Like Correspondence Gaming ...
Years before the Internet became popular, chess players from around the world would play against each other through the postal system. This idea spread to
many other types of games, and correspondence gaming was a great way to play against players of similar caliber, no matter the difference in location. Of course, playing this way had a few drawbacks, such as the long delay waiting for moves to arrive through the mail, and actually finding the other players who were willing to compete that way. seeks to take the
best aspects of correspondence gaming, and combine those with the
best aspects of Internet gaming!
... Only Better
We at GoldToken love variety, so if it's specific games you are looking for and specific time limits, then we are the site for you! It's all in your hands, we'll let you take as long as you want between your game moves and play whenever you want too. GoldToken offers the ability for you to customize your own time limits so that you can play at your own convenience. You don't have to be online at the same time as your opponent

and you don't have to finish a game in one sitting if you don't want to. You can spend as little as a
few minutes a week making game moves on the site, or play for
hours on end!
The option is yours! You decide if you want to stay at one comfortable time limit suited to your needs, or do a mix of time limits from fast moving turn based games, to some moderate or slow moving games, while possibly jumping in to play our super fast Head-To-Head games with other site players! We'll even keep track of all your game history for you, such as all your moves and your opponents moves, along with your stats and different ratings per game type!
Since we have thousands of players from around the world on our site, you don't have to search for an opponent if you don't want to. GoldToken not only offers a list of
Open Game Invitations from other players on the site, but we also can match you up with players of your skill set under our
Game Suggestion banner right from your main gamesheet home page. The choice is yours for the taking!

... but let's not forget about GoldToken's automated Tournaments and Ladder games! Our site tournaments and ladders are another way that GoldToken offers you an opponent and great fun. All you need to do, is find the tournament game that best suits your time needs, and join. You will then be on your way! We automatically assign you your opponent once the tournament starts. For the 3 day automatic site run Ladder games, just join the ladder you want to play in and wait for our system to assign you your opponent, once one becomes available. It's that easy!
No special software required
This site tries to use formatting that will work in almost every graphical browser, and we work well with WebTV too! Unlike some other gaming sites, you
don't have to download any programs to your computer; if you're set up to browse the Internet, you're set up to play at!
More about the site
You can also find out more about the site, directly from our
More Info tab on the log in page!