The best Paraprosdokian Sentence ending for "Time flies like an arrow............" is:
The best Paraprosdokian Sentence ending for "Time flies like an arrow............" is:

Poll assigned to board: Paraprosdokian Sentences

  • if we could only get it to make a u-turn. (36%)
  • butter flies like a flower. (18%)
  • But It keeps missing the target. (18%)
  • and my butt is the target. (9%)
  • Straight passed my head, leaving me dizzy and asking, where did it go?! (9%)
  • By the time I get my fly swatter the pesky things are gone. (5%)
  • .... unless you believe in reincarnation... then it's more like a boomerang. (5%)
  • but I stop on a dime.. (0%)
  • And it wized right passed my head. (0%)
Votes: 22
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