Xiphias Invasion Information

Welcome to_~~~~Xiphias_~~~~invasion

Drone Soldier Captain

Sign-up for the latest club Auto-tournament


CaptainSoldierDroneSite tournaments in sign-upDroneSoldierCaptain

The Xiphias Competition in The July 2015 — 3-day, no divisions — NO DAYS OFF Tournament

The Xiphiastoo Competition in The Aug 2015 — 3-day round robin — DIVISIONS Tournament
The Xiphiastoo Competition in The Aug 2015 — Multiplayer tourney
The Xiphiastoo Competition in The July 2015 — 3-week round robin — SLOWPOKE Tournament
The Xiphiastrey Competition in The Aug 2015 — 3-week round robin — SLOWPOKE Tournament

The July 2015: Xiphiasteym (6 players) Tournament
The June 2015 — Multiplayer, Xiphiasteym Tournament
The Xiphiasyn Competition in The Aug 2015 — 3-day round robin — NO DIVISIONS Tournament

The Xiphiasyn Competition in The June 2015 — 3-day round robin — DIVISIONS Tournament

(unknown photo)

This club is open to anyone who would like to play!

And learn!


Please mark the subscribe box next to to the discussion boards (with little red check marks)
So you get notified when a new post is made

Drone Tournaments in sign-up Drone

Site Tournaments TBA





Club tournaments in progress

Xiphias Invasion Xiphiastoo Players
Xiphias Invasion Members
[ send message ] [ invite ] (steelbound)
[ send message ] [ invite ] Ahhnanas
[ send message ] [ invite ] beachcomber
[ send message ] [ invite ] Big Giant Head
[ send message ] [ invite ] chaosagent
[ send message ] [ invite ] DavidJ
[ send message ] [ invite ] golfnutrof
[ send message ] [ invite ] jfromfl
[ send message ] [ invite ] Jools (Vice Pres)
[ send message ] [ invite ] M3 (President)
[ send message ] [ invite ] Mecir
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] rabbitoid (President)
[ send message ] [ invite ] sallyp
[ send message ] [ invite ] samoy2e (Club Owner)
[ send message ] [ invite ] Sir Face of the GoldTable
[ send message ] [ invite ] steve111
[ send message ] [ invite ] TexasToest
[ send message ] [ invite ] Tezcatlipoca
[ send message ] [ invite ] thebodywall
Club Officers
Club Owner: samoy2e
President: M3
President: rabbitoid
Vice Pres: Jools
This club is open for anyone to join. However, you do not currently have the required Silver Level Membership needed to join a club. You will need to purchase a Silver Level Membership if you want to join this club.