JohnDerek - Tournament Wins

Listing of JohnDerek's Tournament wins

Last Updated 1-20-10

My Tournament WinsGame type
The Club Nascar Fans 5th TournamentBackgammon
The Club Nascar Fans 5th TournamentHypergammon (3 Pt)
The October 09 1 Day Tournament --NO DIVISIONS TournamentChess
The August 08 Guest Only Prize Games TournamentCheckers
The May 13th HTH Super Fast Whist/Checkers/Chess TournamentBackgammon
{;club=2196 }*?*
{ Tournament# }**

Click on edit to read and understand the text written here. It is easier to look and see than to guess and visualize.

Using the above information should be able to get you started although there is multiple ways to set up your table.
Note that the asterisk puts things in bold, an underscore will underline things.

Anything linked to on the site will be in curley brackets with a space { } and wiki links will use squared brackets [ ]

Similiar to player names, tournament names use a semi colon : following the word tournament and then a space, while tournament sessions will use the pound symbol # without any spaces. Can you see the difference above in the chart?

To locate the tournament numbers, to fill in the blanks and make the link workable, simply mouse over the link and then read where the link is taking you. Remember the number, and then enter it in the approapriate place. Or if you do not understand how to mouse over and read the linking number (ignore the whole URL and just get the number) you can click on the link, once on the page look in your browser's URL and retrieve the number there.

Any question???