Add-A-Word III[ Add-A-Word III ] (CLOSED)[ Add-A-Word Menu ] Take turns adding a word below to make a story. Please only add one word. After it is edited by someone else you can add another if you'd like. Please nothing crude or controversial. Funny is good. Have fun. :O) Chipped beef is consistently inconsistent rarely. Yet, pickles may alter pickpocket's objectives incoherently. Adverse windblower's squeegied pompous pomegranates. Transactions over-react tweezers initial burrito rebellion. Total emulsion of tacos whirlwinded robots into zombies from Hooverville tycoons. Who? What? Hugh? VanGogh? No. Yes. Asking attorney's clients in jacuzzi's, jaguar's, and wives forfeiting money! Oceans deep, roses red, violence blue, which alphabetically suggest to relatives why burritos sublimate my sovereignty. Once is twice, but so infrequently that you don't blow up. Trumpets, trombones, xylaphones, submarines and whatever floats your boat!! Always, always ride astride beside rawhide. Lovely Henceforth, beware of backgammon, nackgammon and just plain gammon when dice betray pineapple squirrels. Remember, saxophones delude yak's sister-in-laws. In-Laws, pizzas, meringues, saxophones, newts, saxophones, televisions, flakes, sky fairy's, wikimiesters and burritos are deluded. However, whenever burritos rain up & shoes rain sideways, wombats run oppositely, time travelling through Israel. Though amusingly succinct, Europeans can invariably produce exceptionally smelly sausages. Unbelieveably small elephants are trunkless when big donuts abound. Troublesome lions often hyperventilate when burritos become vanilla hamsters thoughtlessly. Saxophones spilling over saxophones and saxophones flipping saxophones have saxophones for burritos on burritos with every burrito's SAXOPHONE eating burrito cake and saxophone ice cream oozing with rhetorical bon mots. Incoherent moderations fluctuating without changing their aforementioned ice cream burritos. Someday someone will saxophonize burritos saxophoning strange lions. Bulldozers accompanying hamster's appetites: too finiky for certain types of saxophonist minds. Nonetheless, documents raised above all others proved to Banks that fraud sheiks. Sheiks? Yes, because of wombat's predilection towards prejudicial bullfrogs. Warts, sticky from excessive popping, gave the illusion of the last seven collected essays composed by illiterate saxophonists farmers. Notwithstanding mountains can rearrange small estuaries anticipating the supercalifragalisticexpealidocious ravings of mad saxophones in moderatorville burritos, where supercalifornialyricistpialidocious Cleveland states the very obvious, inconspicuous toads from every walk of non-existence. I wonder whether anyone ponders the origins of burritos? :-| Without sufficient sauce, sauteed pickles succumb to recurrent footballs. Consequently, saxaphones seldom lubricate correctly. Therefore remember, whatever kind of radishes percolate green onions, they stunk Elvis thought throughout the vendetta. Then, contradicting themselves, burritos wombatted saxophones surreptitiously when anyone slalomed a shoestring. Shiek cartoons are usually old because wombats aren't single parents anymore than burritos claim to be french fries. Ketchup trees and cucumber flavored flowers torched five perilous platypus's peculiar predilections prior to burritos' predacious conundrums of hyperbolic hamster's. Consequently, saxophones sashayed Captain Chaos Crunchies whilst loving violins melted inside earphones. Rock ON! Lovely it seemed, while silently toads rested contentedly. Henrietta recalled fondly a repossesion she wanted sold. Eventually, Katrina loop de looped across burritos. It proved nothing. Eventually however, every caress soap bath filled toilets. Pianos, blasted by burritos bursting in Cleveland proper, gave succor to overanxious thing-a-ma-bobbers. Pianos descended from vanilla flavoured clouds, gently below the horizon. Idylically, she pronounced "perspicaciously" like pianos picking precious purple pickles properly painted puce probably purposely prior patiently packing Pricilla's pachyderm upon prunes. Plenty of prickly pineapples apportioning Porsches, probably pretend plastic polyphenylene. So Salsa, Sister Sally, Sue, Sasquatch, Sarah, Sophie, Solomon, Salmon, Simon, surrealists and SHAZAM wondered why sausages sneer so surreptitiously, slinking slyly through smelly, smoggy, soggy, sloggy, scoggy, sluggish, smoggish, scrap, Scrappy Doo, snappy and Slappy Squirrel squishings. Surrendering slowly, subsequent sessions show sensual, syncopated savagery sloppily. Psychopathic psychiatrists stealthily creating a psychotic semblance originating in saxophone-shaped burritos blowing up wombats to inner proportions! Since this time, nothing frightened saxophones sexier than burritos. But in retrospect, this mess majestically sent kites into other orbits involving deluded microphones tweaked by the burrito panache. Willy Wonka's nitrous oxide popsicle glittered puce of M&M's sheen with flatulent blueberries pulsating spasmodically sending firey wombats abroad!! Therefore, diplomacy falsified the fruits juicily and perpetrated much emphasis upon watermelons exploding upon profuse hunger pangs floating up towards Cleveland. Sherbert was burritos refried chocolate beans smothered beneath a vexed vixen vowing uncontrolled velvet vomiting. But she never really was interested in the ways of the Gourmet Crustation. Wombats wallowed winsomely within wild women's wooley what? One wild willow was wallowing warily while it swatted at shivering wild sandwiches while playing strip bologna in Monte Carlo. I am vexed. Really, I float around wondering, "why on earth!". Rikki Tikki Takki romanced Lucy around Cleveland burritos while loop-de-loops took hamster's wallets from wombats. Underestimating Turntableism 101, is terribly good unlike its opposite. Martha, indicted for insider radio, highjacking water balloons and spitballing. Scotland underwent El Nino hurricanes while burritos began burping alphabetized sky fairies throughout the dementia. Quacks quack quackers quaintly, questioning quoters queuing quite quickly quakers quintessentially quarreling quite quirkily. Puerile popinjays persisted, procrastinated and proudly preened purple poppies privately. Glasgow, Luxembourgh, Timbukto, Cleveland, Jumpin Jack, Leapin Lee, Running Ron, Tumbling Tom, and Burrito Bob incoherently bobbled delicious wombats. While GoldToken elated on wombats, mongooses, Cleveland and the hamster's insouciant loop-de-loops and triple pikes and other tricks done by mimes wearing nothing but clothes. Non-Nude priests and nuns frolicked fully clothed among purple, insouciant local bars. Such an ideal milk powder belied snake saliva beneath forked spoons. WOMBATZILLA stomped upon mini-me, but R.O.U.S.T. (Rodents Of Unusually Salty) arrived ripped and torn yearning M&M's, tacos, and spicy cockroaches' navels. THE ENDContinued:...........[ Add-A-Word IV ]Wiki Options This page was last edited by Missing 10300 at 6:20PM on 16 July 2003 |
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