Comfort food Club Dipole Players
SeatNameClub ChallengeInvite
1.sweeteyes [ invite ]
2.TN-T [ invite ]
3.Friday2008 [ invite ]
Comfort food Club Members
[ send message ] [ invite ] Friday2008
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] sweeteyes
[ send message ] [ invite ] TN-T (Club Owner)
Comfort food Club Information
Comfort food is like your favorite blanket. It simply make you feel good and can actually relive your stress. This club is were you can post your favorite comfort food recipe to share with others. Also you can post cooking tips and tricks. This club is were you can feel like you are at home in your own kitchen so relax and enjoy cooking your favorite recipe. If you lost a recipe or need one just ask i am sure some one will help you. If you have some good idea's for the club go right ahead and post them.
Club Officers
Club Owner: TN-T
This club is open for anyone to join. However, you do not currently have the required Silver Level Membership needed to join a club. You will need to purchase a Silver Level Membership if you want to join this club.