how to play total time limitted games

This Nugget has been written by Red Panda on 19 Dec at 1:18AM

Category: Site Tips and Tricks

The following deals with the Olympics and with other total time limit games

In the Olympics, there is a 60 day total time limit, and if you don't focus on this limit, there is a possibility that by the time you realize you are in trouble you may not be able to do anything about it. Thus you need to focus from move 1

The following is how i deal with these total time limit games

a) Set your gamesheet preferences to be sorted on game type, but also click

	Display games with low timeout above all others (highly recommended)
	When enabled, games that will timeout in less than 1 day will be always displayed first.

Thus if you have any games less than 24 hours to go they will appear first, but others are grouped by game type

b) Look at the top of your list and see whether you have games going to time out in less than 2 hours. play those first.. games more than 2 hours to go but no total time are not a priority for you , you need to manage the total time, every minute could be critical

c) scroll down to the location of the game type that you are playing (eg cribbage) and select one game from there.. when you save your move select "save and go to next similar game" not "save"
this will mean you will play all of those games from the tournament first. WHen you finish that game type, scroll to the next game in the olympics you are playing.

d) I focus on my longer olympic games first.. e.g dominoes as you may need to move hundreds of time within the 60 days. When I finish playing all of one gmae type, i check again to see if those longer games are already appeared.

e) If you find you have done a move, and your opponent has done a move straight back. Don't be frustrated at your lack of ability to clear other games,but use at as an opportunity to do quite a few moves in a row to take the total time out the equation. Playing 20 moves within one hour takes a lot of pressure off the total game clock.

f) try to play a manageable amount of games that you can clear most of your games in one day of play. If you have a too large backlog then you may struggle

g) if you become in danger on total time, look for the times that your opponent plays, and try to be around at the same time to get several moves done

h) have fun
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