Bowling for Back Rules and Scoring

Bowling for Back Rules and Scoring

Tournament page:
[ Nukkle Dragger's Bowling for Back 1 ]

This tournament will be scored using the rules of Bowling (Ten Pin as played in the U.S.)

A game of bowling consists of ten "frames", and in each frame you get two throws to knock down ten pins. You can score a "strike" (all pins on the first ball), a "spare" (all pins in two balls) or an "Open" which means pins were still standing after two balls.

For further discussion of bowling scoring see

You will score "marks" (Strikes and Spares) for wins, and open frames for losses. The points are detailed in the table below.

1. Each round is scored as a frame in bowling
2. non-elimination - all players play 10 frames
3. 2 day ~~~> TWO DAY <~~~ loss of game.
4. First named player invites, puts in the game numbers and chooses color.
5. Winner has highest score after 10 frames
6. To keep things moving, a new frame will be started about every two weeks, even if all the games from the previous frame are not completed. Scores will be backfilled as the games are completed.
7. If you timeout twice the moderator reserves the right to drop you from the tournament.
8. Contact Nukkle Dragger with any question or issues.


As with bowling, your score will improve if you can manage to put strings of "Marks" (strikes or spares) in a row, and if you can manage to get high numbers on your first ball after a spare.

Your score for each frame is based on the number of pips remaining, with a bonus for a gammon or backgammon.

A strike is signified by an "X", and a Spare by a "/"

BackGammonX*0 0
GammonX*0 2
1-54 /9 0
6-104 /8 1
11-205 /8 0
21-306 /6 1
31-407 /5 1
41-508 /4 1
51-609 /3 1
61+X3 0
No invite or invite timeout5 /0 0

*For a Gammon(4) or Backgammon(10), the winner will get Bonus Pins that carry over into the next frame(s) which can improve the score in the next frame. For example, one bonus pin would turn a 9 \ into a strike. Bonus pins can be used for up to 2 pins per ball, i.e 3 bonus pins will convert a 6 1 to an 8 /, or 4 bonus pins will convert a 3 1 into a 5 3. Bonus pins will be rolled over to the next frame until used up. This makes gammons and backgammons very powerful in improving your score!

The tenth frame has special scoring:

Open - Scores the same.
Spare - Additional ball is the same as the first ball ( i.e. and 8 / becomes an 8 / 8)
Strike - becomes a X 9 /
Gammon - becomes a X X n, where n is based on the pips left
Backgammon - X X X

Don't resign games! Your scoring will suffer!

If this all seems too complicated, don't worry about it, Nukkle Dragger will keep track of the scoring.

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This page was last edited by Nukkle Dragger at 7:32AM on 17 July 2005

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