Princesses and Rangas choose the months games

[ Princesses and Rangas Wiki Games ]

add your games or variants you want to add for each month We will send a Thank you to the people who chose the game.

Need any help? Can't add your games? Message a list of your games to Ranga or Stealthfire

The most people choose a game, That game will win for this month.

We will have to look at the end of each month. We will start for Aprils games

Please note: do not add games that we already have you may want to look. if your Favourite game is not there, add it here thankyou

Winner games: [ Princesses and Rangas Winner of games of the months ]

add your name and games here
#playergames listed here
1StealthfireGiveaway backgammon, Nackgammon, Long Gammon, Gammon mix, Grabble mix, all grabbles, Whist and variants, Whist mix
2RangaZero G for in row
4LadyeFantasyGrabble - *all variants*
5stormy rebellucky trax, all shake games
6AZD159Whist and variants
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if it gets to full, you can add more boxes and add your name and games. Thanks for the game ideas