Corners, corners, corners

This Nugget has been written by The Viking on 26 Jan at 2:37PM

Category: Outbreak

A tip from the Cold north...

Do not underestimate the importance of getting control over the corners in the endgame. It can turn the game in the end.
I learned that the hard way when I played Gnahaha back in 2005 when I first started playing in tournaments. He was a great player back then. But after I learned how to control the corners in the endgame I was finally able to beat him...Smiling
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Nugget Comments
Another tip

Posted on 26 Oct at 4:30PM by JerNYC

Don't always go for the most obvious move to take over the most pieces. Keep in mind that your opponent only needs one piece to do a lot of damage. So, try to resist the temptation to only focus on taking over pieces. It's a long game that requires patience and constant awareness of your opponent's position.