Haiku Archive 1

Natures' voice in the woods
the leaves whisper in the cool breeze
I feel You there

{ sharktooth }

I came and I saw
understanding is within
turn and walk away

(my first Haiku)
Retired 1554

(i am going to... 
be talking like this all night...
driving my friends nuts!) LOL outta here

We're all funny peeps
That's why we like this stuff now
Go out there and haik (u)
Missing 10300

I have a school asignment to write a haiku and cinaquain.im an honor student and we have homework over the summer. so i had to read a book and write them. i would appreciate any help i can get. th book is the call of the wild. thank { Player }
Most improbable
But nay, not impossible

dog haiku authour unknown
I lie belly-up
In the sunshine, happier than
You ever will be

Alas, one more page
to inexorably seal
My assuefaction

Whew...had to dig real deep for a synonym for habit...lol KaTtdAnCe

The following haiku were written by Matsuo Basho, a 17th century Zen monk:
Old pond
A frog leaps in
Water's sound

First winter rain
The monkey also wishes for
A straw raincoat

As can be seen, they do not conform to 5-7-5
chess fiend

Presumably it
was not originally
written in English.

In the Japanese,
how many syllables did
it have to start with?
Phil The Hat

Frankly, i don't know but i presume the translation is faithful to the original.
Just how does one compare English grammar
with Japanese pictographs? chess fiend

Hey! He doesn't know
Why does he teach us haiku
still let's have some fun
Missing 10300

A cumulous cloud
Efforming a plethora
of pictureque shapes

GEE!!! I'm getting addicted!!!

A storm in the air
Blustering tumultous winds
Then, utter silence

End of Summer on the way
Play lots while we can
Cool crispness taking over.

The heart so fragile
Window to the inner self
Heals slow if at all

Games of chance and skill
The equipment of GT
Hone intelligence

do we really have
what is callled intellegence?
look at mental ward
Missing 10300

Must make one more move
Before the boss can catch me
Almost have checkmate
{ Player }

Opps I'm caught and dead
Good thing I wired a boss
button. He he he.
Missing 10300

Oh me, oh my WORD
We now have a club!!!

Come check it out ;) { Club }

A cherry tree blooms
Fragrance so lovely in air
Sweet expectations

A vicious cycle
Loathing the attainable
Love forbidden fruit

Conforming to 5-7-5:
Fragrant grass smells
Like green stuff eating blue birds
this is very weird!
Missing 10300

this is boring
although very very fun
I'll drive you nuts!
Missing 10300

Computer parts spark
BOOM! I just burned it up good.
lesson learned about this
Missing 10300

computers are cool
I like using them so much!
Let us use it now!
Missing 10300

am I stupid, cuz I just do not get the idea of this!
I have come back to this page many many times, I still don't get it! Nargada

You are not stupid
Just think 5-7-5 like that
and you'll get it right
Missing 10300

'cos It's a pretty
weird form of poetry
don't mean you're stupid.

you have to speak it
like in a sing-song rhythm
try the following

Tra-La La-La-La
Tra-La-La-La Tra-La-La
Tra-La La-La-La

Phil The Hat

What is up with that?
That's not really a haiku
It's just tra and la
Missing 10300

the tra and the la
of which you speak so badly
is called a cadence
outta here

In the pub tonight
We will all drink too much beer
Then we'll fall over
Phil The Hat

One last weekend fling
Before I am once again
Enslaved at my job!!!

Nice idea drac
We like it now more than then
then as in be4
Missing 10300

When I want to play
On Goldtoken I will stay -
There's no better way

Goldtoken is closed
Chad with his mop and bucket:
Database Cleanup

The Haiku below
Are plagiarised poetry
But still worth a read...

A crash reduces
Your expensive computer
To a simple stone

Your file was so big.
It might be very useful.
But now it is gone


My Haikus

by June

A storm blowing hard
Lighting flashing across the sky
Shall clean mother Earth
A great old oak
Mightiest among the trees
Comes from an acorn
Dragon wind comes hot
Battles the cold north beast
Summer dying, winter here
Small little ant
Working so very hard now
For his winter's food


I stand on the beach
waves smoothing the sands on the shore
and I find welcome peace.
I looked down at the
waters wanting to give it all up
and I thought of You.

[ Haiku ]
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