Goldtoken Olympics

Our version of a Multi national Goldtoken Olympic Style Tournament

Results of previous Olympic games:

For Details of the 1st GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics 2004 ] : finished
For Details of the 2nd GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics 2007 ] : finished
For Details of the 3rd GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ GoldToken Olympics 2009 ] : finished
For Details of the 4th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ GoldToken Olympics 2010 ] : finished
For Details of the 5th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ GoldToken Olympics 2011 ] : finished
For Details of the 6th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ GoldToken Olympics 2012 ] : finished
For Details of the 1st GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2013 ] : finished
For Details of the 7th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ GoldToken Olympics 2013 ] : finished
For Details of the 2nd GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2014 ] : finished
For Details of the 8th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics 2014 ] : finished
For Details of the 3rd GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2015 ] : finished
For Details of the 9th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Winter 2015 ] : finished
For Details of the 4th GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2016 ] : finished
For Details of the 10th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Winter 2016 ] : finished
For Details of the 5th GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2017 ] : finished
For Details of the 11th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Winter 2017 ] : finished
For Details of the 6th GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2018 ] : finished
For Details of the 12th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Winter 2018 ] : finished
For Details of the 7th GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2019 ] : finished
For Details of the 13th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Winter 2019 ] : finished
For Details of the 8th GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2020 ] : finished
For Details of the 14th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Winter 2020 ] : finished
For Details of the 9th GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2021 ] : finished
For Details of the 15th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Winter 2021 ] : finished
For Details of the 10th GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2022 ] : finished
For Details of the 16th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Winter 2022 ] : finished
For Details of the 11th GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2023 ] : finished
For Details of the 17th GoldToken Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Winter 2023 ] : under way
For Details of the 12th GoldToken Summer Olympic Tournament see: [ Goldtoken Olympics Summer 2024 ] : tournaments starting

Hall of Fame

YearSeasonTeam MedalsPlayer MedalsList of Teams
2004WinterEuropeUnited KingdomNorth American Southwest CoastPhil The HatrabbitoidklaashaasAfrica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North American Midwest, North American Northeast Coast, North American Northwest Coast, North American Southeast Coast, North American Southwest Coast, South American, United Kingdom
2007WinterEurope (President: Dionysos)North America EastNorth America MidwestrabbitoidGringoNZcoan_netAsia+Australia+Africa, Canada, Europe, Latin America, North America East, North America Midwest, North America West, United Kingdom
2009WinterGaia (President: sallyp)HephaestusChronosjbdobieStraycatrabbitoidNyx, Zeus, Hera, Aether, Demeter, Hebe, Chaos, Gaia, Hephaestus, Chronos
2010WinterJupiter (President: sallyp)MercuryApolloTrueIndianDavidJOkMeRNeptune, Pluto, Jupiter, Juno, Vulcan, Vesta, Venus, Minerva, Mercury, Mars, Ceres, Apollo
2011WinterChronos (President: Kat)ChaosHerarabbitoidHamsarniecmackerNyx, Zeus, Hera, Aether, Demeter, Hebe, Chaos, Gaia, Hephaestus, Chronos
2012WinterMinerva (President: heyred72)CeresPlutocmackerSkywalkerrabbitoidNeptune, Pluto, Juno, Vulcan, Venus, Minerva, Ceres, Apollo
2013SummerPhoenix (President: katja)AgriusCyclopscmacker1karlos1926Agrius, Cyclops, Manticore, Minotaur, Pegasus, Phoenix, Sphynx
2013WinterNyx (President: Kat)ChronosHebe1926cmackerbengtAether, Chaos, Chronos, Demeter, Hebe, Nyx, Zeus
2014SummerVali (President: KatOtreraDronacmacker1926AndrewBCymopoleia, Drona, Otrera, Semele, Tityos, Vali
2014WinterPercheron (President: smiler5)ArabianLippizanAndrewBbengt1926Akhal-Teke, Arabian, Friesian, Lippizan, Mustang, Percheron, Peruvian
2015SummerMinotaur (President: smiler5)AgriusCerberus1926cmackerAndrewBMedusa, Cerberus, Pholus, Agrius, Sphynx, Phoenix, Minotaur
2015WinterJuno (President: eliphont551)PlutoMinervacmackerklaashaasHamsarnieApollo, Ceres, Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, Neptune, Pluto
2016SummerOtrera (President: heyred72)TityosDronawallywalterAndrewBDavidJCyclops, Cymopoleia, Drona, Otrera, Semele, Tityos, Vali
2016WinterSamwise (President: rabbitoid)PeregrinGandalfwallywalterAndrewBrabbitoidFrodo, Samwise, Meriadoc, Peregrin, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas
2017SummerNiobe (President: cmacker)LyssaOceanuswallywaltercmackerAndrewBKratos, Lyssa, Mnemosyne, Niobe, Oceanus, Plutus
2017WinterOphion (President: johnnyyboy)AntiopeIsmenusrabbitoidAndrewBHamsarnieAntiope, Hyperion, Ismenus, Lynceus, Ophion, Perses
2018SummerPolemos (President: eliphont551)AlalaAlkewallywalterjbdobieAndrewBAlala, Alke, Enyo, Homados, Kydoimos, Perses, Polemos
2018WinterTyche (President: rabbitoid)AthenaAphroditeHamsarnieAndrewBrabbitoidAphrodite, Athena, Demeter, Hera, Nike, Tyche
2019SummerZelus (President: rabbitoid)AstraeusHarmoniawallywaltercmackerrabbitoidAstraeus, Charites, Harmonia, Lampetia, Metis, Zelus
2019WinterZeus (President: rabbitoid)DemeterPoseidonTrueIndianHamsarnieAndrewBApollo, Athena, Demeter, Hera, Poseidon, Zeus
2020Summernisqually (President: PattyMac)smiler5blackanguswallywalterAndrewBkruntessaMemorial clubs, named after players: blackangus, Cheetah, mail2owl, MountainMist, nisqually, smiler5
2020Winterwingfoot (President: PattyMac)NargadagreggywwallywalterAndrewBHamsarnieMemorial clubs, named after players: Doodles, furryfeet, greggyw, Nargada, sandi en margarita, wingfoot
2021SummerSapient (President: eliphont551)hrhawkBudgiePoint01IVcmackerAndrewBMemorial clubs, named after players: Budgie, Dionysos, Genie, hrhawk, Sapient, Tezcatlipoca
2021WinterGrover (President: eliphont551)WONRHAFFujiTapePoint01IVKlaus11Road RunnerMemorial clubs, named after players: AZD159, FujiTape, Grover, ozallan, poohbear, WONRHAF
2022SummerPEACH WINE (President: hootAbby Normalsuperkaempe the gentle giantwallywalterPoint01IVAndrewBMemorial clubs, named after players: Abby Normal, CATCHER211, coop, PEACH WINE, superkaempe the gentle giant, TN-T
2022WinterBluejay (President: katjaalexleeBILLY THE KIDHamsarnieAndrewBKlaus11Memorial clubs, named after players: NightWishes, janbeth1, Bluejay, Nero, BILLY THE KID, alexlee
2023Summerdingbat (President: heyred72AprildawnPeachywallywalterAndrewBTrueIndianMemorial clubs, named after players: GrannyPatty, Lisa Marie, dingbat, Aprildawn, BettyAnn, Peachy
2023Winterunder wayMemorial clubs, named after players: Nina, Wild_Horse, Cruiser, SHARRON, catlover, Grimsweeper
2024Summertournaments startingMemorial clubs, named after players: blondie, gmak, Mystic Dreamer, woodhead larry, anguslady, MrWCF

Using light sabre to ZAPUsing light sabre to ZMMRoadSki LeftRoadSwimmingRoadRoadPlaying chess gambitRoadPOWSock



  • Players will have an opportunity to apply for the games of their choice, but it will ultimately be up to each club to decide what players play in what tournaments.
  • There is no minimum or maximum of games each club has to compete in. However, there will be Olympic Tournaments in only a limited number of Games offered here at GoldToken. This limit varies over the years, as more games are added and become popular in turn.
  • These games will have strict time limits on them. Our goal is to complete all Olympic games within 365 days from the start of the tournament. Please play accordingly. All the tournaments will have the following limitations:
    • The regular 3 day limit per move. This limit is extended to allow the player's weekend days and vacations
    • A global limit of 60 days per player to complete the game. This limit is NOT affected by vacations.
  • There are no more limits on the number of games a player can enter. It is the responsibility of the player to ensure that he or she will be able to play the games in view of the time limits stated above.
    • Limits imposed on previous Olympics, no longer valid:
      • Up to the 2011 Olympics: Players were limited to 20 games, and no more than 2 variants per game category. Mysteries not included.
      • 2012 Olympics: Each contestant will be limited to 35 games each, Mysteries not included. No variant limitations.

  • So many points will be awarded for each Tournament won to represent the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals awarded to first, second and third place winners.
    • 10 for gold
    • 5 for silver
    • 3 for bronze

In case of equality, the points will be shared:
  1. if 2 players have the same number of points in first place they share the 15 points for 1st and 2nd place. Each will receive 7.5 points. The 3rd place winner(s) will receive or share the 3 points for bronze.
  2. if 3 or more players have the same highest number of points they share the totality of the 18 points for the tournament; in that case there are no other winners.
  3. if there is 1 player with a highest score and 2 or more players with the next highest: the 1st player gets the 10 points for gold, the other players share the 8 points for 2nd and 3rd place.
  4. special rule for determination of bronze, in case the last round has only 2 players: the gold and silver is distributed as before. To determine the bronze winner we rely on the round before last. For each section we take into account the number of players in the section. The bronze medal winner(s) is(are) the one(s) who in the round before last has the highest score, divided by the number of games per player in his section (the 2 finalists excluded)

  • WINTER_OLYMPIC~~~~PRIZES to be awarded after all Olympic games have ended:

  • An award of 5 Golderos will be awarded to each member of the club with the most points, excluding the winners noted below.
  • An award of 3 months membership, of what ever that players current membership is at the time the award is given, will be awarded to the player with the third highest points (Bronze winner).
  • An award of 6 months membership, of what ever that players current membership is at the time the award is given, will be awarded to the player with the second highest points (Silver winner).
  • An award of a 1 year membership, of what ever that players current membership is at the time the award is given, will be awarded to the player with the most points (Gold winner).
starting with the 2015 Winter games no specific prize will be given out to any officer for organizing the games or presiding a club. Such work is purely voluntary. An officer of a club is of course eligible for any other prize mentioned above as a regular player.

  • SUMMER_OLYMPIC~~~~PRIZES to be awarded after all Olympic games have ended:

  • An award of 3 Golderos will be awarded to each member of the club with the most points, excluding the winners noted below.
  • An award of 1 months membership, of what ever that players current membership is at the time the award is given, will be awarded to the player with the third highest points (Bronze winner).
  • An award of 3 months membership, of what ever that players current membership is at the time the award is given, will be awarded to the player with the second highest points (Silver winner).
  • An award of a 6 months membership, of what ever that players current membership is at the time the award is given, will be awarded to the player with the most points (Gold winner).
starting with the 2015 Winter games no specific prize will be given out to any officer for organizing the games or presiding a club. Such work is purely voluntary. An officer of a club is of course eligible for any other prize mentioned above as a regular player.

Players do not have to remain in the clubs to play once the tournaments start, but do have to remain in their club to receive any prizes. Players that drop out of their Olympic club for any reason have two weeks to rejoin. Otherwise, they forfeit any prizes and will not be able to rejoin the club for the remaining duration of the Olympics.


Players are urged to re-read Tournament and Ladder Rules and Provisions. All the rules there hold for the Olympics as well. In particular, Any agreement among players of the same team to fix results is EXPLICITLY PROHIBITED.


RoadPlaying chess gambitRoadPOWSockRoadswordfighting to the rightSwordfighting to the leftRoadPlaying chessRoadUsing light sabre to ZAPUsing light sabre to ZMM


Good luck and Have fun
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Olympic Oath
In the name of all the competitors I promise that I shall take part in these Olympic Games, playing in a timely manner, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them, committing myself to these without the aid of any computer programs, software or electronic and mechanical devices of any kind in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of the games and the honour of my team.
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