Amplified In-Game Help Box

This Nugget has been written by M3 on 26 Apr at 3:53PM

Category: Site Tips and Tricks

Below the line is my suggestion for making the yellow Help box found with each game more readable by strategic use of boldface and/or underlining to draw the eye to critical words. The word "Help" is already boldfaced. (This particular example is from a game of Go 19x19. I take issue with the word "squares" but leave that for another Nugget.) The word "rules" is a hyperlink. Is making such a word boldfaced harder?


It is not your turn. Please wait for your opponent to move.

The squares on the board show the last move.

You may look at the rules if you have any questions about how to play.

This is game #7730056. It has a time limit of 3 days per turn. If a player fails to make a move in time, that player forfeits the game.The next move must be made within 2 days 20 hours to avoid a timeout.

Please familiarize yourself with our Timeouts rationale.

This game affects Friendly ratings.
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Nugget Comments

Posted on 8 Apr at 10:04AM by DoubleU

Is this a troubleshooting issue, then? I thought these "nuggets" were for advice to other players.
Slight Misuse of Nugget Acknowledged

Posted on 22 Jan at 9:05AM by M3

2017-01-22, Sunday
Yes, this was done as a way to suggest a new feature, and this website has places to do such things on its Wiki Web, for example [ Feature requests ].
Please accept my apology for handling it the wrong way.
On the bright side I think that part of my suggestion was accepted. I think that one's time left is boldfaced when one has less than a day left.