Sign a sympathy card for Billy2448

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bill2448 Lost his beloved father on the 13th of March. He is such an inspiration to us all with his blog entries and his poems. Please let him know just how much he means to us all. Thank you so very much!

"The Passing Of A Loved One"

Sadness surrounds you when recalling your life,
Your happy times, sad times,and even your strife;
You ponder a moment,and still deep in thought,
Remember the blessings, the ones that THEY brought!

Losing a loved one is so hard to bear,
Sadness... breathtaking, you feel it's not fair;
But, once you get passed this,and i promise you will,
Memories will shine through you'll pass that steep hill!

One day we will all meet those taken today,
Carry on with your life and remember to pray;
Comfort and strength is what we will pray for,
Then someday we'll meet through God's Heavenly Door!

May God Be with you and your family today, tomorrow and always... AMEN!
Sincerely, Beckie B


My dear friend bill2448,

Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how much your father meant to you.
You know I'm always here if you need to talk.

My heart knows your sorry I lost my Father a short time ago its left a void that can't be fill...
there nothing else I could say that will HELP(sorry I'm late seeing this notice)



Susie let me know about your Father passing. She said she would sign the condolence card for both of us.
I wanted to write to you myself. You have been a very dear friend to her and I know during this time it's been tough for
you and I just wanted you to know you have my prayers as well.
Thank you for always being there for her and please know we are both here for you if you so need us.
Take care and God Bless you. Steve.


Billy, I am so sorry for your loss. Hugging

bill2448 I am so sorry for your loss, Hugging
you in my prayers always.
I am here for you if you ever need to talk.


bill2448 I am so sorry to know of the pain you feel with the loss of your father.
Always remember that your friends here care for you.


so sorry to hear of the loss of your deepest sympathies for you and your family Hugging

bill2448 I am so sorry to know of the pain you feel with the loss of your father.
Always remember that your friends here care for you.
stormy rebel


I am so sorry to hear of your loss bill2448. It is never easy to lose a family member. Just know that we are all here for you. Group hug

Mary aka Badger
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