GERM WARFARE Blackhole Outbreak Players
SeatNameClub ChallengeInvite
1.golfnutrof [ invite ]
2.jd91 [ invite ]
3.grade1teacher [ invite ]
4.adrien [ invite ]
5.Dru [ invite ]
6.Road Runner [ invite ]
7.jamchug [ invite ]
8.The Viking [ invite ]
9.Hamsarnie [ invite ]
[ send message ] [ invite ] adrien
[ send message ] [ invite ] Dru
[ send message ] [ invite ] golfnutrof (President)
[ send message ] [ invite ] grade1teacher
[ send message ] [ invite ] Hamsarnie
[ send message ] [ invite ] jamchug
[ send message ] [ invite ] jd91
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Road Runner (Club Owner)
[ send message ] [ invite ] The Viking
GERM WARFARE Information

Orange Outbreak VirusWelcome Purple Outbreak Virus To Yellow Outbreak Virus The GERM WARFARE Club's Red Outbreak Virus Home Green Outbreak virus Page Blue Outbreak Virus

The aim is to make this THE CLUB for the best Outbreak players at Gold Token. Any player who enjoys the game and thinks they qualify is welcomed to contact us.

If you would like to join...First, play in as many open GT Tournaments as you can to learn the strategy and then if interested, challenge some of our members. After that, send a message to Road Runner or golfnutrof about joining. Good luck and good gaming! Thumbs up
Games we playClub entry is based on the Outbreaks, however we have other game indulgences as well, feel free to invite us to a club challenge to any of our teams

Club Officers
Club Owner: Road Runner
President: golfnutrof
Our Games
Joining these sub-clubs allows you to challenge other members to games.
Go Moku
Outbreak Ataxx
Blackhole Outbreak
Large Outbreak
Small Outbreak
Our Teams
Teams participate in inter-club challenges and inter-club ladders.
Go Moku
Outbreak Ataxx
Blackhole Outbreak
Large Outbreak
Small Outbreak
Our Ladders