Welcome to the "Psychic Envoy'
home of the Paranormal based on the very name used from the 'Institute of Psycho energetics'[mind energies].
We are under construction right now but are open for sign ups for memberships...
come in and start relating
any Paranormal event you experienced.
Keep in mind that people who have never had a Para-normal event have no reason to believe[they are correct]why should they believe however,
for those and there are many of us that have had one or many Paranormal events, we are [IN FACT]real believers.\it is this pro and con which leads to intelligent conversations and learning things from each others experiences...I, myself will relate those occurrences that signaled me out for an assortment of 'The Paranormal:.\\
we will also, discuss be protected/ being grounded/being centered/ and proper method on experimenting with certain exercises and meditations in the Psychic realm.
the area of chakras[wheels of energy-visual image]
new tournament
The Apr 2022 — KJs CHESSARAMA April Fools victory day Tournament
in the body.
we have all seen movies please forget the movies, they are made to sell tickets and get ratings for TV series/books and ect...
so you know I have background in Parapsychology/Hypnosis/Biofeedback/teaching/doing readings in night clubs-had a following]
Martial Arts since the 5th grade[open psychic centers in the physical body[/I was trained in Hypnotherapy for 6 years/Sports Improvement and image and self-image manifestations/Psychic development classes Chakra and running energy through the body and many other things...
please listen to all people s everybody has something of importance to say...
remember...just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it isn't there...
right now around you are AM/FM radio waves but you can't see them...right now there is good and bad bacteria on your skin but you can't see it...right now there is mold/mildew and other things in the air but you cannot see them...[our immune system has this purpose].
We are our nature, we are no one else.
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(unknown photo)
NEW CLUB for Grand Chess Dice