Feature Requests - Messaging Features

Use this section for new features relating to sending private messages.

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  • Please check that the feature hasn't already been requested before adding you own request.

  • Feature Requests are ongoing and endless, so please don't put in any unnecessary comments. There is no need to add your name or the date, and please avoid any unnecessary special formatting.

Thank you for following these simple rules and offering your input which will surely help Goldtoken.com grow into one of the best game sites on the World Wide Web. Badger

Current sending private messages Feature Requests

Sometimes I use the Platinum option to send a message to more than one player at a time. Then one of them answers. Maybe more than one. Could we have a REPLY ALL button or link which would let one reply to all those listed.

Could we be allowed to add more senders to a reply without needing to copy and paste the message contents into a new message? Now when one has a single player as the recipient that seems to be the only way to send a reply to more folks than merely that one player. Also using the drop-down list of chums takes away the choice to send to more than one at a time.

This may sound a silly question, but thats me lol, i have a few friends here ar Gold Token, and i try to keep myself very busy, sometimes i dont always see a friend come into gold token, is there a way that an automatic message can be created and sent to friends as they log into gold token, would be nice for them i would think,
if it cant be done,,thats fine,
regards Ron AKA Budgie

this should be amended to include INBOX features too
I've just timed out on 150-200 games and wanted to delete all my admin messages to see if I had any PMs.
I had to select each one individually and then*delete selected* on 3 pages before I got to my PMs. Could be have a select all button so it's easier to do this

Have an Open-Invitations message option. A player can choose to get a message for new open Invitations for the games he wants to get open invitations for (so he doesn't need to scan the list of open invitations , he gets a message for new open invitations for his preferred games.
(i only every now and then scan the list of open invitations)
even more fun also make it send messages for tournaments for those games. Smiling

It would be great to be able to flag a message to reply to later. I often read a message when i pop in but don't have time ot reply...then when i do get time i forget as the message is no longer on the front page.

Add a link in the won/lost game message to the tournament the game belongs to, also create an anchor so it scrolls direct to the section that you are playing in...useful for big tournaments.

EDIT: Same feature for ladder games: a link to the ladder the game is won/lost in, and also a note saying what rung user is moving into.

Is it possible to increase the period of storage of the outbox and inbox messages? Messages here seem to get deleted after a month or so.

What about an indicator to let us know if there is a message in the game that we have won or lost. if there was an indicator, then we would go in to check out the message, if not, just go ahead and delete the message telling us of the outcome of the game. The message you get telling you that you have lost the game could perhaps include the final comment from the previous player(s).

Checkboxes next to the messages in our in-box rather than the delete button, so that multiple messages can all be removed in a group (at one time).
  • on the programmers list...B

a textbox can could be used to search and filter the messages by player or subject.

In the email advising a player that a new tournament round has begun and games have autometically started, is it possible to include a link to the tournament page so that the player can easily review the tournament status e.g. which round, how many sections this round, how many opponents and who they are?

In the GT message advising that a game has been lost or won an option is given to review the game, and once in the game it is possible to click on the tournament (or ladder) link if there is one to review the tournament status. Is it possible to include the tournament (or ladder) link in the message as an alternative option to bypass reviewing the game and go direct to the tournament (or ladder) page?

Semi-duplicate request....
After a club ladder game is completed I'd like to have a link back to the club showing the rankings on the ladder.

The ability to preview 'in game' messages before the move is saved, like you can on PM's & DB's.

Please keep invitations in Outbox and Inbox after acceptance to allow players to enter the game number in the proper Wiki.
  • Reworded... You mean you want a notice that a game has been accepted even if they do not reply to the invite, correct???

Add feature to allow preview and "self" moderation of messages on game board

  • Do Not Edit Below

Denied Messaging Feature Requests

Deleted and draft message boxes, so we don't have to finish a long message
  • too much server space required. B
    • You could limit the amount of space, or number of messages each person can have. I doubt that you'd see a huge amount of extra space used for this anyway.

Personal message filters and folders, for example, set up that whenever someone on your chums list messages you it goes to a folder named "friends", etc.
  • too much server space required. B

Is it possible to add a Reply button to messages relating to moderations from the Games Administrator? Currently there is only a Delete button when messages from the Games Administrator are displayed which complicates responding to the moderator.
  • not practical

Implemented Messaging Feature Requests

A link on the inbox message we get when we win or lose a game, to invite that opponent to a new game
  • Completed !!

Deletion of the Inbox Message once a new game has been started would save deleting a lot of messages manually.

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This page was last edited by M3 at 7:38PM on 3 July 2015

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