APRIL 2006


Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter. It's a good thing Daylight Savings Time happens on Saturday night! "Some" of us forgot to change the clocks! For those of you who don't do Daylight Savings Time, well, I guess nothing has changed for you! Laughing There is lots of goings on this month, so let's get to it!

In this month's newsletter, we have:

  • Site News
  • Badger's Monthly Message
  • Special Message from the Rebels
  • Kran's Tournament News
  • Joggle Juggle Newsletter Game
  • Games Corner
  • Locker n Rocker Room Newsletter Game
  • Newsletter Picture Hunt
  • Tessa's Twisters
  • Player Appreciation
  • Testimonial Of The Month

Site News

Our Grabble game is still very new and the allowable word list is still developing. Thanks to Ray of Light and firefly for all their help in adding words. And special thanks to all of you for your patience and understanding. We are grateful for all your support. We applaud you! You are what makes Goldtoken the special site that it has become. Again, we thank you!

Birthday cakeOffering gift
April Birthdays!

-- Happy Birthday to furryfeet April 29th!!!
-- Happy Birthday to heyred72 April 9th!!!
-- Special birthday wishes to Lowell on April 10th!!!
-- Many happy returns to Red Arrow on April 15th!!!
-- Special birthday wishes to Geri39 on April 4th!!!!!
-- Wishing you a fantastic birthday TaUrUsRoSe on April 21st!!!
-- Happy Birthday to leggbreaker on April 24th!!!
-- Best wishes for your special day MsDot on April 17th!!!!
-- A very happy Birthday to Unique1 on April 17th!!!!!
-- A special happy belated birthday wish to dreamflight on April 1st!
-- A very Happy Birthday to my sweetie Mike K of the Renegades on April 2nd. Love you always meme22
-- Very happy Birthday wishes to BobK on April 24th from The MasterClass Club!

Special Events!

  • { Club } would like to say Happy Easter to all Goldtoken Members and Guests!!

  • Congratulations to Eggy for reaching 1000 Goldtokens!!

Any birthdays, anniversaries, etc. coming up for next month (please keep these announcements upcoming and not belated), feel free to send GoldToken Support a message and let them know so that we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter!

Monthly Message from Badger

I am pleased to introduce the , a new site feature suggested by our very own Missing Sock Fairy of TA. It's a great place to make honorable mention for player success and notable game play! Be sure to check it out and send in your information for consideration!

We are quickly approaching GoldTokens 3,000,000th game and are introducing it with a popular contest, Guess The Date.!! If you haven't added your entry yet, there is till room for entries to the [ Guess the Date Page 2 ] or [ Guess The Date Page 3 ] contest! All winners will recieve a GoldToken Laser Engraved Pen!!

Back by popular demand, the Platinum gift for April is a limited edition GoldToken Translucent Blue Calculator with "GoldToken Platinum Member" laser engraved on a polished black plate. If you have been waiting to renew or sign up for a years Platinum, now is the time!

Don't miss the tournament news below, where Kran has some more exciting news with loads of prizes!


Special Message from the Rebels

We have several club members who have a club birthday in April

1 year 4-6 Clumbsy
2 years 4-2 BB--- Lobo
2 years 4-3 Lowell----stanley7
3 years 4-15 Catmane
Also we are taking new members ,if you have a silver or above membership
Thank you for being apart of the Rebel's and hope you stay forever

Tournament News by Kran

  • For April and May, we have a great variety of prizes to be won. You will find lots of cool prizes up for grabs, license plate holders, travel mugs, koozies, keychains, metal rulers, cleargrip light pens and swiss carabiners, among others!

  • Can't miss!!!! Goldtoken's 1000th Tournament will start on April 24th. Let's make this Goldtoken's biggest tournament ever!! We have a variety of prizes to be won for this one, first place will receive a Goldtoken Booklite, AND a 6 month Platinum Membership!!! Second place will receive a Goldtoken Gel Calculator! Third place will receive a Goldtoken Duffle Bag, and the highest placing guest (who has never been a member before) will receive a Goldtoken Ruler!! http://www.goldtoken.com/games/tournaments?t=1000

  • Goldtoken would also like to take the time to send a big congratulations out to all March Tournament winners!!! If your name is on this list, send Badger your mailing address and a link to the tournament for your prize!


Pegasus's Pente (Round Robin Pente) - jbdobie
August Hot Stealth Salvo (Round Robin Stealth Salvo) - jbdobie
Club Backgammon Match (Round Robin Backgammon) - SLAMDUNKER
December Fast Chess (Round Robin Chess) - Gator
December Large Outbreak (Round Robin Large Outbreak) - adrien
February 8x8 Trax (Round Robin 8x8 Trax) - Dragon101
February Chess for Guests (Round Robin Chess) - adrien
February Devious Salvo (Round Robin Devious Salvo) - csain1
February Quicksand 4iar (Round Robin Quicksand Four In a Row) - N_a_z
Goldtoken Olympic Salvo (Round Robin Salvo) - Phil The Hat
Grandmaster G Memorial Back (Round Robin Backgammon) - HAF
July Blackhole Reversi (Round Robin Blackhole Reversi) - Cayey
June Blackhole Four in a Row (Round Robin Blackhole Four In a Row) - Tactician
Just Ducky (Round Robin Decoy Salvo) - Phil The Hat
Keychain Double Trouble (1) (Round Robin Double Trouble Four In a Row) - Senorita ZORRO_
Keychain Loop Trax (Round Robin Loop Trax) - dgb
Keychain Trax (3) (Round Robin Trax) - dgb
Koozie Outbreak Match Set 1 - A (Round Robin Small Outbreak) - Gnahaha
Koozie Outbreak Match Set 1 - C (Round Robin Outbreak Ataxx) - Gnahaha
Late August Salvo (Round Robin Salvo) - bubbly
License Outbreak (1) (Round Robin Outbreak) - SuperDupont
March Large Go - Moku (Round Robin Large Go Moku) - Luke
March Small Go - Moku (Round Robin Small Go Moku) - Luke
March Stealth Salvo (Round Robin Stealth Salvo) - Lew
May Nackgammon (Round Robin Nackgammon) - Santa Claus
May Stealth Salvo (Round Robin Stealth Salvo) - Top Gear
Mid August Large Outbreak (Round Robin Large Outbreak) - Gnahaha
Muggers Chess Cup (Round Robin Chess) - Dania59
November Four in a Row 2005 (Round Robin Four In a Row) - Silent Player
November Giveaway Checkers 05 (Round Robin Giveaway Checkers) - bubba duboise
November Treble Trouble '05 (Round Robin Treble Trouble Four In A Row) - grade1teacher
November Wormhole 4iar 2005 (Round Robin Wormhole Four In A Row) - grade1teacher
October Decoy Salvo 2005 (Round Robin Decoy Salvo) - Eggy
October Nackgammon 2005 (Round Robin Nackgammon) - BearRuff
October Pente (Round Robin Pente) - neonlicht
October Salvo 2005 (Round Robin Salvo) - p24601
October Small Reversi 2005 (Round Robin Small Reversi) - Switzerland
Reddragon's Guest Salvo (Round Robin Salvo) - HeatherN
Savvy Salvo (Round Robin Salvo) - Phil The Hat
Sw. Carabiner Gvawy 4iar(2) (Round Robin Giveaway Four In a Row) - MORRIS

Joggle Jungle Newsletter Puzzle

The rules can be found on the Joggle Jungle profile
Please PM your answers to Joggle Jungle with a subject of Newsletter Joggle Jungle. Answers will be accepted until 9pm EST Friday, the 7th of April.


You can also win great prizes!! Here's how:

  • Be the first to send in your word list
  • Send in the most words
  • Find the secret word hidden in the puzzle
  • Send in the longest word
  • Get the highest score

Last Month's Winners!

If your name is one of the above 5 names, PM your mailing information to Joggle Jungle!!

Games Corner by Leeeeeesa
This month's feature: Grabble

Ever since I can remember, we've had a Scrabble(TM) board in the house - and several dictionaries. Since there is 8 years difference between me and my youngest sibling, and we all had to play at the same time - it only seemed fair that my 6 year old sister have the resource of the dictionary. Over the years, it sort of evolved that one person would use the dictionary to look up words as an aid to finding SOMETHING in those 7 tiles, one person would only use the dictionary to verify spelling, and the rest of us would do our best to win despite the use of the dictionary. Since there are 5 of us, and we are all very competitive folks (don't even get me started on my father and step-mother!!!!), we'd endeavor to be one of the ones NOT using the dictionary. As a result? We memorized the 2 letter word list, the Q-with-no-U list and the Limited-Vowel list. Now, it doesn't matter if my opponent uses a dictionary or not. It doesn't matter if they have a PhD in English or Entymology either. That's not to say that I win every game - far from it. But it does mean that when I come across someone who does use an aid - I don't get angry - I get competitive!!

My mother - who is a wonderful woman and a great mother - is not the smartest nor does she know a lot of words. However, she always beat me, and not just barely either. We're talking over 100 pt differences - until I learned the secret. Grabble is not a word game. Let me repeat that. Grabble is not a word game. It's a math puzzle. It's based on statistics and probability. (I run scared when I meet a Math Major or a Statician) Add that to the all important 2 letter words - and your world is suddenly a much rosier place! Memorize those 2 letter words. Then, look for placement opportunities. It doesn't matter if your opponent just made a 42 pt move with the aid of the dictionary. Find the spots that will allow you to play as many 2 letter words as possible!!! Suddenly, that 5 letter word that was worth 12 points is suddenly worth 50, with the added bonus of limited moves available for your opponents! Don't have any vowels? TRADE YOUR LETTERS. Don't settle for a 3 pt turn just because you don't want to have a 0 for one turn. By trading your letters, you increase your chances for a better rack for 3 turns! Much better than having 3 - 3pt turns, don't you think? One last thing to remember? It's a GAME, have FUN with it!!!

If you think you´ve got what it takes to impart some unknown game skills to other players out there, send your submissions for Games Corner to GoldToken Support

Locker n Rocker Room Newsletter Game

Music Trivia


Answers will be accepted until 9pm EST Friday, the 7th of April. Prizes will be awarded to multiple players - so let's get to it!

  • All answers are to be SUBMITTED IN THE FORM OF A QUESTION and MUST BE PMed to Locker Room Crew.
  • Only one PM from each player. Anymore than one will not be accepted.
  • Answers posted on the Discussion Board will not be accepted.
  • Answers that are not in question form will not be accepted.

Good luck!
Have fun

Here are your questions:

Music Grab Bag

1.Who wrote Sinead O'Connor’s only really big hit, “Nothing Compares 2 U”?
2.Who sings “I want my MTV” at the beginning of Dire Straits' “Money For Nothing”?
3.What's the name of BB King's guitar?
4.What famous guitarist played the solo in Michael Jackson's “Beat It”?
5.Led Zeppelin broke up when which member died?

Lets welcome Scrambler aboard, its been played in the locker-n-rocker room

Now we bring it to the newsletter..
Have fun



Newsletter Picture Hunt

Hooray! to March's Logo winners!! The winners are:

  1. Lady Good Wrench MIA 5132
  2. violet unicorns 38410
  3. Irishrose 29901
  4. Buz
  5. SarahMills 10110
  6. yayamom 11661
  7. Nancy 11295
  8. pepperbeach 8124
  9. Honeybear 7760
  10. Nan54 9193
  11. ZORRO_
  12. Snoopy

This months treasure hunt is April Showers. Be among the first ten players to find all 12 GoldToken Logos hidden among the Platinum member's profiles - each featuring the gold token horse. A special thanks to firefly for providing our GoldToken logo with this wonderful fun adventure!!

Last months February logos were hidden on these players profiles, (you may still be able to see some of February's logos by looking at these profiles):

bingoworld 17338
cfs MIA 46233
dgb 40290
gladriel 12894
Grimsweeper 24297
ISHKA 19924
JanuarySnowAngel 11684
Knight Jarlynn 52
saro 44256
Sondra 40491
boneyardking 32834
ZORRO_ 15389

Thank you to all 12 players for allowing us to borrow your profiles for this fun hunt!

The first treasure hunt player to find all 12 wins a GoldToken Laser Engraved Calculator!! The next nine players to correctly find the 12 logos will win one of the new GoldToken License Plate Holders!! Best of all, the first guest to find all 12 will win a 6 month silver membership!
* Note: you must have always been a guest to win this membership.

Everyone can play! Guests included! Once you have found all 12, message Badger with Profile Treasure Hunt in the subject line and the first 10 correct will win a prize! Good luck!!
Note: sharing the logo locations before the contest ends disqualifies you. So please play fair.

Tessa's Twisters

Hi everyone,

Get ready! I have another Twister for you! If you are the first player to answer this riddle, Badger has a GT keychain pen for you! So what are you waiting for? Come join the fun! Hurry on over to the poetry board!
See you there!

If you see her name appear
On your game sheet,
Be sure not to start the game
And quickly press delete!

Don't be fooled by her charm,
This lady isn't sweet!
All that know her will testify,
She is a big cheat!

She is always out to win
And won't accept defeat!
So don't start a game with her
If you can't take the heat!

Her loaded dice up her nose,
Makes her hard to beat!
If you know who this is,
You'll win a prize that's really neat!

Please post your answers on the Poetry Corner DB.

Player Appreciation

We, the players at GoldToken, have made many friends, it's like the "home away from home" Those of us that run clubs, know it takes a lot of time to make sure things are running smoothly along with taking care of our personal lives.

I, personally, would like to commend tobalea. Not only is she a good friend, but she is willing to help out in the designing of special wiki's at a moment's notice. She is an expert at these. "Hat's off to you tobalea for always being there".


Testimonials Of The Month

Interview of Mykimus
  • Hey Mykimus, what brought you to GoldToken in the first place?
Well, that story goes way back in the history of the site. I used to work with the cousin of the guys that started this site when it FIRST came online. He let me know about the site, and that they were looking for people to sign up & test out the games. If I remember correctly, at that point I believe there was only chess and checkers on the site, with four in a row being added shortly thereafter. The rest, as they say, is history!

  • What is your favorite story to tell about GoldToken?
I consider this to be a testament to the awesome and unique community that is and always has been GoldToken.com! I used to play quite a few games with one specific member of GoldToken. (In fact, we still do play quite a lot.) We'd always chat quite a lot while we played, and over the course of a few months of playing games together & getting to know each other, it came out in the conversation that we lived only one city away from one another! I also learned that she owned a small cafe, so after a bit of time (and playful taunting) I decided to pay her a visit. My wife and I had breakfast at her cafe, (which was phenomenal, by the way) but they were very busy that morning and so the opportunity never arose to ask after her. So instead, I left a single gold arcade token that I had brought with me under my plate...as sort of a "phantom calling card" if you will. Smiling She gave me heck for quite some time after that for not taking the time to introduce myself, but the mystery of it all was so much fun! A while after this incident, I took a job where I had no access to the internet, so it became more difficult to keep up with my games at GoldToken and I fell away for a year or so. But as soon as I was back in a position where I was allowed to use the 'net again, I signed back up only to find an incredible surprise: my best GoldToken friend had moved away to another state and now OWNS THIS SITE! Yes, in fact, I am speaking of our very own, beloved Badger!!! :D

  • What is your favorite game to play?
I used to be a "little bit of everything" kind of guy, until I taught myself to play backgammon a few years ago. Now it's almost all I play. (Although I am SO THRILLED that Halma has been added! If anyone ever needs a fourth, please feel free to send me an invite!) Smiling If I may, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Badger and all of her support staff (as well as all of the awesome members) for keeping this site the BEST and SAFEST place to play games of any kind on the internet!

February's Poetry Contest

Me and my 12 year old son were fighting about the stupidest things for days and I couldn't seem to reach him no matter what I said. Then came this poetry contest on Goldtoken, and I was inspired by Matthew and Martin Luther King Jr. (it was Martin Luther King Jr. day and I had been hearing "I have a dream..." on the tv all day) to write a poem. That afternoon I had Matthew read the poem, and told him that hundreds of people would read this from all over the world. He read it and without saying a word, just put his head on my shoulder and cried. After a minute or two he said "I love you mama!" and we hugged very tightly! We have gotten closer ever since! I copied the poem and printed it out, there's a copy hanging on his wall in his bedroom. Every time he reads it, he gets tears in his eyes and gives me a hug. Goldtoken is more than a gamesite, and our poem was more than something to put in a contest.

Would you like to make your affection for GoldToken known? Please send your testimonials (or any other material submissions) to GoldToken Support for possible inclusion in future editions -- thank you!


  • If you would like to post special club news or announcements for your club, please send it in, in 100 words or less and spellchecked, to GoldToken Support and we will gladly add what we can, on a 1st come 1st serve basis.
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