
This Nugget has been written by aprildawn on 2 Dec at 9:39AM

Category: Senet

The main piece of advice that I try to tell players in Senet if I see they are new to the game is to stay away from the wavy lines or the water. If you get in the water it will put you back to the row before and you have to move your man all those squares again which could be a win or loss for you. If you are on the square before the wavy lines and roll a 1, move one of your other men. The only time I will move my man to the water when I roll a 1 is when it is my last man. And I do alot of crossing my fingers hoping that will not happen but it does happen sometimes.

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Nugget Comments
One Chasing Two

Posted on 14 Feb at 3:29PM by Robyn Hode

Here's a rule I usually follow: Never try to run two pieces from one piece. Most of the time that one piece will catch one of two pieces and will be close behind the other. Better just to jettison the trailing piece and run one home.