Add-A-Word V= Add-A-Word V (OPEN)[ Add-A-Word Menu ] Take turns adding a word below to make a story. Please only add one word at the end!. After it is edited by someone else you can add another to the end if you'd like. Please nothing crude or controversial. Funny is good. Have fun! :O) Loop-de-loops make hamster's toenails curl like ribbon. Eating chocolate hamsters tastes almost as lucious as eating strawberry gerbils that have been coated with fruitloops dipped in mashed potatoes.turkey's leg's fried chicken stuffed with sweet, sticky syrup from canada. Champagne punch bubbles exotically floated towards the end of the tunnel. the burritos as the wombats vanquished eggrolls dipped in strawberry petunia salad. Chocolate insertions which exfoliate wrinkled knee-caps, cause children enormous flatulence resulting in wild gusts zooming backwards against roller blinds. Thunderstorms danced provocatively angry across the Oklahoman prairieland. Leprechauns that chanted "WHEE" are peaches without pits.pixies magic dust smokes and if you eat the skins off you sneeze like cats. Etch-a-sketch people camoflaged their sensuality by psychoanalizing the leprechans. Brisket orangutans who fricassee crecazzi is crazy and loony. Why was Clinton sailing without wombats? His intern couldn't find burritos undressed. American Pie tastes good unedible when mixed alone. Who Unethical feelings ignited fire ants anticipating taxi's fares to heaven, and produced hamburger's passion hot dog's lives unprepared for airfare to Cleveland. Ethel Mertz suddenly ran upstairs only to fall flat like pancakes against the litterbox of catlitter. GoldToken found wombats attacking their burritos and leprechauns munched on kittylitter. OH GROSS! And dogs Definition causes identification fraud explaining differences between falsification and lies abounding. We delineate lines of communication bifurcating between one lifeform undulating uncontrollably toward landfills. Why cats love dogs that chase pot-bellied pigs is embroiled beneath contempt, condescendingly expecting erotic things. My name is Consequently, over eroticism there were criticism resulting in mad unethical words. Words sometimes lose continuity when sesquiped alien centipedes burritos turn to soliloquy. Cleveland Sucks through Straws!!!!! Oklahoma Oklahoma remembers when Texans abducted cheerleaders from Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Cleveland, and Canada. Blimps specialty is burritos with salsa music combined with lascivious elf ins ears. Elves flit about going "HOOOhah!!!" Cantona and Elvis has left the building! In true sequinned pancake-syrup! What can we stir up to make Elvis wombat stew? Starting gently add rock chunks and pineapple slivers while whisking leprechauns jingles through christmas stockings, puree enthusiastically, whip it. Then Indecision might result in burritos backfiring odours within flatulent results. When farts abound, total maloderous onions gyrate hamburger's buns surrounding saucey flatuations vexed. Then Breaded goop invented by Ethel turned out completely irrelevant causing consternation, consternation? Consternation resulting in irrelevant burritos causing burping!! Understandably, the underlying factors include raw cabbage, baked-beans, Chinese noodles, onions, M&M's,croutons, mud and swiss cheese. Emerill lusts after me because loneliness results in gastro-intestinal flatulation. When Elvis leaves the office, liver intact, singing sea-shanties with Johnny Quest, Garth and Miss Piggy, Kermit, Cleveland, Big Mac, my mom, his Dad, sideways sashaying across leprechauns. Cats bark Lime gimlets fly over your barstool when elephants trumpet proudly between down markers. Nevertheless, GoldToken undertakes but crystal tupperware sealed hermetically with fishpaste grommets. But Never combine leprechauns conversely with elves, or simultaneous donkeys will implode on burritos with Cleveland emoting.What Wind, Cleveland, burritos, eggrolls, caused indigestion unless mixed with chocolate coffee beans entice animals to conjugate. Forget Every GoldToken burrito who seems to elicit toads by circumnavigating reptiles will crunch Elvis and spew those funny-looking Cleveland leprechauns over mushrooms onto their backs and will eat buttered popcorn while pole vaulting into Canada geese spreading joy across Albania. Tired, bedraggled, haggard, fuzzy hamster's burritos in outerspace sent alien ducks scurrying about Cleveland junkyards searching for bananas foster. Suddenly, burritos erupted in Cleveland. All together the refried fishpaste flew everywhere. People gasped "Canberra!" frantically covering their wombats using boomerangs turned burrito basketballs. Snowballs, watermelons, floppy feet stomping, chomping, developing webbed faces that seemed eerily like inverted lawnmowers. Incredibly, noone noticed ghosts gathering acorns during halftime in California coconuts burritos. Germans Why are Goblins always giggling, quavers melting floppy fish turds through muslin turbans into potted woodchucks? So, what the heck should fat have besides turds? EWWWW! Horses spun around Cleveland through burritos flying turds everywhere. CNN ... Peace bounces bright colors around the World! With sticky fingers sticking onto powerlines, fat faces freaking out inside their pudgy pig snouted toenails. In time they will forget whatever freaked pig faced people that stuck turds into powerlines. Large hogs run wild through catnip on sunny afternoons. Small things can turn people crazy under bridges wearing straight jackets while pink aliens stick their toenails into green slime. The Where are those wierd purple things going? Maybe they went over yonder to Scotland with the haggis green Porsche. Free powerlines supply pigs with enough voltage to bake. Chocolate milk will rain turds under mushrooms. Cows politics ... Friends don't let friends suck, lol, marbles should grow brains with suckers around friends who have no noses! Henceforth, please harvest tasty liver's when people suck with noses that grow roses. Enormous roses grew ears inside marbles with carmel brains, sucking on nails tasting sour. Pigs grow fingernails without color. Thanksgiving is a turkey dessert pie with stuffed plump pumpkins protruding from every hole. Christmas is around the time Christ-ians remember the pagan's tradition. Consumerism isn't what people thought would make other non consumerists convert into consuming freaks.Therefore, consumerists everywhere eat massive pie plates with heaping servings of strawberry surprise with whipped cream. Now Have consumerists ever been hoodwinked?? Deluded from many other thoughts of over-consumption, they insist more foods inflate the ego. Lego my ego. However this study of spontaneous human consumption with unusual animals devouring trees is only the tip of the iceburg! Ego Christmas bells ringing joyfully throughout the snow-covered city remind me of sleigh poop from mars among many aliens earthbound because of descending meteors. Consequently, over-wrought elves bought radioactive bananas, attempting to usurp their incandescent solidarity without effervescing qualified poop. Allso ![]() Toenails protrude bananas galore, nonsensical,Jabberwocky cannot make reality extrapolate. Reality can be harsh if people dont remain deluded catagorically. Insensitive rhinos rammed tacos into large trucks demanding more gas. Actually,the dwarfs ears drooped so menacingly forward accidentally poking them into Pokemon like Turtlepede. So now, Pokemon cries wolf! Ironically, He wants everyone going around in circles while he sneaks soiled linens to sniff. So,instead of five more Tauros, He flipped his head, AHHHHHHHHHHHH CRAPPPP!!!! what's going through his brain? LOL is mush!!! Meanwhile, the last alien who ate sushi retched Golden poop. Actually,it only looked kinda poopish. Poop doesn't stink when people eat burritos with every type of peppers imaginable! Gas Turds stink totally! True! This world revolves without prompting little people with poop problems! Whoever poops should eat healthy beans with robots every other day. Never count poop that peanuts devour into little pellets because ex-lax works when you least expect it! Pew!!! That's all poopers! Stinking people pooping purple turds have stunk so bad that skunks can't spray. So, pooping still remains poop. People poop just because they can't rid themselves of burritos. Sometimes burritos can bring you GAS! As turds hurt, corn filled toilets stinking with GAS are prone to blow up onto sinks and walls causeing GROSS rotten EGG tipe farts looking like old stretched pieces of girdles intertwined with professional farts! Suddenly from behind the toilet-brush rotten elongated curley tailed kitten guts with green turds smear corns. Doggaliens Therefore, POGO-STICKS rise towards lawnmowers demanding tea toliet-bowls with springy toliet-paper rolls. Gilligan however, looked after Maryann when suddenly she pooped coconut cream pies! Ginger farted! EEEWWWWW!!!! Lysol clears the air! But How many basketballs & DINGLE-BERRIES do Hobbits hatch? Only as many as the Hobbit allows! And What makes noise, BULLDOZERS DOZING!! Humungous choppers & pancakes. Who taught them how to grow flip-flops "I" wonder. Flip-flops clapping like orange tug-boats together, had stopped clapping. So,wherever these strange noises came FARTS! Farts swallowed with dump-trucks flipped over backwards. Turds & boomarangs went twirling backwards dripping stickey goo onto the onlookers! Blackbirds swooped towards Arkansas after tampons brought one more peanut-butter sandwich into turds with green boogers and purple dinosaurs! Big fart's & little turd's turn winter into mush while pee makes squirting farts fun! When snow-plows run chaotically through poop mounds, it's children reopened farts & giggles. Stinking small lumpy muskrats ran rampant through gooey purple pigeon poo squishing, ferocious little chocolate bunnies! Quick as a rabbit, Pegasus hopped down the river bank careful not to step into a large gaping poop bequethed turd. Suddenly,Chaos screamed and pandemonium kangaroo-hopped over Kalamazoo, Atlantis. Surprisingly, rigid little dwarves wearing green tights, danced joyfully around toadstools while Fairies dance ecstatically under them. Unicorns galloped over meadows humming tunes resplendent with blue cheese melodies! Why isn't this fantasy land? Crazy kangaroos wearing springs on their feet were bouncing upside down. Mischievious Monkeys stuck their finger puppets onto their toes inside-out and backwards! A Paranoid Puma scampered erratically and spuratically around snapping butterflies! Hopping Hippopotomuses frollicked playfully while Miniature Mice twirled batons! Little llama's lopped lizards legs laughing hysterically longer toads leapt into the pan of jello swimming frantically around invisible pink panthers! The Sims Siamese twins monique and unique, were asleep inside a Volkswagon. From Meanwhile, martians marching motorcylists wave their magic moon marshmallows. Elsewhere cottontailed bunnies bounce around beside frozen brownies. MEANWHILE, flossing floozies flittered frivolously frolicking from forest free fairways forever. Finally, four fantastic frecklefaced felines followed their friends along alleys. They called critters from Cucamonga cunning crows. Back in the Dominican, money rained from volcanic ashes. Farts stink. Poop too often gives you a feeling, then all turds float inside plastic containers. Withdrawal symptoms could delay the pain and the pleasure missing from humans who won't dance with the mouse from in your mind. Some simple ways to splash coffee over your head: #1-Dump said coffee makes upsidedown toliets run bumpy! Pee when your gonna bust or suffer agonizing, embarassing surgical procedures cleverly performed by mimes led behind Martha Washington's friend who pee'd on poop untill it has become soft and wet. The mimes cannot understand circular motions within the musical sounds of car radios. Sometimes over time there inside the poop lurks precarios pieces pretending to portray moderators from a game site. Moderators who cause problems pee'd because they wrongfully moderated innocent people just for providing facts on db's. They suck! Be careful or you may get banned from the db's or the website! WHATEVER!!! Then, once direct people say " You know, when free speech becomes a violation it goes against "their" moody, unfair, power-tripping, favoritism censorship. They are trying to take control of us! Dictating how we voice opinions by moderating our discussions like we are warthogs and crossdressing, carniverous pigs and donkeys. Enough power-tripping, egotistical, childish skateboarding meniacal moderating rosebushes. Time after time we slide into the Thorns! Sunny today with highs of 120 degrees farenheit with snow flurries swirling poop and sleet wildly around town! Nighttime comes sneaking upon kittens who thought puppies were bats with warts on their ears! Cheese souflee' smells like roasted toilet paper. Ferrets need yellow smiles. Santa QUIT! Volvos are cars that cost way too much money folks. But Ferraris feel fabulous fast turning while hugging supermodels along their fake hair and feet without smudging oil paintings with mud from Mars. Fast food workers wear flippers on their foreheads. They chant "Gollum" when spiders follow mambo lines and juggle feathers spastically. Improved mouthwash wasn't palatable. Baloney smells like grass-clippings wet with eggs full of paint balls. Giraffes give sorethroats a chocolate cake tomorrow new planets meaning sweating big gumdrops rolling rampant through gravy seas. Infinite tickling without limitations, money hungry titans come collecting Jello sneezing on desserts. Only holding pudding by the gallon, bees dance feverishly flailing without wings over spikes whistling Dixie! Alice has ingrown toenails that protrude slovenly entwined in between floppy bunny ears showing pink prehistoric twinkies overlooking upsidedown nosehairs. Nasty melodies echo forever when violins screech symphonies while making fiddles sing, Forever. Pizza pies picnics fly frisbee's over rainy sky. Pepperoni parfaits pour paisley perfume pleasantly preening. Cheese cherries chant chortling can chimes challenging cheerily choke chocolate malteds. Sausages sizzling silently smell satisfyingly scrumptious. Music makers marvel melodioous migranes and mandolins while munching melons madly masticating maloderous meatballs monsterously maniacle mayhem. Cats nap upon banjos eating sandwiches made out of catnip and caviar while gyrating to Elvis tunes. Paper houses fly away in tornados. Cherries chill chocolatey covered crepes while cooking carefully creamed carrots. Computers crash course causes complex problems. Trees sway, HAY HAY, way off! Flowers sing tra la la and cuckoo-ca-choo while Quinn, The Eskimo dents bumpers with his enormous harpoon. Bakersfield, Ca. looks similar, watery wasteland with basketball sized grasshoppers chewing tobacco and spitting. When Springtime flies land, frogs celebrate jumping lilypads from front lines into toadstools. Steamrollers smash unsuspecting squids while skiing sideways under bridge spurting red wine and blue cheese. Authors give readers vodka , Wine and heartburn although sometimes said readers proclaim independence from their prospective alphabet soup. Heartburn rising slowly today brings memories boiling like rampant rabbits. Bricks brave blindly but babble on 'bout bodacious buildings beyond blinding brilliant beauty. Cars careen crazily, curving courageously while coasting through chaos! Spaghetti slurping satisfies sucking sensations sometimes savoring seasonings solidify salivating salamis insatiably! Lightening lazers beam brilliantly coughing colorful lollipops lavishly into lilypads! Frogs, frollick forever! Toads totally eat everything hanging horizontally although they think they're the top toadstool takers. Dangerous Dan decided Dugnan's doughnuts dough didnt do dukey diddley down Dallas dragqueen's dungeon. Dirt desintegrates doilys. Debbie dances divinely doing dirty dips down Dave's dark dennims during duet dingy dancing. Dinky doesn't drip drops dry during daylight, drinking dirty dishwater dishes daily dregs. Tired toes tingle his thighs taking total tasty tacos to tantalize tastebuds terrifically. Tough tiddleywinks try turning teapots turtles topside. However, hyena's, having some horrindous honors habitually halve habaneros holding hands having hot happiness. Treacherous tides tease tiny trout tangled tantalizingly tauntingly too, until they tear to two tides totally trusting tenacious tithings tremendously terrific! Charismatic creatures care constantly constructing creations created consecutively cuddlesome, coincidentally Christmas comes cheerily calling CHEERS! Gothic gadflies glow garishly gleaming greenish glittering gregariously and ghoulishly greedy gizzards grow grungy gobs gavotting grumpily. Celestial comets careen cosmically! Consequentially, colliding chaotically, changing courses charted collectively. Salmon colored bikinis become darkskinned underneath purple twilight's enfolding sunshine radiance reminding reality redness rescends salmon sparkling totally. Character defects have a habit that reflects what some people eat out of, rather than what they are. Pretentious people perturb peaceful preachers particularly petty preachers! Peaceful pusher plays videos promoting anti-drug songs about the sober addicts who regain consciousness after becoming aware. YES!! Finally, puppies yipping, yapping, collecting dragonflies firelizards for me! YIKES!! Yellow Yuppies Yams yearn cackling can cohabit igloos and megaphones loudly! Sometimes someone seems hauntingly familiar, yet strangely you gyrate my gerbil's ankles while gesticulating their noses. Sneezing seldom accomplishes cartwheels today, but can cook on asphalt! Braunschweiger lah-dee-dah is one mouthful! Vacuum packed provolone provides satisfaction seemingly sensual sometimes. Hammers hang slovenly from bulging belts that let movement supercede all dignity and petiteness.Hercumshimer hoarded Herman's Hooter's sack suspiciously holding 42 dozen doughnuts,a 28 piece KFC chicken, AND a Happy meal! Guitars give hairdressers pains particularly pleasantly penetrating Polish piroshkis plump protrusions. Alligators are very curry craving. Sometimes they skydive through murky soup filled with swamp gas laden clouds. Occasionally they succumb to managers throughout the store playing scrabble. Why should alligators salivate all over when popsicles, frozen, green, fire melts in mouths? Fishing isn't safe wearing aluminum cans on your hands, wading deep into applesauce, ululating shaking verbosities. Ovaltine gives warts, when dogs lick themselves everywhere while you're cooking pig-tongues. So don't shop Piggly Wiggly, unless cowboys lasso cowgirls' pickles. Heed cookies' baked heads. Garland smells like spinach and egg yokes. Why garlic permeates and burns tates fine with chocolate cake can digest flies larvae, yecch! But dogs bite daily news paper boys with pimples and dirty knees while wagging beautifully. Asparagus with meatloaf provides unimaginable essence, boiled in oil or petrol inevitably gross sucking up. However when sober it provides gas heating for thousands of little mice while they squirt and spit air. However it seems dainty whenever these persistent lawyers confuse celebrity rodents for cute scorpions. Millions of people find seashells in curry sauce while searching their hearts. Also, thousands of dainty clams die suddenly in boiling water when elephants saute'lipstick daily. Pneumonia invades the lungs causing alien micro-organisms crawling erratically through airways. Deserving daily newspapers are bought constantly without gushing rhetoric. Many of our employees evacuate their bladders figuratively without having had anything juggle except water. Then suddenly ... kapow!!! They all flew quickly down satisfyingly toward designated smoking portholes. Many puppies were evacuated from Gomer's tattoo shop. Yes, they were hungry, and dilapidated. For every juicy yellow rubber duck an itchy scratchy pickle tattoo appears on each puppy. The guitar, which swallows puppies, also eats large gators. Meanwhile, talking like Yoda they did ballerina in the mist. Everyone came dressed as Hans Solo's grandmother. Unfortunately, Willie the whale drowned. Because Harry was chewing mashed banana peels and screaming, "I am your father," Cleveland Brown's quarterback, WORTHLESS, was arrested for imitating an athlete. Nobody knows who. Speaking of dork carrots, Marvin, the raving lunatic, chased Bugs Bunny through fields of muddy waters. Meandering spastically like aliens, planning to secretly quietly take over the 7-Eleven by swatting flies with hammers. Music makes me freaky when played very loud so that freakiness envelopes my existence. Making friends is not always appropriate when gerbils dance the mambo. Neither are enemies looking through my underwear drawer. Once I vomit on my stereo it can't play anymore. However, if you lick stamps while clenching every muscle containing adrenaline, your distant relatives will participate posthumously. Swimmers splash eachother with alphabet soup but can't digest the vowels, however they made sounds like strangled cheerleaders cheering. Unfortunately, hideous faces erupted when speckled butter beans attacked the rear flank causing enormous food shortages which made spam fritters popularity drop among vegetarians! Meanwhile the soy-burgers annual get-together exploded into smaller battles over tofu. Children bouncing up against the monkeys were flexing their rubber-band sling-shots while "Nerf Ball Thrower" stomped around pieing everybody. Twisted38531 laughed hysterically while playing The Chameleon because of his pranks which causes women to (word Edited out by Badger...if you cant keep it clean, you cant play ) wrong futhermore, every time the inoccent frogs in Beech Lake croak their tongues expand flopping around looking like lost huckleberrys. Meanwhile, twisted's buddy PurpleJammies choked repeatedly because she has allergies to slime covered fruit-loops. PurpleJammies loves "beating-up" unsuspecting newcomers that her friends defend poorly against the onslaught of flying nerf-balls! Purple Jammies sits down waiting for the next suspect and enjoys a big bowl of OREO ice cream! MISSthang2u, although she is Purple Jammies' buddy, sneaks up behind PJ and SNATCHES her big bowl of OREO ice cream!! Yummy! Purple Jammies upset Sissy by biting her back. Sissy played really good food-fights with "Nerf-Ball Thrower". Then, MISSthang2u jumped over the bowl of vomit shaking violently as Purple Jammies dog went diving head first into MISSthang2u's bag of stale potato chips!! Caffinee is the wrong thing to give The Chameleon because rapid rush symptoms causes extra hyperness during pilla-fights with women who make quilts. They partied hard, MISSthang's mind revolved around herself and friends, today's her Birthday with special people who scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" displaying their best smiles. Sunday MISSthang2u rested peacefully after drinking frozen daiquiri's and eating maggots covered with spittle. Meanwhile, president purple jammies vice is custard pie innards that explode on Rye bread when toasted with melted wax from laughing so George Bush choked when he became president of Honduras, and Honduras returned George Bush because he failed like he did in the USA. Good luck, Guido because George looks good wearing his padded three-piece-suit and ski mask. Donald took his hairpiece off and quacked. Meanwhile, everyone chuckled like fish and crowed like blackbirds. No more knocking Bush. Bush is terible. Everyone has an opinion..not interested in yours. Argumentivly is President Bush's STUPIDITY going to quack Ozzyosbourne's reputation? BIRD FLU TERRORIZES every FAR & near target. Crows, gobble, wobble and wibble they scream aloud many times until green slime oozes from their eyeballs, ears and help can't get my mojo cooked thoroughly. George went to Heaven because he always reads the instructions from God. save our cows Cows are mooing. Wolfs attack the cows and the crowsd. Texas rangers rocks! Oh Cows Supreme One How desperate and hungry can one man become obsessed with cows and tacos? Who drives tractors? Firemen with long fingers easily snap, crackle and pop corn. Unfortunately actresses have big parts but use lava lamps to practice yoga by pressing a cactus needle seventeen minutes against the bases are loaded plastic bullets, except for Paula, who died. We all dilate in pudding mixed with cheese sandwiches under mountains of macaroni cheese. Debbie does fajitas in her waterbed because elephants smash pumpkins with toasters and a large, plastic canoe. Anyway, snowmen are always angry during Lent. Brittney Spears hears your fears and beef appears thick with baloney sauce growing larger by inches. Biirds slurp gingerbeer while kneeling in squishy blogs of shredded wheat germ and Polka Dotted plushies. Singers serenading stuffed monarchs will yodel arias. Cinderella shaved ferociously while the elveswatched. Simon raked over HOT geysers creating judges nachos clones and cheese earrings. Paris spread crackers with jam and moldy socks caviar GoldToken gives PLATINUM fudgsicles for dogs that fornicate frequently. Alas, they complicate games involving more players carrying cats. Why would someone play with sausages if they knew that they developed parasites containing amoeba sandwiches with mustard and cyanide relish. Warthogs dream blew cockroaches apart with asparagus toes. Firemen mezmorizing babes wearing tutus wasn't kosher. Shrek beats eggs and dies. John instigates grilling with honey bees, therefore calibrating his wife covered olives expertly handled branches full strength with sap dripping yellow birds whistle Hail Rain therefore vice-presidents pretend to know Monica with unrevealing photos. stinky Ozzy cried everyone get lightning fast scrambled brains blended lasciviously because his feline intuition got verified. Unfortunately, his libido "said", "Hey, I'm passing gas so eagles wearing jockstraps will remorse quickly after eating peanut butter M&m's. Supergirl blasted McCain saying, "Bush feels no compassion for Martians." Rosie ate oreo pizza while Schwarzennager rubbed elbows lubbed with vaseline while imagining Palin playing SNL re-runs of Brady bunch during bathtime. Barack Obama's finger stuck McCain eye shut while Sarah giggled "Please don't vote McCain." Kumquats taste like underminded eggs. Please don't mention fluffing in a bed with stinky pepperoni, sardine girdles. PeaceJ-Lo rode away because today her MarkAnthony choked when his horse cooked while leaning on a voting prankster. Interesting, however chocolate could have been J-Lo's trojan food network some say lover. come quick and bring popcorn. Meanwhile, J'Lo played ring-around-the-rosie with her vibrating bicycle saddle complete with popcorn popper. Everyone dances as if their bunions inflated into jumping harems ,laughing about actions taken during her time of the circus scandals. Camels toes can circumsize their friends by means of biking upwards. Vince McMahon poked HHH unmentionables whilst calibrating muscle magazines. Mary had a little lamb, which she ate with discarded floppy shaved coconut sized puppies. Sometimes lambs feel like soft jelly botox guitars candies filled with giant sized, vibrating, mixed gerbils gizzards. Pumpkin seeds fee; Happy Thanksgiving to those Christmas elves who PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. Technicians can pass gas stations in states like octopuses that jiggle crayons extraneously hurling chunks of water passing through the lakes and ocean precipices. The fish can swim also in the ocean. Lumberjacks can get the logs ready for the mills. Crepes pee. Ignorant pinecones never wither even when dead platypuses swim. Bears Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sadly. Wiki Options This page was last edited by Serene Selene at 10:46PM on 3 May 2018 |
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