Monday-Wednesday-Friday sentences
Monday-Wednesday-Friday sentences

Poll assigned to board: Word Of The Week

  • 3. With all the vicissitudes of my life, I've grown to become a different person, yet still have many things the same (20%)
  • 16. We must experience the vicissitude of life's challenges to become a well-rounded, stronger person with good moral character. (20%)
  • 1. After a few years of retirement, she Revived her cupcake business. (10%)
  • 5. After watering my plants with Miracle Grow they revivify (10%)
  • 6. Once I had a vigor good sleep I had Revivify for a new day (10%)
  • 12. Her trip to the salon provided a stunning vicissitude in her appearance. (10%)
  • 13. After the marathon, the runners needed water, stretching, and rest to revivify. (10%)
  • 17. The vicissitude of a tomato is amazing from a bloom to a juice ripe tomato. (10%)
  • 2. Californians are use to living through periods of quiessence, but without warning earthquakes erupt. (0%)
  • 4. "After a few years of retirement, she was able to revivify her cupcake business" (0%)
  • 7. My youngest son, who is moving to Indiana today, has me realizing the sudden vicissitude his leaving will cause. (0%)
  • 8. It seems like Goldtoken on a monthly basis does revivify our games and Goldies. (0%)
  • 9. The new quarterback they recruited will help to revivify the team for the new season. (0%)
  • 10. During the daylight hours bats are quiessence but when dusk comes they come out to feed. (0%)
  • 11. After watering my plants with Miracle Grow they revivify (0%)
  • 14. Hurricanes in Florida are a Quiescence to the people who live there. (0%)
  • 15. After a hard days work I need to revivify before I can even think about eating the meal my wife prepared. (0%)
  • 18. The volcano at Hawaii is Quiescence (0%)
  • 19. The flu bug I have had Vicissitude to another phase. (0%)
  • 20. When quaranteened, the teenagers did not want a quiescence existence. (0%)
Votes: 10
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