This is why the old Salvo should be back, and what Salvo is about

This Nugget has been written by Manpower on 28 Mar at 12:17PM

Category: Salvo

Salvo is kind of a war game. Imagine you beeing the Admiral, and you have a fleet of ships. You are facing another great admiral, also with a big fleet. So, how can you maximise the odds for you to win the battle ?
First off, you must send out a scout. The scout tracks down the information about the other Admiral. What is his habits he never leaves ? How does he use to set up his fleet ? What his strenghts and what is his weakness ? When he attacks, how does he shoot ?

Your scout then report back to you, telling where you should put your fleet. He also tells where it is most likely that your enemies fleet will be, and if he uses to put up the boats in a pattern or not.

First then will you be ready to attack. With this background information nothing can stop you. You will most likely win. If not, you really should fire your scout.

This is what Salvo is to me. By adding the "place your fleet randomly" button to the game, you no longer need your scout. It is like the other Admiral is really gone mad, since his fleet never can be found in a pattern. It is like randomly shoot a cannon ball in a big ocean, while you are blind-folded.

Keep the new Salvo-additions. They are great. But bring back the "old" Salvo game as well. Then you will complete the Goldtoken Site Smiling
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Nugget Comments

Posted on 23 Jan at 1:10PM by Jane

Setting up my fleet of boats I prefer to alter from time to time. It seems to me that set up by hand according to what I feel best and set up randomly works the best.