The Villains of Game of Thrones


spacer40Who are the 10 most evil, conniving and despicable villains of GØT?

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On the other hand, if you’re looking to learn about — or catch up with — all things GØT, read on..

April 14, 2019
As Game of Thrones rolls into its final season, the number of players fighting for the Iron Throne has dwindled. Now, they face a greater threat of the incoming White Walkers. That doesn't mean danger isn't looming around every corner, though. The show has had legions of villains and backstabbers across the various noble houses
After all, who can forget the Red Wedding, where all dreams of noble Starks and Cinderella queens were massacred?
While many don't pose a threat anymore, the damage they did rippled across Westeros. However, not all villains are made of the same mettle. Some simply complicated situations, hurt beloved characters, or caused awful cascading effects. Others? They put the whole of Westeros at risk with armies at their back. Moreover, some of them are still dangerous, powerful threats going into season 8
These are some of the Most Powerful Villains In Game of Thrones:
No particular order

spacer401. Craster

To start, Craster was the worst of what's beyond the wall. He lived the life of a selfish and crude ruler. However, possibly the worst thing he did involved his children. The girls became his wives once they were of age, and he sacrificed the boys to White Walkers
Despite his alliances with the Night's Watch, he's a horrible man who used Craster's Keep to gain allies and power. After all, his home was the only place beyond the wall for guardsmen to stay. Slaying him was the one good thing Karl Tanner did

spacer402. Stannis Baratheon

Once upon a time, Stannis Baratheon was a good man with a good heart. With time, and copious influence from Melisandre, he turned into a power-mad conqueror. His entire battle plan circulated around unsavory dealings with the Lord of Light, sacrificing whatever possible to ensure his victory. Even if that includes his younger brother and his own daughter
Stannis' machinations in the Lord of Light's name caused a lot of pain and anguish throughout Westeros. When Brienne of Tarth finally got her revenge for Renly, he accepted that he deserved this fate after all he'd done

spacer403. Walder Frey

A seedy and bloated lord, Walder Frey lived off the utilitarian assets of his hold to gouge himself on young wives that he didn't care about. He joined Robb's bid for the throne under the assumption Robb would marry one of his daughters. When Robb backed out of that, Walder turned on the young king and betrayed him
Between his house's lacking honor and his own perversions, Walder Frey existed as a disgusting man with flaky loyalties. Robb did slight him, but destroying House Stark was something else. Arya's revenge deserved her revenge

spacer404. Petyr ‘Littlefinger' Baelish

> From the moment he walked on-screen, Petyr Baelish started pulling strings and plotting across Westeros. In Game of Thrones, there are few more devious and effective spy-masters. Before fans even knew much about him, he convinced Lysa Tully to poison her own husband. The atrocities only pile on from there. His selfish only persist with Sansa, manipulating and protecting her because he wanted her to become his Catelyn replacement
Unfortunately, his weakness for Catelyn and Sansa became his undoing. When the Stark daughters turn on him, this was the first time he didn't have an exit plan. He perished, trapped in Winterfell

spacer405. Ramsay Bolton

The moment he walked on-screen, Roose Bolton's illegitimate son, Ramsay, started causing trouble. The young man found too much pleasure in torture. One of his first serious victims, Theon, was irreparably warped into Reek. After that, he only got worse. He murdered prostitutes, executed a child hostage, stabbed his father, and assaulted his own wife. Single-handedly, he dismantled the house Roose once ran and turned it into something darker. With a mad man at the helm, of course everything changed. His hounds turning on him was only justice

spacer406. The High Sparrow

Power plays and religious zealots never mix well. The High Sparrow was the leader of the Sparrows, a devout and violent faction. While he humbled himself in helping the weak and poor, he was also ruthless when it came to those he thought as sinners. Cersei thought she could use him in her schemes, but his principles proved unwavering. He condemned her like anyone else he deemed wrong
Under his power, he arrested and tried countless nobles, even ending their lives if he deemed it fitting. In the end, only wildfire could stop his influence from spreading even further

spacer407. Joffrey Baratheon

Though Joffrey perished seasons ago, the echoes of his cruelty live on. Spending too long on the throne, he would execute nobles at a whim, enjoyed torturing prostitutes, and adored hurting his first betrothed, Sansa. Losing him started his mother's path towards deep darkness. He single-handedly ruined Sansa's life and smashed House Stark. His acts of cruelty led to countless devious plots and repercussion
Furthermore, fans hated Joffrey so much that even years after he's gone, they still consider him one of the worst villains of Game of Thrones

spacer408. Milisandre

High priestess of The Lord of Light, Melisandre's always remained a wild card in the great game. With possible centuries under her belt and some bizarre, warped powers, each new thing she does is more and more startling. Not only can she give birth to malevolent shadow demons but also resurrect the dearly departed. If it wasn't for the whole human sacrifice thing, she could have been revered instead of feared.
Jon Snow sent her away alive, but she made her return at the Battle of Winterfell, using her villainous prowess in an act of good. Or so we think

spacer409. Cersei Lannister

Over time, Cersei Lannister became more ambitious, aggressive, and mad. While Westeros knew the Targaryen's madness, she showed how violent and twisted Lannisters could be. She may finally be the queen in charge, but it comes at a cost
Between setting half of her city aflame, allying with Euron Greyjoy, and choosing power over Westeros' safety, she's become a dangerous ruler. King's Landing and beyond knows her for torture, execution, and betrayal
As unstable as she is, and with a fierce dedication to her unborn baby, no one in Westeros is safe

spacer4010. The Night King

With an undead army, mystical powers, and a frozen dragon, the Night King is by far the most daunting and powerful villain in all of Westeros. Not only can he turn others into ice monsters, but also he commands complete control over those below him. When he and Viserion destroyed part of The Wall, they started the White Walker invasion of Westeros.
In this final season, the noble squabbles won't matter. At least, not until the Night King army is destroyed. Until then, no one can claim the Iron Throne. That alone elevates the Night King above all else
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