Coffee Puns
Coffee Puns

Poll assigned to board: Jest for Puns

  • The guy in front of me at the deli ordered a beef burger and a veggie burger. The order taker called out: "Two burgers. One regular and one de-calf. (31%)
  • What do you do when your partner drinks your coffee? I don’t know, but that’s certainly grounds for divorce! (25%)
  • What do you call a sad cup of coffee? A depresso. (13%)
  • What’s coffee's favourite Bob Marley song? Don’t Worry, Be Frappé. (6%)
  • What did the new barista say about her job? Working here has lots of perks. (6%)
  • She drank so much coffee at work, she considered it part of her daily grind. (6%)
  • Why did the coffee call the police? Because it was mugged. (6%)
  • I once had Michael Jackson to the house, when I asked him how he liked his coffee he said that it don't matter if it's black or it's white. (6%)
  • What’s the best Beatles’ song to play at a coffee shop? Latte Be! (0%)
Votes: 16
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