Questionable Grabble Words

* 10-19-2015 - _A note from { Player#670 }_ This questionable word list is checked as time allows. Some words take longer to research, and discuss, than others. Such is the case with the English Language! As noted below, /we cannot guarantee a timely response to such a request, nor will the game play be paused while we consider the request; in other words you must still make your move before the time runs out/. _*Writing to { Player#39813 } to pressure the "Word Smith Team" will NOT make this process faster, nor will we respond to any such messages.*_


| -------- *WARNING: /_Only_ the Grabble Crew may remove words./* -------- |
| Anyone found deliberately removing other members' words from the /Questionable Grabble Words/ list may lose their wiki editing abilities. |
* If the system rejects a word which you feel is a valid word, you may request that we add that word to our dictionary, but *we cannot guarantee a timely response to such a request, nor will the game play be paused while we consider the request; in other words you must still make your move before the time runs out*.
*** Please also let us know words that should be removed.
==Please post your /Questionable English Grabble Words/ here for the Grabble Crew to look up

* Please do not post any more 2 letter words. All allowable ones have been checked and no more will be added for a while. A list of all allowable ones that can be played, found here... { Info#37 }... scroll to the bottom. Hg
===We are using the following printed dictionaries:
* (US) *The American Heritage* 4th edition
*** American Heritage:
* (UK) *The Chambers Dictionary* 9th Edition
*** Chambers:
* Both may be searched online though the online versions contain fewer words.
==What kinds of words are not valid?
* Grabble does not allow abbreviations, short forms, acronyms, slang, non English words, proper nouns, infractions, interjections, prefixes or suffixes unless it forms a word in its own right, variant spellings, alternative spellings, obscure/obsolete words, or words not found in a modern dictionary.
* *Any word that is not allowed on the discussion boards will not be allowed in Grabble either so please, do not even ask*.

[ Other words ] <~~ This is for words that have previously been checked.
| *Questionable Word* |*Brief comment on why it should or should not be allowed* |
| vaping |/Done/ to smoke using a vape |
| estrones |/Done - hormones/ please add plural |
| refect/s |/Done/ to refresh |
| incant |/Done/ to chant or intone |
| zit |/Not Valid - Slang/ |
| bolson/s |/Done/ an arid valley |
| oxters |/Done/ oxter is acceptable - armpit - we have 2 |
| futz |/Not Valid - Slang/ Verb: to waste time; idle or busy oneself aimlessly ; Meriam-Webster and |
| dinner |/Valid and Currently Working - Please check game type and connections/ noun; the evening meal |
| oblasts |/Done - administrative districts/ |
| alunite/s |/Done/ please add plural |
| veinlets |/Done/ please add plural |
| enolases |/Done/ please add plural |
| acquirer |/Done/ |
| grottier |/Done/ more grotty |
| silane |/Done/ colorless gas |
| meloids |/Done - beetles/ |
| max |/Not Valid - abbreviation/ |
| jew |/Not Valid - Proper noun/ |
| doona |/Done/ a duvet . Australian |
| oaty |/Currently working - please check game type and connections/ |
| goner |/Not Valid - slang/ |
| yum |/Not Valid - interjection/ |
| pranged |/Done - crashed/ past tense of prang |
| USA |/Not Valid - abbreviation/ |
| prian |/Not Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary/ As noted on the Grabble DB - eliphont551 |
| quo |/Not Valid - Not found in either accepted dictionary/ |
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This revision was made by heyred72 at 6:19PM on 16 April 2024

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