislator.
First Written on 31 Jul at 7:32PM, the last day of German Fest 2011 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Post Script Resources:
  • Committees of Safety website
Written on 2 Aug 2011 at 1:13PM
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The Bible On Trial: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt -- hosted by Craig Parton, Esq.
I saw part of this on the NRB Network because I left the TV on and woke at the right time. Years ago Craig Parton spoke in Wisconsin and allowed me to videotape his presentation Defending The Biblical Gospel. I think that this might be the latest version of that presentation, but I have not asked him.

I think that you can watch some of it free online. If they broadcast, cablecast, or satellite-cast it again you might be able to watch if free that way.
Written on 29 Jul 2011 at 9:04AM
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Fixed Point Foundation Hour. WorldView Weekend. Bernard von NotHaus Wrongly Convicted.
I came across a program within the last few months -- the Fixed Point Foundation Hour -- which has debates. One of them was between Richard Dawkins and John Lennox if I recall correctly. I think that last night's (March 28, 2011) was between Larry Taunton and Christopher Hitchens.

I also caught Worldview Weekend yesterday.

On the meaning-and-money front Bernard von Nothaus was recently convicted in federal court in North Carolina. I thought that he should have been acquitted. I still do not understand how the prosecuting attorney could make the arguments she did. I think that they are claiming the right to treat the meaning of the word "dollar" like silly putty which they can bend any way they wish rather than as having the unchangeable meaning of a silver coin containing three hundred seventy-one and one quarter grains Troy of silver and having its value from the silver contained in it.

"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States

is part of the Constitution relevant to the coinage issue.

If Edwin Vieira, Jr. is right about the meaning of "regulate the Value thereof" they are supposed to declare the value of coins based on how much gold or silver the coins contain.
  • In the case of silver they should
    • divide the amount of silver in a coin by 371.25 grains Troy and then
    • declare that the coin was worth so many dollars.
  • In the case of a coin containing gold they should
    • determine how much gold is in the coin and then
    • apply the ratio between the prices of gold and silver to how how much silver the gold is worth and
    • do as for a silver coin with that much silver in it.
In other words declaring the value of a coin is not an area of freedom for the government to say anything it likes but rather one of duty for the government to follow an inflexible procedure.

Puzzled I have read some of Veiera's articles and understood the above. Has Anne M. Tompkins?

Puzzled Are the federal folks claiming the right not to fulfill their duty to put out coins of the proper weight and fineness while holding the States to the prohibition against their minting coin? Should not those be understood as reciprocal, that is, that the States may not mint coin so long as the federal government fulfills its duty to mint coin according to the right standard and in enough quantity?

Puzzled How do they dare to add the word exclusive? Granting the power of coinage to Congress and forbidding it to the States does not forbid private mints from making coin, does it?

Maybe even worse she called von NotHaus a "unique terrorist". Rolling eyes It would be laughable if it were not so serious.
Written on 29 Mar 2011 at 11:59AM
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RIP Joan Veon, Griffin on the War on Terrorism, Notable Creationist Speaker
A while back while looking at the articles listed at NewsWithViews I noticed that the researcher Joan Veon had died. Her column was called "Connecting The Dots". I met her once at an event, something I cannot truly say about many of the freedom fighters. She was a certified financial planner who traveled to UN events at her own expense to report on them to keep us informed. She once wrote that capitalism was an -ism. She will be missed.

While hunting for Freedom Force International's website I found G. Edward Griffin's article explaining why talking about a war on terrorism was nonsense. G. Edward Griffin -- A Second Look At The War On Terrorism

A notable speaker, Dr. Jerry Bergman, will be in the Milwaukee area tomorrow, March 8, 2011, at the behest of the Creation Science Society of Milwaukee to deliver a speech titled "The Dark Side of Charles Darwin." He also has given a speech titled "Slaughter of the Dissidents." Cornerstone TV has his speech and many others available to read in PDF.
Written on 7 Mar 2011 at 9:42PM
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Pieces Of Eight Reprint Announced December 1, 2010
We have another chance to get hold of his two-volume book, Pieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution because of "the generous support of James Turk and the GoldMoney Foundation". I have held it in my hands. It seemed very well made--just as he wrote.

Reading this book is said not to be easy, but it should be worth the effort if we also reclaim right meaning and revitalize the institution of the militia referred to in the Constitution. One way the militia is important is to ward off tyrants posing as enforcers of law like some of the private security firms acting as though they were police. I recently read of this on the WI4RonPaul group.
Written on 8 Dec 2010 at 9:50AM
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Lead NewsWithViews Articles on May 11, 2010, Tuesday Tom DeWeese -- Fight Agenda 21 or Lose Your Freedom Kelleigh Nelson -- Saving the Republic? Part 1 Chuck Baldwin -- Hooray For Utah; Boo For Indiana Lynn Stuter -- Democracy in Action Cliff Kincaid -- Hedge Funds Spark World Revolution

I did not know of the second author, Kelleigh Nelson. Mr. Kincaid comments that the socialists did not foul these things up but thinks that they will take advantage of the foul-ups.
Written on 12 May 2010 at 10:34AM
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Vieira's Speeches at Committees Of Safety Website
Edwin Vieira, Jr. considers revitalization of the institution of the Militia critical to retaining our freedom in the United States pointing out that the Constitution calls the Militia essential and claims that the Constitution requires each State to maintain a Militia in perpetuity. I call this an implicit command.
Puzzled Surprisingly, another lawyer, Mat Staver who founded Liberty Counsel, denied this on the radio when I called in and asked whether the Constitution required each State to have a Militia. I still do not understand that and have not yet written to him to request an explanation. I think that two such authorities on the law should not disagree about what the law is.

The website of the Committees of Safety has speeches by Edwin Vieira under security. Walter Reddy founded the Committees of Safety.
  • Part 1/5 Edwin Vieira at Faneuil Hall Dec 14 2008
  • Boston Tea Party 08
  • Alex Jones - Dr. Edwin Vieira Pt1
  • Part 1 Power of the Purse Power of the Sword
  • Part 2 Power of the Purse Power of the Sword
  • Part 3 Power of the Purse Power of the Sword
  • Part 4 Power of the Purse Power of the Sword
  • Part 5 Power of the Purse Power of the Sword
  • Part 6 Power of the Purse Power of the Sword
  • Fiat Empire (has Vieira on it too)
Written on 2 May 2010 at 2:55PM
Re: Vieira's Speeches at Committees Of Safety Webs
Posted at 11 Jul 2012 at 8:44PM by **YANKEE ROSE*JR FRANK PAB
Re: Vieira's Speeches at Committees Of Safety Webs
I'll answer this post by saying that I don't disagree with anything you've said except perhaps your desire to make everything a constitutional issue. The constitution has been killed by civil war. The division of powers was destroyed when the president became a military dictator and stomped out those who thought that divison of powers was their right.

these days congress doesn't even read a full bill in session much less the full three constituionally required times ... that brings into question any laws passed under such regime. Let me simply end with a Jefferson quote that I think might fit here:

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

maybe ... it's time.
Posted at 24 May 2010 at 12:18PM by Colonel Crockett
Re: Vieira's Speeches at Committees Of Safety Webs
I realize that asking you to read all of Vieira's articles on NewsWithViews might be considered too big a request; so, I give you my sense of them or point to website(s) which give(s) an explanation.
If I recall correctly WVCY had Larry Pratt on as a guest shortly after I went off on Mat Staver on national radio (Not my most Vulcan moment!) for failing my expectations of his scholarship. Pratt referred to the context or the understanding back then. Likely he agrees with Vieira. I have not read Pratt's book on the Militia to be sure.
Why is a Militia needed? The Framers (as do I) held to the belief that Man is basically evil, not inherently good or neutral. So, the challenge is to come up with a form of government which will restrain that evil. Concentrated power often proves too much of a temptation; so, they sought to divide power and to have one concentration of power work against other concentrations of power. The Founding Fathers did not trust a Standing Military. I think that is the reason that an Army needed to be funded every two years. Also, I read that they were very reluctant to confer the title of admiral on anyone.
The Founding Fathers rested their expectation of keeping any sort of good government on the virtue of the People in general. If the People are to be the rulers then they must themselves have the Power of the Sword. The Militia is how that was done in the Original Thirteen Colonies/States.
See Clayton Cramer's website as well as the one I mention below.
Vieira looks at the context and states that the Founders assumed the permanence of the Militia. (I suspect that is why they did not spell it out better for us, their Dullard Posterity.) So, the Constitution itself proclaims that the Militia is necessary (or needed if you want a plainer word) without making it mace-in-the-face blunt that each State in the Union is required forever to maintain its own Militia (so long as the Constitution is not amended to remove that requirement).
Now that you have already put up with me too long Rolling eyes would you rather read me or someone more scholarly? Smiling I could continue to try to put others' essays into my own words. The website ReclaimingTheConstitution gives some explanation. I shall be happy to point you to others and/or to keep explaining.

Posted at 21 May 2010 at 11:49AM by M3
Re: Vieira's Speeches at Committees Of Safety Webs
the thing wrong with the law is the men who write and enforce it. The only true law is that of God.

To play devil's advocate for a moment: "what is necessary is required" Why is a militia necessary? we have a standing military body sworn to protect the country.
Posted at 21 May 2010 at 10:02AM by Colonel Crockett
Re: Vieira's Speeches at Committees Of Safety Webs
I have read a fair number of Vieira's articles. His reasoning seems to be that what is necessary is required. Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel also said that States were not required by the Constitution to maintain a Militia. Someone is wrong. Juris Doctors are supposed to be right about the law.
Posted at 19 May 2010 at 5:26PM by M3
Re: Vieira's Speeches at Committees Of Safety Webs
there is no constitutional requirement. Each state has a right to implement, instruct, and utilize its own militia but there is NO REQUIREMENT.

I personally think that state militias are great but we are in the minority
Posted at 19 May 2010 at 5:14PM by Colonel Crockett
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Vieira-Related Videos on Vimeo
RR-11 - Edwin Vieira on the Reality Report 17 days ago
GATA Washington Conference - Speech by Edwin Vieira 4 months ago
Jekyll Island Project: Statement by Edwin Vieira read by Bob Schulz 10 months ago
Economic Federalism - Dr. Edwin Vieira. Ph.D, J.D. 1 year ago

This next one is the only one tagged 'Edwin Vieira'.
Continental Congress 2009 - The Next Step For A Free People [short ver] 7 months ago

Puzzled I do not understand why even one of these was not so tagged. Only one out of five was tagged.
Written on 28 Apr 2010 at 7:41AM
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National ID Card by Stealth -- Again!
Yesterday I got around to reading a message (dated April 1st) from Ron Paul at his Campaign for Liberty which told me that a provision to include a national ID card has been put into the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" bill if I have its title right. The message included a link to use to protest this.
Written on 16 Apr 2010 at 9:47AM
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THIS GENERATION will not pass away ....

generation living when the signs occur, not the one living at the time Jesus spoke according to Michael Youssef

I am not patting myself on the back right now for failing to understand that right.

Written on 1 Dec 2009 at 12:34PM
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Gold Clauses & Silver Clauses Book by Vieira
Edwin Vieira, Jr. is offering a book(let).


Not as expensive as Pieces of Eight. This one is on my to-do list. November 22, 2009

Written on 1 Dec 2009 at 12:20PM
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Pieces of Eight Reprint Subscription Deadline August 31, 2009
On July 6, 2009, Edwin Vieira, Jr. posted an announcement that he would reprint his book if he had enough prepaid orders by August 31. That deadline is fast approaching. The book is supposed to be very useful for proving what our money system in the USA is supposed to be.
Dr. Vieira can be reached at

52 Stonegate Court, Front Royal, Virginia 22630

The price is $156.45:
"1. The two-volume set will cost $149.95 plus $6.50 (shipping & handling), for a total of $156.45 (Virginia residents should add $7.50 for sales tax)."

Written on 25 Aug at 9:15PM except for the quotation which I just added.
Written on 28 Nov 2009 at 3:19PM
Re: Pieces of Eight Reprint Subscription Deadline
He posted my check back to me September 3 if I have the date right. I did not find it in the mail. Duh On the other hand I heard him say in a speech on Vimeo that his book would be coming out on Compact Disc. Thumbs up Too bad not enough folks ordered his book! Sad
Posted at 27 Apr 2010 at 11:15AM by M3
Re: Pieces of Eight Reprint Subscription Deadline
I realize that it is too late to try to help get it printed. I think that I should have posted that quotation with the original post. I added it belatedly. I sent a check which has not been returned. I take that to mean that the printing is on but not finished to his satisfaction yet. Getting the check back would have been bad news.
Thank you for reading my blog and for the comment. Smiling
Posted at 29 Nov 2009 at 7:47PM by M3
Re: Pieces of Eight Reprint Subscription Deadline
Too late for anyone to prepay to try to get the reprint done as the deadline was almost 3 months ago. ;-)
Posted at 29 Nov 2009 at 5:14PM by Pegasus
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Xiphias Strategies: Spidery, Threatened Hexes & Expanding Blob
Written on 21 Oct 2009 at 7:00PM
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A Day Off !! & Websites Found in Last Few Weeks

21 October 2009 Wednesday

First day off since September 7th! Something broke down at work. &
(Compare Ed V & Dr. P on abortion) The Government Can by Tim Hawkins plays on The Candyman Can.
Written on 21 Oct 2009 at 3:09PM
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Unrated Test & Practice Xiphiastrey Game Done 21 Jun 2009 at 3:41AM Central Daylight Time
#5227809 finished earlier this morning. My opponent, ypercube, helped me to try out some things in Xiphias-variants. Thank you, ypercube.
This game shows that
  • Rockets and Force Fields are not compatible, (In fact a Rocket popping up under a Force Field is the only current way of which I know to destroy a Force Field.)
  • a Rocket on a Planet first excludes a Bomb from placement there but does not detonate a Bomb when it pops up on a Planet which already has a Bomb on it -- order of placement matters! ,
  • a Force Field and a Bomb can be on the same Planet. I think that order of placement does not matter.

In keeping with Number 1 I suggest that Fired Rockets be considered a combination of Rocket(s) & Force Field(s). Maybe they are a one-planet force explosion?

Self-destructs already count as though they are a combination of an Alien and a number of Force Fields to match the Alien's level. Might they actually be Rockets and Force Fields triggered by their own Alien?

Although Unrated Games might not show up in one's game total they do show up in the list of finished games. At least this one shows up at the top of my list of completed Xiphiastrey games.

Now why not introduce more powerful Bombs or Bomb-like things like a triggerable self-detonation which is invisible like a Bomb? We could have three levels of such horrors like the three levels of self-destruction now available. Also such Area Bombs or Invisible & Sleeping Self-Destructs could convert all the planets affected into Neutral Meteors which is even more destructive than a normal self-destruct which leaves ownership intact. How would this affect Force Fields? One could have the Level 3 Effect Destroy all Force Fields it touches.
Written on 21 Jun 2009 at 8:27AM
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