Headings, fonts and bulletsHeadingsPlace an equal sign (=) at the begining of a line and all the text following it will be formatted.=One equal sign gives you the largest size text. ==Two, the next size down. ===And so on ====down to =====five for the smallest.becomes... One equal sign gives you the largest size text.Two, the next size down.And so ondown tofive for the smallest.Note... you need to have a complete line separating any identical sizes of text or they will run together.====These separate lines ====are all ====running together.becomes... These separate lines are all running together.Bold, underline, Italic, Plain textAn asterisk (*) before and after text will make it bold.... *This is bold*becomes... This is bold Similarly, forward-slash (/) makes it Italic, ... /This is Italic/ becomes... This is Italic a low line (_) makes it underlined, ... _This is underlined_ becomes... This is underlined and an equal sign (=) makes it plain text. ... =This is Plain text= becomes... This is Plain text Bullets and Ordered listsStart a line with one asterisk plus a space (* ) to make a short bulleted line.Add more asterisks to further indent the text.* Short bullet ** Farther over *** Even farther.
Start a line with a hash plus a space (# ) to make an ordered list.# You don't# need to add # numbers they are # added automatically.
# Main point ## Secondary info. ## Secondary info. ## Secondary info. # Next main point ## Secondary info.... ### with lesser points between. ### with lesser points between. ## Secondary info.... ### with lesser points between. ### with lesser points between. # Next main point
You can also indent text using > at the beginning of a line> This is indented and is as far across as it will go.This is indented and is as far across as it will go. Remove all formatting for textSimply start the line with a space and then start typing.Text with no formatting Placing a box around textSee [ How to make a wiki table ][ Dividers and Bullets ]
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