Feature Requests - HTH Related Features

Use this section for new features that you think would be useful to help HTH games to be played more easily.

  • Return To [ Feature requests ] if you wish to make a different section selection.

  • Please check that the feature hasn't already been requested before adding you own request.

  • Feature Requests are ongoing and endless, so please don't put in any unnecessary comments. There is no need to add your name or the date, and please avoid any unnecessary special formatting.

Thank you for following these simple rules and offering your input which will surely help Goldtoken.com grow into one of the best game sites on the World Wide Web. Badger

Current HTH Feature Requests

Have a clean page view, no ads, no top menu...just the game board and a refresh link in case of issues

What about having a head-to-head hotlist like the wiki hotlist. A single link into a players favorite h2h room.
This could also be expanded to show the number of active players in the particular h2h room. So when players
hit their gamesheet, they immediately see that someone is in there h2h room, and they could go right there.

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Denied HTH Requests

Implemented HTH Requests

Have messages in HTH like they are in the HTH waiting rooms and not how they are in standard games.
  • Completed !! There is now a message area located on your HTH game page.

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