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Switch to digital TV
Our government, which is supposed to be reviving the economy, is working hard on another project. They want to make sure that all Americans have the constitutionally guaranteed right to excellent television reception.
That’s right! The Senate has revived the bill to delay the transition to DTV. Stations have already begun to dismantle their analog equipment and make the change. 94.4% of Americans say they are ready for the switch. That leaves 5.6% percent who say they aren’t. I say we don’t worry about them. There are more people who are ready for DTV than vote in your average national election.
The ones that are left probably fall into three categories:

1. They are putting of buying a TV or a box as long as possible because they are procrastinators
2. They just want to play around with the pollster
3. They don’t own a television. I have heard that about 2% of people don’t own a TV but I got the off Google so I don’t know if it’s accurate.

If these people have not done anything about it now, more time will not make a difference.
Maybe it’s part of a conspiracy.
If the government can keep us fat and happy watching “American Idol” they can govern without us making any comment. Then they can do whatever we want while we concentrate on voting off the person who sings Johnny Cash the best!
Written on 30 Jan 2009 at 1:58PM
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Letter to the new President
Congratulations on your achievement as the first black man to hold the highest office in our country. It shows that we have come a long way that some people voted based on ideas rather than skin color; a woman president cannot be far behind.

I, however, am not filled with a sense of hope like the rest of the nation. I guess I am just a cynic. Your victory was not a mandate or a landslide, 46% of the nation voted for the Republican candidate. If they were like me, they thought he was a better choice because he wasn’t Obama.

It has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Although I am sure there are still think in that horrible way. It has nothing to do with the fact you never served in the military.

Here are the three reasons I could not vote for you in no particular order.
1.Abortion and your voting record on the issue. How can we give all children an opportunity if they aren’t born?
2.Lack of experience. You served in the senate for four years and spent two years of it campaigning. Before that you were a community organizer. I think a mayor has more hands-on experience then either of those jobs.
3.My pocketbook. Your answer to everything is more government. How will we get out of the recession? Bailout! How will we fix the problems in our schools? More government mandated programs! This stuff costs money. You talk about history, look at what actually brought us out of the great depression. It wasn’t government programs like the WPA, it was the sudden need to build the machines of war. I don’t like that solution; war should not be the answer to this. But there are plenty of economists who have looked at the numbers and analyzed it with the 20/20 vision that only history provides. And they don’t give Hoover’s or FDR’s policies credit for our economic improvement.

I respect the amount of work and dedication it has taken you to get elected as President. I respect the office, but I can’t say that I am full of the “Audacity of Hope” as you define it. I hope that you will be wise enough to really listen to the dissenting opinion on the big issues that will face you. I hope that you really will be able to protect us from the terrorists out there without compromising our democracy with too many socialist ideas. I hope that there will be someone in your administration who is not looking at the world through rose-colored glasses who will tell you the other side of the issue.
Good luck and may God be with you, Mr. President.
Written on 20 Jan 2009 at 12:51PM
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