Monday-Wednesday-Friday sentences
Monday-Wednesday-Friday sentences

Poll assigned to board: Word Of The Week

  • 3. To beat the heat, the deer stayed by the river to slake his thirst. (36%)
  • 8. People who take care of their loved ones with Alzheimer's need indefatigable patience. (27%)
  • 1. The tutor at our college give us a disquisitions as a essay for our homework. (9%)
  • 5. There was a persistent noise which was indefatigable. (9%)
  • 7. A group of 3 teachers gave the class their disquisitions on the pros and cons of the American justice system. (9%)
  • 11. My whole family are consisted of indefatigable beings. LOL (9%)
  • 2. I felt indefatigable despite working hard all day until I hit my chair (0%)
  • 4. Sports drinks and water was handed out along the route to slake up the thirsts of the marathon runners. (0%)
  • 6. The disquisitions for the required class on anatomy is much more difficult than I thought. (0%)
  • 9. After mowing the lawn I had to slake my thirst. (0%)
  • 10. I had a drink of water to Slake my thirst. (0%)
Votes: 11
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